Ramaashtaka Krithis of Sri Dikshithar --Third Krithi
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Mon Oct 28 1996 - 19:19:19 PST
MAANJI RAAGA KRITHI ************************** Sri Dikshithar composed a beautiful krithi in Ragam Maanji , which is a janya ragam of Nata Bhairavi . There are a lot of ideas here that recall the Krithis of a great Rama Bhaktha, who was a contemproary of Sri Dikshithar by the well known name of Thyagaraja SwamigaL . The Maanji krithi is a tribute to the bewitching beauty of Sri Rama and reminds one of the many krithis of Saint Thyagaraja such as " Mohana Ramaa mukhajita Somaa " in Ragam Mohanam, Sundaratara Deham Vandeham Raamam " in ragam PanthuvaraaLi , " Kana Kana Ruchi tara " in Ragam VaraaLi , " Naapaali Sri Rama Bhupaalaka Sthoma " in Navaros Ragam , where he salutes the matchless beauty of Sri Rama as more than that of crores of Manmatha : " Koti Manmathulaina Saatigaa Nee Sogasu , Naadiunnithi Madhini medi Sri Raamaa" . Sri Dikshitar sings about this Athi LaavaNya Raman in his Maanji Krithi . The Sahitya VaakyangaL are as follows : PALLAVI : RAMACHANDRENA SAMRAKSHITHOHAM (SITAA) ANUPALLAVI : RAMAA BHARATHEE GOWREE RAMANA SVARUPENA SRI CHARANAM : KAAMAKOTI SUNDARENA KAMANEEYA KANTHARENA KOMALA GANA SHYAAMENA KODHANDARAAMENA MAAMAKA HRUDHAYA STHITENA MAARUTHI GITAAMRUTENA MAANJI MANI MANDITHA MADH GURUGIHA MAANITHENA (SRI SITAA) In Pallavi , Sri Dikshitar reveals that he is well protected by the Dayaasaagaran , who has taken the vow to protect every one, who sought the refuge of His lotus feet once . In Anupallavi , Sri Dikshitar touches on the thoughts made famous by Sadguru Thyagaraja swamigal in his krithis such as " Paramaathmudu " in raga vagadhEswari , " Mummurthulu Gumigoodi " in Raga AtaaNa , "Dvaitamu Sukhamaa " in Ragam Reethigowlai . In these Krithis, Sadguru points out that Sri Rama, his Ishta Daivam sports in the form of Trimurthys and far exceeds them in KalyaNa guNaas . He points out that Sri Ramachandra is the Antharyaami Brahman empowering the trimurthys and bidding them to carry out their duties as creator, protector and destroyer . After relegating all these uninteresting works to the Trimurthys , Sri Rama according to Thyagaraja concentrates on His Varada or Boon giving aspect . In the Ritigowali krithi , Sadguru states that Sri Rama is sporting in this universe as gods like Vishnu , Brahma and Siva. In the Vagadheeswari song , he salutes Sri Rama as the Paramathma, who shines as the antharyaami of Hari , Hara and Devas (Hariyata Haradata surulata --akhilaanda kotilata yantharilO Paramaathmudu velagu mucchata bhaaga telusukorE ) . In his Ataanaa krithi , " Mummurthulu " , Saint of Thiruvaiaaru says that the Trimurthys were dumbfounded when they found that Sri Rama's guNaas outweighed their own on weighing. They sang His praise as the supreme among them and were at a loss to understand how a mere son of a king could possess those guNaas. Sri Dikshitar tersely summarizes the above thoughts of Saint Thyagaraja ,when he salutes in Anupallavi : " Ramaa Bharathee Gowree RamaNa svarupeNa Sri RamachandreNa Samrakshithoham ". Ramaa RamaNan is Vishnu; Bharathi RamaNan is Brahma and Gowree RamaNan is Siva . Sri Dikshitar recognizes Sri Rama as the one who has the svarupam of Trimurthys through his residence in them as Antharyaami . In the charana Vaakyams , Sri Dikshitar eulogizes the beauty of Sri Rama as being superior to crores of Manmathaas . The effulgence of this Mega SyamaLa murthy sporting His mighty Kodhandam in His hand captivates Sri Dikshitar. He states that the majestic mien of Sri Rama is enshrined in his heart. Sri Dikshitar also visualizes Sri Rama enjoying the nectar like VeeNaa music of His dear devotee, Hanumaan. Sri Dikshitar places his raga Mudra and the composer's mudra in the last line of Charana Vaakyam this way : " Maanji MaNi manditha madh Guruguha Maanithena Sri Sita Ramachandrena Samrakshithoham " . He pays tribute to his Upaasanaa murthy, Guru Guhan , the nephew of Sri Raama . He places his Guru Guhan in a Mantapam decorated with the precious stones of Maanji ( Svarasthaana Devathais ) and states that SubrahmaNyan pays homage to His uncle , Sri Sita Sametha Ramachandran. I close this posting with two slokams of Sri Rama KarNaamrutham of a Kanchi Kamakoti Peetaathipathi : SRIRAMACHANDRETHI SALAKSHMANETHI NEELOTHPALA SYAAMALA KOMALETHI I AKOROSAYUKTHAA TVADHUNAIVA JIHVAA SITAAPATEH RAAGHAVA RAAGHAVETHI II VEDA VEDANTHAVEDYAAYA MEGASYAAMALA MURTHAYEH I PUMSAAM MOHANARUPAAYA PUNYA SLOKAAYA MANGALAM II Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan
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