vEngadam or vengadam, kO= Lord, gO = Cow etc.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Oct 26 1995 - 08:28:50 PDT

>From: "Sampath Rengarajan" 
>kO maathaa - is a popular term referred to and used in Tamil for holy cow .
>> in Tamil certainly carries a meaning as cow !

Most Sanskrit words are valid words in Tamil. So I do not see any
controversy. Because of the two different origins, some people
without knowledge of Tamil are likely to misinterpret meanings.

From: (Vijay Triplicane)
Subject: thiruppathy
>I think it is vENGgadam (with a nedil vE). That is how it is written for

Vijayaraghavan is indeed correct. I was wrong. The short form vengada
must be of the British time anglicization.

There are 148 occurances of vEngadam in the naalaayiram of the azhvaars.
none of short 'e' vengadam. Even silappadikaram calls it vEngadam and
not vengadam.

K. Srinivasan