Re: Types of arguments (Vaada, Jalpa, Vitanda)
From the Bhakti List Archives
kuntimaddi sadananda • Thu Oct 03 2002 - 04:13:38 PDT
--- Dodge Ramwrote: > > > Hi All, > Could someone please shed light into the > differences of the above three modes of > arguing ? > > adiyein, > Sri Ramanuja Dasan > There are actually four types of discussions - samvaada, vaada, jalpa and vitanDa. samvaada is the discussion between the teacher and the taught as in shree krishna-arujuna samvaada. The student does not question the teacher but questions his understanding for clarification. This type of discussion can occur only when the student surrenders himself compleately at the feet of the teacher. Vaada - is the discussion between two equals - the purpose is to settle what is the truth. Both come to the table for discussion with an open mind and the discussion is based on some accepted pramaaNa - of the authority - for vedanata the pramaaNa-s are specifically the prasthaanatraya - the Vedas, Bhagavad Geeta and Brahmasuutra. There are judges to insure the discussion proceeds along the accepted pramaaNa-s The discussion proceeds until one accepts the other arguments. Some time the discussions can take days - as in the famous discussion between Shankara and Mandana Misra which was supposed to have lasted for 18 days till Mandana Misra accepted defeat and became Shankara's disciple. Mandana Misra's wife, Bharati, who was a scholar by herself was supposed to have served as a judge for that vaada. Jalpa is where each discussors comes to the table with preconceived notion that he is right and the other fellow is worng. The other fellow also comes with the same notion. The purpose of the discussion is only to conver the other fellow to his camp. There is no knowledge that takes place in these discussions. Even if one is loosing his arguments, he only goes and comes back with more ammunition to defend himself. Only lot of noise. But those who are bystander can learn the defect in each of their orguments and they can learn out of these discussions if they do not have nay preconceived notions. Now a days when I hear any discussions among an adviatins, vishishhTaadvaitins and dvaitins, I find it mostly as jalpa than vaada. Vitanda - is some what peculier. In these discussions one is ready to take up the other fellows arguments, which he himself does not believ in, but orgues against the other fellow just to prove that he is wrong. This is also accepted arguments and is used very effectively to prove there is no credibility for the opponent. You are wrong, not becuase the stament by itself is worng but it is wrong because you made that statement. Hari OM! Sadananda ===== What you have is His gift to you and what you do with what you have is your gift to Him - Swami Chinmayananda. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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