Re: Oonjal paTTu lyrics needed

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Oct 23 2000 - 11:20:01 PDT

At 06:23 PM 10/22/00 +0530, you wrote:
>		SrImaTyaI GoDayaI Nama:
>Can someone provide me with the complete lyrics of the Oonjal paTTu on
>Nachiyar which is frequently sung in Temples and in the marriage
> i remember the first few lines which probably go like this
>	Thiruvaranga Nayakiyaay aadidum Oonjal.
>	Thirukodhai Nayakiyaay aadidum oonjal
>Ramanuja dasan
>Venkat S Iyengar

Dear Sri Venkat Iyengar:

There are two Oonjal PaadalkaL:

(1) for Sri ranganAyakar by PiLLai PerumAL Iyengar
There are more than 2 dozen Verses with 8 lines each.
Usaully people sing 4 of them:

It starts this way :

ThiruvAzhat-ThiruvAzhi Sankham Vaazhat-
  Thiruvananthan Garudan SenyaarkOn Vaazha 
aruL MaaRan mudalAmAzhwarkaL Vaazha 
  Irunaalu ThiruvezhuthtinnERam Vaazha 
YEzhulahu NaamaRayuminithu Vaazhap-
  peru Vaazhvu tantharuLum PerumAL! YenkaL
Periya perumAL ! ArangA ! Aadiroosal ..(1)

(2) The Oonjal Paadal for Sri RanganAyaki 
composed by Sri KonEri Appanaiyengar goes this way:

NeerAzhi niRattharangar adikaL Vaazha 
  nedu makudappaNi Vaazhak karudan Vaazha
pErAzhi selutthiya SenayrkOn vaazhap
  pEy-bhUthan-Poykai mathar pathinmar vaazha
OrAzhik kathir vaazhat ThingaL Vaazha
  UmmadiyAr miha Vaazha-vulaham vaazha
SeerAzhi Sankhu Gathai silai vaaL Vaazha(c)
  Sriranga NaayakiyAr ! AadirUsal !....(1)

The beginning line of the next three verses are:

Thungamalar pantharin keezhp padhumarAhat---(2)

Kadimalaru madhkaramumnkuzhalilAda --(3)

Kalaimadanathai VaNankiyoru vadam thottAdak..(4)

It will be better to have these printed in Tamil
Script by some one familiar with the creation of 
Adwani-Tamil Script software. I do not know
how to create that Tamil script.

The subtle movement of the various AabharaNams
adorning the limbs of Sri RanganAyaki are 
described in Verse 3 by Sri Koneri Kavi
as She moves to the rhythym of the swing 
rocked by the Daasi GaNam (Sarasvathi,
VaLLi , Paarvathi , IndrANi and others). 

Hope this helps as an Introduction .





           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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