GS: Chapter 4: Second Shatkam
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Nov 19 1995 - 14:44:21 PST
CHAPTER 4: SECOND SHATKAM OF GEETHARTHA SANGRAHAM ************************************************************************* Chapters 7-12 are summarized by Alavandaar in his second Shatkam. After condensing the essence of the first six chapters(Vishaada Yogam, Saankya Yogam, Karma Yogam, Jnana- Karma- Sanyasa Yogam , Sanyasa Yogam and Dhyana Yogam ), Alavandaar summarized the next six chapters in his second shatkam. The names of the chapters of this shatkam are Jnana--Vigyana , Akshara Brahma,Raja Vidhya-Raja Guhya,Vibhuti yogas , Viswaroopa darsana Adhyaaya and Bhakti Yogam respectively. THE SEVENTH CHAPTER :JNANA--VIGYANA YOGAM *********************************************************** Alavandaar"s summary of the essence of this chapter emerged as the following verse: SVAYAATAATMYAM PRAKRITHYAASYA TIRODHI: SARANAAGATHI: I BHAKTABHEDA: PRABUDDHASYA SRAISHTYAM SAPTHAMA UCHYATE II Swami Desikan brings the thoughts contained in Alavandaar"s words pregnant with meaning such as "Svayaataatmyam" and Prabuddhah:" through his own brilliant Tamil Verse: TAAN NINRA UNMAYAYAI TAN TANI MAYAYAI MARAITTHAMAYUM TAAN ANRI MAYAYAI TANAI TAVIRPAAN VIRAHU ARRAMAIYUM I MEL NINRA BHAKTARGAL NAALVARIL JNANI TAN MENMAIGALUM TEHN NINRA SEM KAZHALAAN TELIVITTHANAN PARTHANUKKEH II Swami Desikan states that the Lord with the feet that is beautiful like the honey-laden Lotus clarifiedfor Arjunan his secret as the supreme being , distinct from chetanam(Jeevan) and Achetanam (Inanimate) and yet containg them (Ucchishta Brahma or the Sesha-seshi principle of Vedas).He explained further that he is the cause of both chetanam and Achetanam. They reach laya(union) inside Him. He is the abode of all auspicious attributes such as Jnanam. He is the supreme Lord and the Maya (Prakriti made up of Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas attributes) of His hides his Glory from the Chetanas. He pointed out that His Maya transforms into body and the Karma and Jnana Indriyas(faculties and Limbs).Thus Swami Summarizedthe First half of Alavandaar"s verse onthe seventh chapter. Then he goes on to say that the way to overcome ther Maya Of the Lord is to seek refuge at His lotus feet. He elaborates further on the four kinds/groups of people of this world, who offer their worship to the Lord: (1)Aarthan (2) Arthaarthi (3) Jignyasu and (4) Jnanai. The first category (Aarthan) is represented by one ,who lost his material wealth and wishes to get it back. The Arthaarthi wishes to obtain wealth for the first time . The Jignyasu wishes to obtain pure Atma Svaroopam , free from Prakriti an dworships the Lord for that boon. The fourth is the one dearest to the Lord among all the four. They all worship the Lord alone, but for different reasons.These four categories are rare in the world to begin with compared to the majority, who do not even approach the Lord in a single minded fashion.They worship other lesser Gods for meaningless gifts. The first threee attached to the Lord until their receive their boons. The Jnanai however is steadfastly attached to the Lord.He does not ask for any fruits for his devotion.The Lord also is extraordinarily attached to the Jnanai , who can not live for even one moment without HIM Hence , the Jnani becomes as it were the life force of the Lord.Jnani understands clearlly that the uniterrupted service to the Lord is the natural and true purpose of the Jivan and offers his Saranaaagati to the Lord.This type of status represented by the Jnani is attained after many lives of service to the Lord and is a rare status among the Chetanas . These thoughts of Swami Desikan are the elaborations of the words of Alavanddar ,such as Bhakta Bedah: ,Prabuddhaha: and Sraiyshtyam. THE EIGHTH CHAPTER OF AKSHARA BRAHMA YOGAM ************************************************************** Here, Alavandaar reclassifies the four group of people , wo offer worship to HIM into three groups. He combines Aarthan and Arthaarthi in to a single group called Eiswaryaartthis. Those , who want to regain lost wealth and those , who want to attain wealth for the first time are grouped as the wealth seekers worshipping the Lord for.that purpose. The Jigyasu seeking Kaivalyam or Aatma Sakshatkaaram (Enjoying the witnessing of the ever-pure Atman without the admixture of the Prakriti"s effects) and the Jnani together make up the triad , that includes the Eiswaryaarthis. Alavandaar continues to state that the Lord in the Eighth chapter the priniciples to be learned and practised by the above three categories of Worshippers to get HIs blessings. His summary of this chapter is as follows: EISWARYAAKSHARA YAATAATMYA BHAGAVACCHARANAARTHINAAM I VEDHYOPAADHEYA BHAVAANAAM ASHTAMEH BEDHA UCHAYATEH II Swami Desikan brillaintly elaborates on the essence of this sloka of his poorvaacharya this way: AARADHA SELVAMUM AARUYUIR KAANUM ARUM PAYANUM PERAADHU TANN KAZHARKKEZH AMARUM PERUVAZHTICHIGALUM SORAADHU UHANDHAVAR THOOMADHI KOLLUVATHUM SEYVANAVUM TERA VISAYANUKKU THIRUNAARANAN SEPPINANEH Swami describes the above three Adhikaaris as Soaadhu Uhandavar or those, who want in fullness , their heart's desires (elected purpose of their lives). He describes their tranquil and pure intellect as Thoomadhi, because their intellects are centered on the Lord although for different boons. Swami continues to observe that the Lord (Thirunaaranan) the codes of conduct that they have to observe and the knowledge that they have to have to complete their sadhanaas. KNOWLEGE TO BE GAINED BY THE INDIVIDUALS OF THE THREE CLASSES OF BOON-SEEKERS ********************************************************************************* *************************** 1.EISWARYAARTHIS: The Lord says that this group of people have to understand the principle of Adhibhutam, the understanding of the perishable adjunct , which is different from and yet depending for its existence on the self-conscious principle. The pancha Bhutaas like Aakasam et al and the perishables like Sabdham, Sparsam,Roopam, Ghandham and Rasam constitute Adhibhutam. 2.KAIVALYAARTHIS: The members of this group has to understand Adhyaatmam ,Tatbrahmam & Karmam . Achetana Prakriti is known as Adhyaatmam. Tatbrahmam is the eternally pure form of Atman(Jivan) rid of the blemishes of Prakrti and the Gunas derived from it. Karma is the topic of the third snd fourth chapters by the Lord. 3.MOKSHAARTHIS: They have to understand the principles of Adhidaivatam and Adhiyajnam. Adhidaivata is the "universal self in its subtle aspect: the center from which all living beings have their sense-power". Adhiyajna is the presiding deity of the sacrifice-Sriman Narayana. All the three groups have to understand that it is the Lord, is the indweller of all Devas like Indra et al and IT is He that receives the worship or Sacrificial offering. This principle is known as Adhiyajnam and the Lord is the Adhiyajnan. OBSERVANCES TO BE PRACTISED BY THE THREE GROUPS ********************************************************************** 1.EISWARYAARTHIS: He must meditate on the Lord at all times without clash to the prescribed duties detailed in Sastraas for each day. He should practise Bhakti Yoga at the right time as his Sadhana progresses. This way , his mind will remain steady on the Lord. At the time of his death, he should think of the Lord. His type of meditation of the Lord as the possessor of one or other kind of wealth will give him the same kind of wealth in the next life. 2.KAIVALYAARTHIS: He should control his senses of Faculty and action and meditate on the Lord seated in the "heart cavity".He should reflect on the meaning of Pranavam and lift the the Praana(the vital current) betwixt the eye brows and meditates with concentration and whole will on the Lord. One , who departs this way practising this type of Anthima Smrithi(Last rememberance) attains freedom from Prakrti and enjoys the Ever pure Jivanand realizes Atma Saakshaatkaaram. 3.MOKSHAARTHIS: He never lets his mind stray on to anything other than the Lord.He will not bear the separation from the Lord even for a moment.The Lord can not also bear any separation from the Jnani. The Lord will remove all the obstacles to Bhakti Yoga for such a seeker and bless him with eternal Kainkaryam in Sri Vaikuntam for such an Adhikari.It is the Lord"s promise and responsibility to mkae that happen. THE NINTH CHAPTER: RAJA VIDHYAA RAJA GUHYA YOGAM ****************************************************************** Alavandaar summarizes the revelation of the limitless of Glories of the Lord by Parthasarathy Himself to Arjuna and HIS retention of the above attributes, even in HIS incarnations, where HE becomes easily accessible (Sowlubhyam) to human beings that approach HIM as one of the four categories of beings mentioned in the last chapter. He describes the nature of His Bhakthas and their Observances in theitr daily lives to illustrate their glory. The various aspects of Bhakti Yoga are covered by Gitaaccharyan here.. Alavanddaar uses the three word groups, "Svamahaatmyam", Manushyatve Paratvam" and "Mahaatmaanaam Visesha:" to summarize the essence of the Ninth Chapter. Alavandaar"s Summary is as follows: SVAMAHAATMYAM MANUSHYATVEH PARATVAM CHA MAHATMANAAM I VISESHOH NAVAMEH YOGHO BHAKTIROOPA PRAKEERTHITA: II Swami Desikan"s verse elaborating on the insightful summation of Alavandaar is as folllows: TAN MENMAIYUM TAN PIRAPPIL TALARAA TANI NILAIYUM PAN MENI NANNINAN PAAL PIRIYA ANBAR ASAIGALUM PUNMENI VINNAVAR PAAL PURIYADHA TAN BATTIMAIYUM NANMENI NAARANAN NARANUKKU NAVINRANENEH The words ,Tan Menmai describes the word Svamahaatmyam chosen by Alavandaar. He hides his svaroopam and becomes the indweller of the Chetans and Achetanam.He also pervades them. Their form and protection is created by the Lord as a small part of HIS own limitless attributes.HE aslo engages them to perform actions. HE accepts the fruits of their efforts as HIS own.He destroys them all at the beginning of the universal deluge by absorbing them and then creates them afresh after the end of the deluge. He becomes impartial , since He gives the rewards for each one based on their Karmas. He becomes easy to access during HIS incarnations on this earth and yet does not shrink HIS auspicious qualities an iota during those occasions. These are all part of the limitless glories (Mahatmyam) of the Lord, which He explains to Arjuna in the Ninth chapter.. The rest of the Verse of Desikan and Alavandaar cover the services (Kainkaryas) of the Lord-intoxicated Bhagavathas wanting the Experience of the Lord (Bhagavad Anubhavam) at all times and places The fruits of Bhakti Yogam are then explained..The offerings of anyone with pure heart to the Lord reaches HIM independent of the simplicity of the offerings.He states that He accepts those offerings full of devotion with great joy. They summarize the Lord"s describtion of a typical Bhagavata practising Bhakti Yoga to attain HIM with single minded devotion during their term on HIS earth. TENTH CHAPTER: VIBUTHI YOGAM ***************************************** Alavandaar summarizes the essence of the tenth chapter, this way: SVAKALYAANAGUNAANANTHYAKRTSNASVAADHINATAAMATI: I BHAKTYUTPATTIVIVRUTHYARTTA VISTEERNAA DASAMODHITA II Swami Desikan elaborats on these thoughts this way: YELLAI ILADHA TAN SEELAMAAM INAMUDHAKKADALUM YELLAI ILADHA VIBHUTI YELAAM TANATHU AANAMAIYUM YELLAIYIL BATTI TANAI EZHUVIKKA THIRUVARULAAL YELLAYIL EESAN IYAMBINAN INDIRAN MAINDANUKKE The Lord described to Arjuna HIS Limitless auspicious attributes resembling an ocean of delectable nectar and HIS suzeranity and Lordship over the entire universe to Arjuna to generate immeasurable Bhakti for HIM in Arjuna.The lord explains here HIS Swaroopam and Swabhaavam to Arjuna to kindle and grow the Devotion in Arjuna.Those, who practise Bhakti Yoga recognize HIS Limitless Kalyana Gunaas and HIM bein gthe root cause of the existence and operation of the Universe.They will not stay alive for even a second without experiencing HIM .They will recite HIS stories, share it with others and offer their service to HIM by Body, Mind and Speech always. Their Bhakti will grow further and Further and they will thus realize the fruits of Bhakti Yogam through such practises prescribed by the Lord Himself in this cjhapter. ELEVENTH CHAPTER: VISWA RUPA DARSANAM ****************************************************** Arjuna understood the teachings of the Lord that He is the indweller of all Chetanas and Achetanas. Thereafter, he wanted to see that Isvara form of Krishna, possesing omnipotence, omnipresence, infinite wisdom and compassion,strength ,virtue and splendor. He requested Krishna to show that Isvara form. The Lord Obliged and gave Arjuna the Divine Vision to see that awesome and intimidating form full of power, energy and splendor.Arjuna saw that form and was frightened by the sight of the whole Universe and its manifold divisions in the Isvara form,including the moving and the unmoving . He offers his prayer to the Isvara Form in moving words as follows: "Thou art the Imperishable,the Supreme Being,the One Thing to be known.Thou art the great refuge of this Universe. Thou art the undying guardian of the eternal dharma.Thou art the ancient Purusha.I see thee without beginning ,middle orend., infinite in power,of manifold arms;the Sun and the Moon thine eyes, the burning fire Thy mouth ;heating the whole Unverse with thy Radiance. The Space between heaven and Earth and all the quarters are filled by Thee alone;Having seen this, Thy marvellous and frightening form, the Worlds are terrified and So am I. Please take your gentle form again.". Lord accedes to Arjuna"s request and takes the form of Arjuna"s freind and Charioteer. The Lord explained thereafter to Arjuna that any observance or Yaga or Alms giving, Homam or penance or the study of Vedas without Bhakti will not lead to Himor an understanding of HIM or enjoyment of HiM. These discussions between Krishna and His disciple are covered by Alavandaar in his summary sloka on the eleventh chapter this way: EKAADASEH SVAYAATAATMYA SAKSHAATKAARAAVALOKANAM I DATTAMUKTAM VIDHI PRAABHYORBHAKTYEKAOPAAYATAA TATAA II Swami Desikan expanded on the verse of Alavandaar as follows: ELLAAM TANKKU URUVAAI ILANGUM VAHAI TAAN URAITTHU SOLLAL ARINDHU SORAAMAR KANDIDA VENDUM ENRA VILLALANUKKU ANRU MEYKKANN KODUTTHU VERUM UNDOH NALLARGAL KAANBHAR ENRU NAVINRAAN NANGAL NAYAKANEH Arjuna requested that "Soraamar Kandida Vendum". He wanted to experience what he learnt from the Lord as His infinite form and attributes in all its fullness. The Lord blessed Arjuna with that boon and then explained the unceasing and single-minded Bhakti alone can understand HIm and his attributes at the personal level. TWELFTH CHAPTER: BHAKTI YOGAM ****************************************** In this chapter having 20 verses, Gitaachaaryan extolls Bhakti Yogam as aroute to reach HIM and how enjoyable it is during its practise. He states that the observers of Bhakti Yoga are dear to HIM> Alavandaar summarizes the essence of this chapter this way: BHAKTEH: SRAISHTYAMUPAYOKTHIRASAKSYAATMANISHTATAA I TATPRAKAARASTVAPREETHIRBHAKTEH DWADASA UCHAYATEH II ALAVANDAAR STATES THAT LORD KRISHNA INSTRUCTED ARJUNA ABOUT THE SUPERMACY OF BHAKTI YOGA AND THE JOY EXPERIENCED BY ITS PRACTIONERS .HE ALSO INFORMED ARJUNA THAT THOSE ,WHO FIND IT DIFFICULT TO PRACTISE THE RIGOROUS BHAKTI YOGA CAN ATTAIN HIM THROUGH THE PRACTISE OF AATMA DHYANAM RESULTING FROM THE PRACTISE OF KARMA YOGA AND AATMA SAKSHATKARAM THROUGH JNANA YOGA. Swami Desikan echoed the thoughts of Alavandaar throught he Following verse: TAN KAZHALIL BATTI TAAZHATATUM ATAN KAARANAMAAM INGUNA SINTHAIYUM EEDHU ARIYAARKKU AVVADIMAIGALUM TAN KARMAMGAL ARIYAADHAVARKKU ILAHU NILAIYUM TAN KAZHAL ANBARKKU NALLAVAN SARRINAN PARTHANUKKEH Swami Desikan says that the Lord pointed out the unfailing reward resulting from the practise of Bhakti Yoga and the joy experienced in practising it. For those, who find that practise ardous because of their incapabilities, The Lord instructed the practise of Nishkaama Karma Yoga, where one performs ones'duties without worrying about the fruits thereof to qualify for the experience of Jnana Yogam. Renunciation of the fruit of all action ,as a means of attainment of the Lord is extolled here for those , who are unable to tread the rigorous route of Bhakti Yogam. Yuva Krishna Paksha Dwadasi V.Sadagopan
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