the question of conversion into the "brahmin fold"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Tue Nov 13 2001 - 19:24:53 PST
srImathE SaTakOpAya namah srImathE rAmAnujAya namah srImathE anantArya mahAguravE namah srImathE vara vara munayE namah dear bhagavathas, the question that was raised by a member of the list "whether it is true that ramanuja converted many non-brahmins into brahimns" needs further discussion. First of all, the classification "brahmin" is birth-based only (in practice - in this context, it does not matter what srI bhagavad gIta says). Given that as a qualification, there can be no "conversions" into the brahminical caste. The important question that naturally arises is whether being a brahmin is in anyway better/worse with respect to the goals that devotees pursue. Our srIvaishNava AcAryAs, starting with the AzhvArs (only 3 out of 11 are known to have been born into a brahmin community) through svami maNavALa mAmunigaL have taught us, and demonstrated to us through their actions that there are no differences whatsoever among srIvaishNavas, let alone narrow caste based differentiation. svami ALavandAr, for example had mAranEri nambi and thiru-k-kacci nambi as his sishyAs. rAmAnuja, in his lifetime has shown so many times how being a "non-brahmin" does not matter at all - prime examples are the episodes of ramanuja holding piLLai urangavilli dasar's hand after taking bath from cauvery, periya nambi's response to ramanuja when he enquired about periya nambi performing funeral rites to maranEri nambi is a great lesson for us in this context. svami piLLai lOkAchAr, in srivacaha bhUshaNam (that greatest of rahasya granthas that shows us what a SV life should be about), very clearly teaches us about these issues. The following is a paraphrasing of svami PBA's summary commentary on srIvacanabhUshaNam SVB:194 - 196: bhagavatha apacharam is not just one type. They are things like trying to question/prove a bhagavtha's community of birth, their acara anushtanams, their physical condition, their relatives, their place of living. Talking ill of and/or disrespecting a bhagavatha who was born in a lower community based on his birth is one of those. Trying to inquire into a bhagavathas birth is even worse than tryng to inquire into the materials that make the archa form of the Lord. SVB:201: The apacharas committed by people of higer birth towards people of lower birth, and those committed by people of lower birth towards people of higer birth are all bad. It is not such that "those of higer birth can committ sins against other people, and those of lower birth cannot" SVB207: All the sastras eulogize birth in the brahmin community. While it is so, how can one say that such a birth is useless - If that question arises, here is the answer - The reason brahmaNathvam is eulogized is because one of its characteristics is learning the vEdAs, understnading their meaning and then understanding the way to reach the Lord. Nowhere is it said that "however one may be, brahmaNathvam is good". SVB 208: The highness or lowness of birth is immaterial for the goal. SVB 209: Then what is necessary? Only bhagavad sambandham is necessary. The quintessence of the "brahmin" question is treated in the following - One cannot but shed tears over the greatness of our AchAryAs, and even more tears over the ignorance of all of us in NOT following their teachings. SVB 210 - 216: If the following question is raised: A person born in a higher community and a person born in a lower community both have bhagavad sambandham. Then, both are bhagavathas. At this time, doesn't the one born in a higher community have more speciality ("siRappu") as he has both? Then, the answer is as follows: Those who raise the above question classify the highness and lowness of birth based on the community that one is born. The birth that lends oneself easily to servitude towards the Lord and His devotees (sEsathva) is the higher birth. A birth that does not lend oneself toward sEsathva is a lower birth. If one is born as a brahmin, there is a possibility that he might take the path of upAyAs other than the Lord and fail in the endeavour to reach Him. Moreover, since those born in the higher birth have the ingredients (knowledge, concept of "higher" birth) for ego (ahamkara), the humility (naichchiyam) tht needs to be natural for a srIvaishNava has to be acquired by him. For one who is born in a "lower" community, he traditionally does not have the right to learn the different upAyAs towards goals and cannot have ahamkaram. And that lends him to have sEsathva and naichchiyam naturally. HENCE BEING BORN IN A LOWER COMMUNITY IS BETTER (srEstam). Now, the natural question is, if our AchAryAs have shown so much open mindedness and so much reforms, why does the current religion have so much "brahminical" tendencies (like many non-brahmin bhagavathas not allowed into the gOshti, many people not dining with them etc.), then the simple answer, though however difficult it is to digest, is that most of the community (in both the sects) is reluctant to let go of the assumed "superiority" of a brahmin birth. This "brahminisation" of srIvaishNavam is not new - It has been happening for centuries, and in fact is a major cause of difference in opinion among many people (not among vEdAnta dEsika and piLLai lOkAchAr as many would immediately assume) of far lower stature than our great AchAryAs. Once certainly does need to ask the question whether ANYTHING (let alone being born into a brahmin family) would cause a person to be "better" than another? If so, the only possible thing might be the helplessness and complete surrender to God. Then, in that case, does birth really matter? Should we even think about it? This above mail is not a tirade against anyone, not especially the bhagavatha who brought up this question. In fact, I am very happy that he asked the question as it gave me the opportunity to re-read the relevant sections of srIvacanabhUshaNam and marvel at the universality of our religion, and the greatness of our AchAryAs. AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam, adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan, varadhan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! 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