Excerpts from the ThiruppAvai monograph of MahA VidvAn,U.Ve. Sri ChakravarthAyAchArya Swamy : Part I

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 15, 2000

SrimathE GodhAyai Nama:

Dear ANDAL BhakthAs:

The Margazhi month of this Vikrama Samvathsaram
will start on December 15,2000.

MahA VidvAn Sri U.Ve. ChakravarthyAcchAr Swamy
has blessed us with one of the most unique and
brilliant commentaries on the 30 paasurams , which
is 608 plus pages long. This monograph was released
at Chennai on October 11 before a group of distinguished
Sri VaishNava AchAryAs and AbhimAnis. A few bhakthAs
of the Bhakthi list came forward and underwrote a major
portion of the production expenses of this jewel of 
a monograph. We can never pay back in any manner 
the great upakAram done for us all by Swamy . 

AdiyEn would encourage every one of you to acquire  
a copy of this scholarly monograph and enjoy 
the rare insights about the Tatthva UpadEsams
by SooDikkoduttha NaacchiyAr .In the spirit of Kaimkaryam
to the BhakthAs of our ThAyAr , ANDAL , adiyEn will
excerpt selected sections from this great scholar's
monograph from now until the end of the Marghazhi
ThiruppAvai Vratham . Approximately 50 copies 
would arrive here(USA) by sea mail thanks to the help of
Sri Anantha PadmanAbhan , the grandson of Abhinava
Desika Sri UtthamUr Swamy . Sri ChakravarthyAcchAr
Swamy is a nephew of the Abhinava Desikan and is 
the AasthAna VidvAn of Sri Ahobila Matam.

In the first posting , we will cover the saamyam
( equality in glory ) of Srimath Bhagavath GithA
blessed to us by GeethAchAryan and SrimathI 
Bhagavathee GithA blessed to us GodhA PirAtti ,
the divine consort of the Lord. 

Swamy has compared their saamyams side by side :

Bhagavath GeethA                BhagavathI GeethA
*****************               ****************** 
1. The Father of this           1. The Mother of the Universe,
   Universe , Lord KrishNA        ANDAL performed the UpadEsam.
   performed the UpadEsam . 

2. UpadEsam was from the Lord,  2.UpadEsam was for Lord KrishNA
   (AchAryan) ,who is DevAthi-    by His AchArya BhUthai.

3. KrishNa performed            3. ANDAL performed the UpadEsam
   the Upadesam for                Using KrishNa as the VyAjam.
   the world using ArjunA
   as an excuse(VyAjam).

4.KrishNa performed updEsam     4. ANDAL performed upadEsam to
  to ArjunA and thus became        KrishNA and became His
  his AchAryan.                    AchAryan.

5. The UpadEsam of the Lord     5. ANDAL's Upadesam was aimed 
   was aimed at Arjunan ,who      at the Lord , who had forgotten
   had swerved from his dharmam    his sworn mission of Jagath-
   as a Kshathriyan.               Rakshanam.

6. GithOpadEsam resulted in      6.ANDAL's Upadesam on the contrary
   the death of many.              led to the spiritual awakening 
                                   (Ujjeevanam )of many.

7. Although the Sarvaj~nan       7.ANDAL"s upadesam was never
   (Omniscient ),the Lord          forgotten by Her disciples.
   performed Upadesam ,            They followed it fully.
   the Sishyan forgot it
   and had to be reinstructed. 

8. Srimath Bhagavath Geethai      8.ThiruppAvai joins the dhivya
   is housed in Smruthi ,           Prabhandham and is recognized
   Bhaaratham and yet is            as an upanishad as well.
   recognized as a Upanishad. 

9. GithOpadesam is aimed at        9.ANDAL's upadesam is aimed at
   the KrishNa sakhA (Male           Her girl friends and play mates.
   friend), ArjunA, by the Lord.     She states:"yElOrempAvAi".    
                                     yEl= yErrukkoLL(please accept).
                                     Ohr= understand its meanings
                                     Yem paaVAi= My dear friend!

10. In Geethai , the Lord          10.ANDAL performed the Upadesam  
    gave upadesam on Charama          on charama upAyam right at 
    UpAyam (Ultimate means ,          the beginning with the first
    Prapatthi) at the very            word , Maarghazhi(Maargaseersham)
    end of His Upadesam.              or Prapatthi as the top upAyam .

11. Our Lord became Jagath-        11. ANDAL became the AchAryai
    AchAryan through His               to the Lord Himself thru 
    Upadesam to the people.            Her Upadesam. She reminded
                                       (instructed ) Him on the deep
                                       meanings of VedAntham.

12. Geethai is for sOka-           12. ThiruppAvai is also for
    nivrutthi.Our Lord took pity       sOka Nivrutthi. ANDAL , 
    on the suffering Jeevans and       the dayA svarUpi took pity
    performed updEsam to create        on the Jeevans suffering 
    Tatthva Jn~Anam in them.           in SamsAric thApams and
                                       performed the UpadEsam 
                                       for sOka naasam.

13. Arjunan had three kinds         13.1:There was dhurbhiksham 
    of Sorrows (sOkams):               (misfortune)/sOkam at AayipAdi,
                                        which was banished by 
                                        the observance of nOnbhu
                                        (Paavai Vratham).

13.1: Sokam over the thought         13.2: The girls of AaypAdi
      that he will kill his                had sOkam from not being 
      kith and kin and accumulate          able to have KrishNA as
      paapam.                              their husband.Nonbhu got
                                           them their wish. 

13.2: Sokam over fear that he        13.3: At AaypAdi (in the world),  
      had aasura sampath instead           people had forgotten 
      of Dhaiva sampath , which            the Lord (Bhagavath-
      alone yields mOksham .               vimukhars). They were 
                                           immersed in the ocean of
                                           sOkam not knowing the means
                                           (upAyam ) for their rakshanam.
The three kinds of sOkam 
                                           (fear/worries) experienced by 
                                           the gOpis--nOnbhu poorthy,
                                           realizing the Lord as their
                                           husband and tatthva Jn~Anam--
                                           were banished by ANDAL's
                                           upadesam thru ThiruppAvai.

13.3: Sokam over the thought that       
      the difficult routes of 
      following Karam , Jn~ana and
      Bhakthi yOgams taught by the Lord
      for his ujjeevanam. ArjunA 
      got rid of all the three sOkams
      through GithOpadesam.  

ANDAL ThiruvadigaLE saraNam,
RaamAnuja Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil V.SatakOpan   

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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