Narasimha Jayanti
From the Bhakti List Archives
muralidhar rangaswamy • Mon May 11 1998 - 07:33:41 PDT
Aho Viryam Aho Shouryam Aho Bahu Parakrama: Narasimham Param Daivam Ahobilam Ahobalam. Dear Bhaktas, In this post, I am sharing a few thoughts belatedly for Sri Narasimha Jayanti. Bhagavan Narasimha, who is an extremely glorious incarnation of Lord Narayana, is the Aradhana Murthy of Sri Ahobila Matham. Sri Sudarshan has shared his thoughts on the Lord of Ahobilam from Swami Desikan's KamasikAshtakam. In this post, I shall focus on the important aspects of the Mantraraja Pada Stotram from the Ahirbudhnya Ssamhita, which is an important PancharAtra Agama text. The relevant salutations from Swami Desikan's tribute will also be pointed out. Ahirbudhnyan is an incarnation of Shiva. He was an extremely great Bhagavata and performed great penance for Bhagavan Narasimha. Pleased with his Tapas, Bhagavan Narasimha blessed him in the form of JwAla Narasimhan. Swami Desikan eulogizes Ahirbudhnyan in the Rahasya Traya Sara as the "all knowing Ahirbudhnyan". In the Sudarshana Ashtakam, Swami Desikan uses the salutation "Bhajata Ahirbudhnya Lakshita" (Ahirbudhnya desires to see the glorious form of the Sudarshana Chakram). The rules for worship of the joint form of Sudarshana and Narasimhar is laid down in the Ahirbudhnya Samhita. The Mantraraja Pada Stotram is an Anubhavam of Ahirbudhnyan upon receiving the blessings of JwAla Narasimhar. The most comprehensive account of this Stotram by Sri. U.Ve. Mukkur Lakshmi Naraimhachariar Swamin is being published by Sri Nrsimhapriya in an ongoing series. The opening salutation of the Mantrarajapada Stotram contains the extremely powerful Mantram for Bhagavan Narasimhar. Lord Narayana is glorified in the Vedas as Mantraroopi Maha Vishnu. Accordingly, Ahirbudhyna blesses us with the king of all Mantras in this Stotram and accordingly, terms his eulogy as the MantrarAja Pada Stotram. In it, Bhagavan Narasimhar has been has been glorified as the one who spells death for death itself. This eulogy "Mrutyu Mrutyum NamAmyaham" has been used in more than one salutation of the Mantrarajapada Stotram. The opening salutation of the Mantrarajapada Stotram is also reflective of the Rg Veda hymn "BhadramkaNe.....". This denotes the Bhadra or all encompassing protection of Lord Narasimhar. One who receives Bhagavan Narasimha's protection is freed from all fears. Swami Desikan refers to this aspect in the KamasikAshtakam salutation "Tvayi Rakshati Rakshakai: Kimanyai:" The eyes of Bhagavan Narasimha are glorified in the second verse of Ahirbudhnyan's tribute. The eyes of Bhagavan Narasimhar are responsible for the "Adbhutam" of Bhagavan Narasimha, which is saluted in the Vishnu Sahasranamam verse "Narasimhavapu Sriman Keshava Purushottama". The opening salutation of Swami Desikan's KamasikAshtakam refers to the Adbutam aspect as well. The reason for Bhagavan Narasimhar's eyes contributing to the Adbhutam is due to the fact that they simulatneously raditated compassion for Prahlada and terror for HiraNyan. This is also indicative of the PidA Pariharam (for Bhaktas) and PidA Pradanam (for Dushtas) aspects of Bhagavan Narasimha. The Adbhutam of Bhagavan Narasimhar is also due to the fact that he had permeated himself in every atom surrounding HiraNyan's Sabha. The third verse of Ahirbudhnyan's eulogy pays glowing tribute to the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana Narasimha. The key salutation is "NakhAgrE ShakalI ChakrE Yastam vIram NamAmyaham". This establishes the inseparable nature of Sudarshana and Narasimhar. This line also explains the salutation "Kapata Kesari" in Swami Desikan's KamasikAshtakam. In the fourth verse of his eulogy, Ahirbudhnyan glorifies Bhagavan Narasimhar as the ViRata Purusha. This is related to the Purusha Sooktam salutation "TripadUrdhva UdaIt Purusha:". The fourth verse of Ahirbudhnya's tribute also glorify the powerful shoulders of Bhagavan Narasimha (Bhuja PravishtAshta Disham Maha VishNum NamAmyaham). Swami Desikan. Swami Desikan extols the arms of Bhagavan Narasimha in the KamasikAshtakam and points out that the Lord's hands were in competition with each other to grace his Bhakta Prahlada and punish the evil HiraNyan. The fifth verse of Ahirbudhnya's tribute salutes the Narasimhar. In it Bhagavan Narasimhar is glorified as the fire at the end of time (Jwalantam-the Kala Anala). This mighty Jyothi is also denoted by the Sudarshana Chakram. Thus, this salutation provides further testimony in support of the worship of the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana and Narasimhar. In the sixth verse, Ahirbudhnya eulogizes Bhagavan Narasimha as the omniscient one who is in complete control of all the senses. An important salutation in this verse is "SarvathOmukham". This tribute is also used in the VishNu Sahasranamam. The seventh verse refers to the beautiful form of Bhagavan Narasimha "Naravat Simhavaschaiva Roopam Yasya Mahatmana:". This again points to the Adhbutam of Bhagavan Narasimha since the incarnation had to uphold all the conditions of Lord Brahma's boon to HiraNyan. In the Dashavatara Stotram Swami Desikan glorifies the Sthambam as the grandmother of Brahma since the Lord chose this as his Nivasa Sthanam. The seventh verse of Ahirbudhnya's tribute also glorifies Bhagavan Narasimha's power as "Maha Satam Maha Damshtram Tam Nrusimham NamAmyaham". This reflects the message of the Narasimha Gayathri Mantrams contained in the Maha Narayana Upanishad and the Tapaneeya Upanishad. These are frequently used in the performance of Narasimha Homam. In verses 8-10, Ahirbudhnyan extols the benefits of taking refuge under Bhagavan Narasimha and receiving his protection. This is like a Phala Shruti upon beholding the glorious form of JwAla Narasimhar. Verse 8 states that uttering Bhagavan Narasimhar's name destroys fears of ghosts, vetalas and demons. The reference to demons (Rakshasa) is also reflective of the power of Bhagavan Narasimha to cure people from the affliction of the Brahma Rakshasa. Verse 8 also glorifies the Namam of Narasimhar having the power to destroy all illness. This salutes the Pida Pariharam aspect of Bhagavan Narasimhar. Verse 9 salutes Bhagavan Narasimhar's constant association with his consort Sri. It also contains a refers to the Bhadram aspect of Lord Narasimhar. As a result of his association with his consort, the Lord of Ahobilam derives the name Malolan (beloved of Sri-the mother of the universe). Verse 10 salutes the temporal aspect of Bhagavan Narasimha. The spatio-temporal aspects from verse 5 and 10 are also attributes shared by the Sudarshana Chakram. Verse 10 proceeds to glorify Bhagavan Narasimhar as one who protects his Bhaktas from death and collection of enemies. The Lord is glorified again in this verse as "Mrutyu Mrutyum NamAmyaham". Verses 1-10 are the prelude to the formal surrender (SharNagati) to Bhagavan Narasimhar contained in verses 11 and 12. In these verses Ahirbudhnyan establishes the concept of SharaNagati or Prapatti to the feet of Bhagavan Narasimhar. This seems to be the first Agamic reference to Prapatti-the corner stone of our Sampradayam. In verse 12, Ahirbudhyan offers tributes again upon surrendering to the feet of Bhagavan Narasimhar. The verses are self explanatory and hence, reproduced verbatim 11. NamaskArAtmakam Yasmai VidayAtma Nivedanam Tyakta DhuKokilAn KAmAn AshNu Te Tam NamAmyaham 12. DasAbhuta Svata: SarvEhyAtmana: ParamAtmana: Ato Ahamapi TE Dasa ItimatvA NamAmyaham Thus, through the eulogy to Bhagavan Narasimhar, Ahirbudhnyan succinctly establishes Tatva (Narayana is the supreme Lord), Hita (performance of SharaNagati to his Lotus feet is the path to salvation) and PurushArtha (upon surrendering to the Lord, one is engaged in eternal Kaimkaryam to the Lord and his Bhagavatas) for Sri Vaishnavas. The last verse of Ahirbudhnyan's tribute refers to the benefit of constantly reciting this Stotram-an individual who recites this Stotram during Tri Sandhyam will be blessed with great knowledge, undiminshing wealth and long life. The Mantrarajapada Stotram is also the origin of several Narasimha Gadyam salutations. In particular, the tributes BheeshaNa Bhadra Simha, KalAgni Roudra Simha, Vihvala Neta Simha, Veera Simha, Jaya Simha, Roopa Simha from the Gadyam are derived from this Stotram. Everything correctly stated is entirely due to the grace of my Acharyan, H.H. Srimad Andavan Swamigal of Srimad Paundarikapuram Asramam. All errors and shortcomings are mine alone Namo Narayana, Muralidhar Rangaswamy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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