Re: Basis for divya-mangala-vigraha

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu May 02 2002 - 17:39:26 PDT

Dear Mani,
you wrote, 

"I am not aware of even indirect mention in the Vedas
> of these. Are they of Tantric origin?"

This is  a very interesting question.
Idol worhip or Divya Mangala Vigrahas has no mention
in Vegdas.

The Divya Mangala vigraha and other auspiciousness of
Idol workship are found rather in Pancharatra Agama.

It is beleived that Lord out of compassion, gives to
Vedas, Neethi sastraas, Upanishads etc.(refer,
Thirumangai Alwar says 'Kalaigalum, vedamum, Needi
noolum, Karpaum  Sor porul thanam etc...'(Periya
thirumozhi, 1-x))

Hence Pancaratra Agama, which is believed directly
from the Lord can also be equated to Vedas. 

This could only be the answer to your question. If
someone says, Pancaratra Agama, is one of such
'Tantric' texts, then I would say, Idol workship has
come out of such 'Tantric' practice.

KM Narayanan

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