Sri VishNu SahasranAmam - (2)

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Mar 08 1996 - 22:07:36 PST

VishNu SahasranAmam consists of 142 slokas.  Excepting 13 slokas at the 
beginning and 22 at the end, the remaining 107 slokas contain the thousand
names of God.


1.	Om SuklAmbara-dharam vishNum SaSivarnam catur-bhujam
	prasanna-vadanam dhyAyet sarva-vighnopaSAntaye.

	[  (For the eradication of all obstructions) One should meditate 
	   upon vishNu Who is clad in white robes, Who has a moonlike lustre, 
	   Who has four arms and Who has a beneficient face.  ]

2.	yasya-Dvirada-vaktrAdhAH pArishadyAh paraS-Satam
	vighnam nighnanti satatam vishvaksenam tam Asraye.

	[  gajAnan (the double-tusked elephant-faced nitya-sUri) and
	   hundreds of such sUris, who always remove all obstacles, form
	   the members of the corps of vishvaksena. I take resort to them.  ]

3.	vyAsam vasishta-naptAram Sakteh pautram akalmasham
	parAsarAtmajam vande Suka-tAtam tapo-nidhim.

	[  vyAsa is the great-grandson of vasishta and the grand-son of 
	   Sakti. He is the son of parAsara and the father of Suka. I offer
	   my obeisance to that vyAsa who is free from all defects and is 
	   a mine of austerities.  ]

4.	vyAsAya vishNu-rUpAya vyAsa-rUpAya vishNave
	namo vai Brahma-nidhaye vAsishtAya namo namaH.

	[  My repeated salutations to vyAsa who is a form of vishNu and to
	   vishNu who is a form of vyAsa- sage vyAsa, who is a descendent 
	   of vasishta and who is a treasure of brahman, (i.e. vedas).  ]

5.	avikArAya SuddhAya nityAya paramAtmane
	sadaika-rUpa-rUpAya vishNave sarva-jishnave.

	[  My salutations to vishNu, Who is devoid of all mutations, Who
	   Who is by nature pure and eternal, Who is endowed with a form
	   which is uniform at all times, and Who is the victor all.  ]

6.	yasya smaraNa-mAtreNa janma-samsAra-bandhanAt
	vimuchyate namas-tasmai vishNave prabhavishNave.

	Om namo vishNave prabhavishNave.

	[  My salutations to that superior diety vishNu, by a mere thought 
	   of Whose name all persons are freed from the bonds of samsara 
	   (birth and death).

	   Salutations to that All-powerful vishNu, Who is signified by
	   pranava (i.e. Omkara).  ]

		(13 INTRODUCTORY SLOKAS now follow)

7.	sri vaiSampAyana uvAca-
	SrutvA dharmAna-SesheNa pAvanAni ca sarvaSaH
	yudhishThiraH SAntanavam punar-evAbhya-bhAshata.

	[  sri vaiSampAyana said:
	   "After hearing all froms of dharma capable of effecting complete
	   purification, yudhishThira, still unsatisfied, questioned the 
	   son of Santanu as follows":  ]

8-9.	sri yudhishThira uvAca-
	kimekam daivatam loke kim vApyekam parAyaNam
        stuvantaH kam kam arcantaH prApnuyur mAnavAH Subham.

        [  sri yudhishThira asked:
	   "In this universe who is the one Divinity (at whose command all
           beings function)? What is that one supreme Status which one
           should seek to attain? Who is that Divinity by praising whom and
           by worshipping whom a man attains the good?  ]

	ko dharmaH sarva-dharmAnAm bhavataH paramo mataH
	kim japan mucyate jantur janma-samsAra-bandhanAt.

        [  Which according to you is the highest form of dharma (capable of
	   bestowing salvation and prosperity on man)? What is that by
	   uttering or reciting which any living being can attain freedom
	   from the cycle of births and deaths?"  ]

10-19.  sri bhIshma uvAca-
	jagat-prabhum deva-devam anantam puruhottamam
	stuvan nAma-sahasreNa purushaH satatotthitaH.

        [  sri bhIshma replied:
	   "He will be free from all sorrows who always praises by 'the 
	   sahasranAma' (thousand names) that All-pervading Being who
	   is the master of the worlds, Who is supreme over all devas 
	   and who is the supreme spirit.  ]

	tameva cArcayan nityam bhaktyA purusham avyayam
	dhyAyan stuvan namasyamS-ca yajamAnas-tam-eva-ca.

	[   That worshipper will be free from all sorrows who devoutly 
	    worships and meditates on that Undecaying Being, as also 
	    praises Him and makes prostrations to Him.  ]

	anAdi-nidhanam vishNum sarva-loka-maheSvaram
	lokAdhyaksham stuvan-nityam sarva-dukhAtigo bhavet.

	[   He will be free from all sorrows who always sings the praise
	    vishNu (the All-pervading Being), who is free from the six 
	    changes beginning with origin and ending with death, and
	    who is the master and over-seer of all the worlds.  ]

	braHmaNyam sarva-dharmaj~nam lokAnAm kIrti-vardhanam
	loka-nAtham mahad-bhUtam sarva-bhUta-bhavodbhavam.

	[   He is the protector of the brahmA and the veda. He is the 
	    knower of all Dharmas.  He is the enhancer of the reputation
	    of all beings. He is the supreme Brahman.  Out of Him all
	    beings anf the whole of samsAra have come out.  ]

	Esha me sarva-dharmAnAm dharmo'dhikatamo mataH
	yad bhaktyA puNDarIkAsham stavair arcen naraH sadA.

	[   To adore the Lotus-eyed One always with hymns of praise
	    recited with devotion- I consider this to be superior
	    to all other forms of dharma.  ]

	paramam yo mahat tejaH paramam yo mahat tapaH
	paramam yo mahad brahma paramam yaH parAyanam.

	[   He is the supreme light of consciousness. He is the supreme
	    controller of everything. He is the supreme All-pervading
	    Being. He is the support of everything.  ]

	pavitrAnAm pavitam yo mangalAnAm ca mangalam
	daivatam daivatAnAm ca bhUtAnAm yo'vyayaH pitA.

	[   He is the sanctifier of even what is most sacred. He is the 
	    most auspicious among auspicious beings. He is the Lord of 
	    all divinities. He, the undecaying, is the father of all beings  ]

	yataH sarvANi bhUtAni bhavanty'Adi yugAgame
	yasmimS-ca pralayam yAnti punareva yuga-kshye.

	[   He is the One from whom all beings come into existence at the 
	    beginning of a cycle of time, and He is also the One into whom 
	    they all dissolve at the end of the cycle.  ]

	tasya loka-pradhAnasya jagan nAthasya bhUpate
	vishNor nAma-sahasram me SRNu pApa-bhay'Apaham.

	[   Hear from me the hymn that is constituted of a 'thousand names'
	    of that vishNu who is the master of the universe, who is the
	    subject of discourse of all scriptures, and who is the eraser
	    of all sins and fear of samsAra.  ]

	yAni nAmAni gauNAni vikhyAtAni maHAtmanaH
	RshibhiH pari-gItAni tAni vakshyAmi bhUtaye.

	[   I am giving for the benefit of all those names of His which are
	    far-famed, which are indicative of His attributes, and which find
	    a place in the exalted hymns of the Rshis."  ]


20.	vishNoH nAma-sahasrasya veda-vyAso mahA-muniH
	chandaH-anushtup tathA devo bhagavAn devakI-sutaH.

	[   The great vedavyAsa is the Rshi of these Thousand Names of 
	    vishNu; anushtup is its metre.  The presiding diety is Lord 
	    Krishna,  devakI's son.  ]

21.	amritAm-sUdbhavo bIjam Saktih devaki-nandanaH
	trisAmA hridayam tasya SAntyarthe viniyujyate.

	[   The seed is He who is born in the lunar race; Its power is the
	    Name, "The son of devakI". The heart is the name "One who is
	    sung by three important sAmA hymns". the purpose is the
	    attainment of peace.  ]

22.	vishNum jishnum mahA vishNum prabhavishNum maheSvaram
	aneka-rUpa-daity-Antam namAmi purushottamam.

	[   I bow to vishNu, the victorious, the All-pervading, the Mighty,
	    the Lord of All, the Enemy of daityas (demons) of many forms
	    and the Best of persons.  ]

22 a.	asya sri vishNoH sahara-nAma-stotra-mahA-mantrasya
	sri veda-vyAso bhagavAn RishiH, anushtup Chandah, 
	sri mahA-vishNuH paramAtmA sriman-nArAyaNo devatA

	amritAmSUdbhavo bhAnuriti bIjam
	devakInandanaH srashteti SaktiH
	udbhavah kshobhano deva-iti paramo mantraH
	Sankha-bHrt nandakI cakrIti kIlakam
	SArnga-dhanvA gadhA-dhara-iti astram
	rathAnga-pANiH akshobhyah-iti netram
	tri-sAmA sAmagah sAmeti kavacham
	Anandam para-brahmeti yoniH
	rituh sudarsanah kAleti dig-bandhaH
	sri visva-rUpa iti dhyAnam

	sri mahA-vishNu-prItyarthe sri-sahasranAma-jape viniyogah

	[   (The above angas are usually repeated in prose in the course
	     of pArAyaNA. They are followed by some dhyana-slokas or 
	     stanzas for meditation. The holy Names are then recited).

		Of this grand mantra, i.e. the Thousand Names of vishNu, 
	     the venerable veda vyAsa is Rshi, the meter is anushtup; its 
	     Diety is sriman nArAyanA, the supreme soul, the All-pervader. 
	     Its seed is "amritAmSUdbhavo bhAnu". Its power is devakI's son. 
	     The essential part of the mantra is "udbhavah: kshobhano devaH". 
	     Its pin is "Sankha-bHrin nandakI cakrI". Its weapon is 
	     "SArnga-dhanvA gadhA-dharaH".  Its eye is "rathAnga-pANiH: 
	     akshobhyah". Its armor is "tri-sAmA sAmagas sAma".  Its womb 
	     is "Anandam para brahma". The enclosure binding the directions 
	     (east, west, south and north) is "rituh sudarsanah kAla". The 
	     contempletion is on the universal form. Its purpose and utility 
	     is in the Thousand Names being used for praising and pleasing 
	     vishNu.  ]


23.	kshIrodanvat-pradese suchi-mani-vilasat-saikate mautikAnAm
	mAlA-kliptA-sanasthaH sphtika-mani-nibhaiH mautikaiH manditAngaH
	Subhrair-abhrair-adabhraiH upari virachitaiH mukta-pIyUsha-varshaih
	AnandI naH punIyAdari-nalina-gadA-Sankha-pAniH mukundaH.

	[   May mukundA, with the discuss, mace, conch and lotus in His 
	    hands, purify us- mukundA who is seated on a seat of garlands
	    of pearls, in the region of the milky ocean with the sand
	    shining by the light from pure gems; who is adorned by pearls 
	    transparent like crystals; and who is enjoying ecstatic bliss 
	    on account of pure white clouds overhead, raining showers of 
	    nectar.  ]

24.	bhUH pAdau yasya nAbhir-viyada-suranila-candra-sUryau cha netre
	karNa-vASaH Siro-DyauH mukhamapi dahano yasya vAsteyam abdhiH
	antas-stham yasya viSvam sura-nara-khaga-go-bhogi-gandharva-daityaiH
	chitram ramramyate tam tribhuvana-vapusham vishNum Isam namAmi.

	[   I bow to Lord vishNu who has the three worlds as His body. The
	    Earth is His feet, and the sky His navel. Wind is His breath,
	    and the Sun and the Moon are His eyes.  Directions are His ears,
	    and the Heaven is His head. Fire is His face and ocean His 
	    abdomen. In Him is situated the universe with diverse kinds of
	    Gods, men, birds, cattle, serpents, gandharvas and daityas 
	    (demons)- all sporting in a charming way.  ]

25.	SantAkAram bhujaga-sayanam padmanAbham sureSam
	viSvAdhAram gagana-sadRSam megha-varNam SubhAngam
	lakshmi-kAntam kamala-nayanam yogibhir dhyAna-gamyam
	vande vishNum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika-nAtham.

	[   I salute vishNu, the sole master of the universe, whose presence
	    is very peaceful, who stretches Himself on a serpent-bed 
	    (Adi-Sesha), who sports a lotus in His navel, who is one lord of 
	    all the devAs, who is the support of the worlds, who is subtle
	    and All-pervading like the sky, whose complexion is like that of
	    the clouds, whose form is very beautiful, who is the consort of
	    Sri, whose eyes are like lotus petals, who is meditated upon by
	    Yogis and who eradicates the fear of samsAra.  ]

26.	megha-syAmam pIta-kauseya-vAsam 
	srI-vatsAnkam kaustubhodbhAsitAngam
	punyopetam pundarIka-AyatAksham 
	vishNum vande sarva-lokaika-nAtham.

	[   I prostrate before vishNu, the one Lord of the worlds, blue as 
	    the cloud and clothed in yellow robes. His chest is marked by 
	    the mole known as srivatsa. His body is resplendent with kaustubha 
	    gem. He is surrounded by holy persons. And he has wide eyes like 
	    lotoses.  ]

27.	saSamkha-cakram sakirIta-kunDalam
	sapIta-vastram sarasIruhekshaNam
	namAmi vishNum SirasA catur-bhujam.

	[   I bow down my head before the four-handed vishNu who sports in
	    His hand the Sankha and the discuss, who is adorned with a crown 
	    and ear-pendants, who wears a yellow cloth, whose eyes resemble 
	    a lotus and whose chest is beautified by many necklaces and the
	    kaustubha mark.  ]

---------------------------End of Introductory Verses---------------------------
S. G. Srinivasan                email :
Graduate Student
Dept. Of Mater. Sci. & Engg.
University Of Washington        Phone : (206)-632-1083 (H)
Seattle, WA 98195                       (206)-685-3851 (W)