thoo nilA muRRam - part 40 - Sri ArA amutha AzhwAr

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sun Jun 20 1999 - 18:42:32 PDT

thoo nilA muRRam - part 40  - Sri ArA amutha AzhwAr

Sri ArA amutha AzhwAr thiruvadikaLE saraNam
AchAryan thiruvadikaLE saraNam

Dear bAgawathAs,

	Long ago the nAlayiram was unavailable in the boolOgam. How
ever the local bhakthAL of kumbakOnam used to do pArAyAnam  of this
special  pathigam  of Sri nammAzhwAr on Sri ArA amuthan for several
years. This pathigam was passed on from generation to generation in
this Sri ArA amuthan  sannithi (*).   Sri  nAdhamuni  came to  this
sannithi and was indulged in  the  sowntharyam  of Sri ArA amuthan.
As a routine worship the  kudanthai  vAzh  bhakthALs  chanted   the
pathigam of Sri nAmmAzhwAr on this Lord Sri ArA amuthan that starts
with "ArA amuthE adiyEn udalam" and continued. Sri nAthamunigaL was
mesmerized by these "thEn thuLi vArhthaigaL" in praise  of  Sri ArA
amuthan. When the bhakthALs ended the pathigam as,

"kuruhoor satagOpan
kuzhalin maliya sonna  Or
AyiratthuLi patthum
mazhalai theera vallAr kAmar
mAnEy nOkkiyarkkE"

Sri nAthamuni was standing in front of the  nectar  that  is  never
saturated when one may have the anubavam. These 11 verses also made
him feel never saturated  and  his  thirst was increased and  never
quenched. He was inquisitively asking the bhakthALs, "devareer were
singing on Sri ArA Amuthan and it was athi aRputham. devareer  have
also  sang that there are 1000 songs (ie Or Ayiratthul patthum) and
so  adiyEn would like to know   the  rest  of  the  pAsurams on Sri
Amudhan as well". The thiru kudanthai bhakthALs replied to him that
there  are  actually  4000 pAsurams  in all and that they know only
these 11  of  them. The  pari  pooraNa  krupa  of  Sri  ArA amuthan
immdiately developed "ArAtha thAgam"  or inquenchable thirst in Sri
nAthamuni's  mind  and  made  him long  for  these 4000  songs.  He
immediately  asked the kudanthai vAsis of the mArgam to known these
4000 verses.  They  could  not  help  much.

      Sri nAtha  muni  was very feeling very thirsty as he was very
seriously and constantly thinking of the upAyam to get  these  4000
verses somehow. He fell asleep in this kOil  itself. Sooner Sri ArA
amuthan appeared in his dream and told him that  "You  goto   thiru
kuruhoor  and  do a thapas  seeking   Sri  nammAzhwAr  by  chanting
"kaNNinun  siRutthAmbu" and you will be blessed  by Sri  nammAzhwAr
himself for reviving these  4000   verses".    AchArya   guru pAram
pariyam  talks   about  this episode. However the place is referred
as "kAttu maNNar kudi" (near here) should only be meant  for  thiru
kudanthai as Sri  ArA  amuthan  is not the presiding deity of kattu
mannAr kudi. The guru pArampariyam specifically talks about Sri ArA
amuthan appearing in the dream and commanding and helping and being
instrumental  in  reviving  4000  through Sri nAtha muni. Sri nAtha
muni came to  thiru kuruhoor  and  obtained  the  pathigam kaNNinum
siruthAmbu through kuruhoor vAzh bhakthALs. He chanted these verses
for  several  times  (some  say  10000  times  and some say several
thousand times) and Sri nAmmAzhwAr gave  prathyaksha  darshanam  as
commanded by Sri ArA amuthan and revived these 4000 verses to him.
The pathigam of  11 pasurams are considered so holy that if one can
meditate on it  in  Sri  ArA  amuthan  sannithi  and  indulge in it
thoroughly knowing and conceiving the meanings in their  mind,  one
is set to have the anubavam and  palans of  singing  all  the  4000

         Sri ArA amuthan induced this never saturated interest (ArA
amutha  Arvam  for 4000) in the mind of Sri nAtha muni, then showed
him the upAyam, as  well  commanded  Sri nammAzhwAr to revive these
when the thapas was done by Sri nAtha muni. In all he was the cause
for these AzhwAr pAsurams to be available to us today. If  not  for
HIM we will not have these 4000; no thirup pAvai; no postings;  and
no email forum as well. No grouping of 108 Divay dEsam is  possible
as this special grouping is specifically done by 12 AzhwArs through
4000. Hence from Sri nAtha  muni's  time  Sri ArA amuthan is called
as one of the AzhwAr himself as Sri ArA amutha AzhwAr. What a great
sahAyam to the tamil world and as well as all Srivaishnavas,   Each
and one every one reading this in this net and thinking  that  they
are gaining  from this net as a Srivaishnava is INDEBTED to Sri ArA
amuthan for this  parOpakAram.  If one say  they  are SrivaishnavaL
and cannot repay Sri ArA amuthan in this most neeeed time when will
they ever get to pay their debt ?

Sri  kOmaLa  vaLLi  thAyAr  samEtha  Sri ArA amudhan  thiruvadikaLE

Sampath Rengarajan


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    Tiruppani committee",
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    Retd Pricipal,
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    12, Besant Road,
    KUMBAKONAM  612 001


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    "SMSA, Inc"

    Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi
    c/o Sri Rajaji
    2612, Regatta Drive
    Plano, TX 75093

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