Re: Rig and Yajur Upakarma in 1999
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sat Jun 19 1999 - 19:17:17 PDT
>From: Mani Varadarajan>Subject: Re: Rig and Yajur Upakarma in 1999 >Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 13:01:06 -0700 (PDT) >To: > >Dear BhakthAs : I will respond to Sri mani VaradarAjan's question on Atharva UpAkarmA here . >I found out the answer to the upAkarma question asked >earlier. The dosha is only for prathama (first-time) upAkarmins >of Rg and Yajur Veda. Others can perform the upAkarma on >their regular date, viz., August 25 for Rg, August 26 >for Yajur, and September 12 for Sama. > >This topic was discussed by Sri Sadagopan in a previous year: > > > >Mani > >P.S. Why is it no panchAngam lists atharvaNa upAkarma? ********************************************************* Atharva Vedam has upAkarmam .Among the original nine sAkhAs of Atharva Vedam ( navadhA atharvaNO Veda:), only two - saunakhA and PippalAdA --are existent today . Even those are limited to Kashmir , Benares and very limited section of Northern India . Hence , you will rarely come across reference to Atharva upAkarmA dates in South .It is very difficult to find younger people in big numbers familiar with Atharva Samhithai anywhere in India .The days of Chathur Vedis are long gone .Late Kaanchi PeriyavAL helped significantly to enhance the flow of the vidyArthis undergoing VedAdhyananam of Atharva Samhithai by locating the scholars in the north and did Atharva Veda RakshaNam by facilitating the instruction of the younger students by the older generation . Most of the people of Tamil Naadu and Andhra pradEsh are Yajus SaakhAdhyAyins . A smaller number of Saama Vedins and Rg Vedins (dhavaithins and SmarthAs ) exist in the Southern part of India .The majority of Rg Vedins exist around the Western part of India (Kashmir , GujarAth, MaharAshtrA ,NarmadhA banks and closer geographical locations ). In summary , Atharva UpAkarmA is not prominently mentioned in most of India because of the concentration of Atharva Samhithai in very limited sections of India . Atharva vedam is the youngest of the four Vedams and is connected with the development of the Tantric System and refers frequently to manthra Japam to achieve material or other benefits or to ward off inauspiciousness. In this context , UpAkarmA has special significance in Atharva Vedam . V.Sadagopan
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