Following the Acarya's Instructions
From the Bhakti List Archives
Balaraman M Sriram • Thu Jun 25 1998 - 07:20:38 PDT
Dear Sri Vaishanavas One of the important tenets in being a Vaishanava is: To fully obey the Acraya's instructions there are no if's and but's and no partial agreement to his orders.The Acarya takes great pains to come to this Bhooloka from his exalted postion to offer salvation to the fallen souls (Ourselves).The Acarya teaches by many methods, he instructs and follows what he instructs to his disciples and others. Bhagavan Sri Krishna himself set an example of what happens if you do not follow his instructions. In the end of Krishna Avataar, Bhagavan Sri Krishna is killed by an arrow from a hunters bow which strikes him on the big toe of his leg. The story goes that when Sri Krishna's Guru asked him to apply the "payaasam" all over his body, he did but forgot to cover the small portion of his toe. As I am quoting from memory the details are not very clearly presented.This story is only an attempt to bring about the importance of Acaryas instructions. There is no question of Sri Krishna being killed or anyone at all being killed any where. We are all spirit souls and we have all existed eternally.Our main purpose in life is to go back to Sri Vaikuntam, our eternal abode and every effort should be expended in that direction only. There cannot be any consideration for one's family, society, status etc as all this are temporary. Annamacarya Sings in Telugu "Na Naati Bhathuku Natakammu.." which means Day to Day life is nothing but a Drama, he furhter goes on to say "Puttatu Nijamu Povattumu Nijamu.." It is true that we are born and it is also true that along with the birth, death is also manifest. Along with these truths our Acaryas have also given the path to salvation , like Sripada Sankracarya sang:(I know he is an Advaitin but he also sang Bhaja Govindam..) "Bhaja Govindam , Bhaja Govindam , Govindam Bhaja Mudamathe..." He also implores us to say the name of "Govinda" only. Time is short friends, as Kali progresses Shastra's will be lost, Bhramins & vaishnavas will be almost non-existent and those taking birth in that time frame will be the most fallen. So make haste when there is still hope for salvation, forget all other considerations and chant the holy name of the Lord, so that he will come on GarudaAlzwars shoulder to save us from the ocean of material existence faster than the speed of the mind. adiYen, Sriram,Balaraman. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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