Ananada RaamAyaNam (AR)
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Jun 28 1997 - 20:05:22 PDT
Dear Srimathi KalyANi KrishNamAchAri : I agree with the observations of both Professor VasudhA NarAyaNan and Sri Sudarshan . Thanks to your introduction , I came to know more about AR and the many beautiful verses composed by the author , whether he is Sage Valmiki or otherwise . The literary scholars establishing the authorship of particular slokams in Srimadh RaamAyaNam are still having trouble about interploated slokams . I agree with Sri Sudarshan in that it does not really matter , whether AR was composed by Sage Valmiki or not. The enjoyment of Rama Charitham as told by this Rama BhakthA is the most important thing as long as the author's rendering is suffused with Bahkthi . The variations on the theme can be taken as this BahkthA's rasAnubhavam . NammAzhwar's observation in Thiruvaimozhi , " KaRpAr IrAmapirAnai allAl MARRUM karparO --" , is a testament to the glory of this PurNAvathAram , that has enchnated many minds from time immemorial . Regarding discrepancies from Adi Kavi's version in the story line Swami Desikan composed Hamsa SandEsam , which has no connection to any incident found in Srimadh RaamAyaNam . Saint ThyagarAjA similarly composed an opera known as NowkA Charithram dealing with Sri KrishNA's pranks that has no connection to Srimadh Bhagavatham . In a similar vein , the twists in the story line of AR are perfectly within the accepted norms of the poet 's freedom to take off from ancient texts. The "twists and turns " in AR and its variance with Sage Valmiki's version can be understood from this context . Inview of all these points , I do not think that you should feel depressed over your efforts to study AR and share with the rest of us passages and slokams that you found inspiring . Please do continue your " labor of Love " and we look forward to learning more about another Rama BhakthA's tribute to Sri RamachandrA as enshrined in AR . Best Wishes , V.Sadagopan
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