Varaha Puranam : Part 1
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Jul 27 1998 - 19:00:41 PDT
Dear BhakthAs : On this Adi Puram day , it is important to think about ANDAL as an avathAram of BhUmi Devi and in this context remember Her appeal to Her Lord on His duties to come to the help of the suffering Chethanams as referred by Parasara Bhattar in his taniyan for Thiruppaavai . ANDAL asked the Lord to wake up from His most enjoyable slumber on HIs soft bed and proceed with His " Sworn duties ". Earlier , Bhumi Devi had a similar concern for Her suffering children and asked Her Lord , Aadhi VarAhan to reveal a laghu upAyam for helping them from the terrors of samsAram and to make them eligible for Her Lord's anugaham . Our DayAsvarUpi , BhU Varaahan responded positively to His dear Consort's request and blessed us with the Revered SlOkams known as VarAha Charama SlOkams and revealed His depth of affection for His children . He established however some ground rules through these Charama SlOkams ,which have a very special significance . Swami Sri Desikan was so moved by these Charama slOkAs that he created an entire Rahasyam called Rahasya SikhAmaNi . I will cover that rahasyam in depth in SaraNAgathi Journal after completing the current series on PradhAna Sathakam . Through three related postings , I will cover the particulars about VarAha PurANam , VarAha Charama SlOkam , the many references to VarahAvathAram in PurANams , Vedam and in Divya prabhandha passurams , His Divya Desams , His manthram and slOkam and a lot of details on this blessed avathAram . These postings were written quickly as memory jogs and therefore will be more like summary points. Please do not mind this format.I will post all the three of them today. Please print them and read them at leisure , since they may be too long for reading in one sitting . I will follow this up with a posting on KurmAvathAram and VishNu purAnam in a subsequent posting tomorrow . PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUPPORT THE ACHAARYA RAAMAANUJA CD ROM KAIMKARYAM . WE NEED YOUR VALUED SUPPORT TO MEET THE DEADLINE OF POMONA CONFERENCE .THANK YOU ALL . Highlights of Varaaha PurANam and VaraahAvahtAram ************************************************** ** Varaha PuraNam has the pancha lakshanam of a standard PuraNam, (Viz)., Cantos (Sargam ), their subdivisions ( Prathisargam ), dynasties (vamsam ) and the periods of time known as manvanthrAs and the charithram associated with that period . ** Sage VyAsA is the traditional author , since it is one of the 18 purANams associated with him . ** This PurANam is in the form of a dialog between VishNu in the form of the Varahap pirAn and His consort , BhUmi dEvi .This PurANam has 24,000 stanzas . ThAyAr is a Sarvaj~nai , but yet She asks for the benefit of Her children the questions that result in the Varaha sarama Slokam . ** Bhumi Devi's prayer to her Lord on behalf of us for showing the way via Charama Slokam : " Aham sishyA cha daasi cha bhakthA cha tvayi Maadhava -- ( VarAha PpuRANam : 114.64) Here Bhumi dEvi says : " My lord ! I am Your disciple , servant and have great bhakthi for You . Please accept my appeal and bless me with instructions on the easy means that would help all jeevans to reach sathgathi (mOksham ) ".The Lord then revealed the two slOkams that constitute the pUrva and Uttara BhAgams of Varaaha Charama Slokam . ** The two slOkAs that came out of Sri Varaaha Moorthy's sacred lips embed the essence of Vedic thoughts as discussed in detail by Swami Desikan in his Rahasya Grantham , Rahasya SikhAmaNi . This rahasya grantham has huge references to the significance of VarahAvathaaram , Charama SlOkam and has quotations from the Divya Prabhandhams . Swami Desikan analysed word by word the VarAha Charama Slokam with pramANams in this rahasya grantham . ** Sathapatha BraahmaNam , Linga , Matsya PurANams and RaamAyaNam refer to this avathAram and the Lord lifting His consort on His tusk and bringing Her out of the terrifying waters of Pralayam. ** The best sustained tribute to Varaha avathAram is in Srimadh Bhaagavatham ( Canto 3.13 ) and its derivative work of NaarayaNa Bhattadhiri , Srimadh NaarayaNeeyam ( Dasakam 11, 12 and 13 ) .Bhattadhiri's descriptions of the Lord as Yaj~na VarAha moorthy are inspiring and are based on the Srimadh Bhaagavatham's descriptions of all the Yajna paathrams and saamagriyAs being seen as the limbs of the Lord ( Bhaagavatham : 3.13-44 ). The same visualization of the Lord as Yajna Varahan is depicted by Hari Vamsam (3.34-41). That long salutation begins with " The VedAs are His feet , the sacrificial post is His teeth , the offering His hand and ends with , " the pyre His mouth , fire is His tongue , the sacred grass is His hair----the most secret teachings of the Upanishads are His seat ". Every limb of His sacred body is linked to the Yajnam . The famous passage in Sri VishNu Sahasra Naamam , " yaj~nO yaj~napathir yajvA yajngO yaj~navAhana: Yaj~na bruth Yaj~na kruth yaj~ni yaj~na bhug yaj~na saadhana: yaj~ntha kruth yaj~na guhyam annam annadha yEva cha " refers again to the Lord as Yaj~na Svarupi as visualized by Hari Vamsam and Srimadh BhAgavatham .Sri VishNu sahasra naamam is older than the above two granthams . ** He is Aadhi Varaahan and as such was asked permission by Sri VenkatEsA to share the Aadhi Varha KshEthram , when in Kali Yugam , He took the ArchA form to reside on the top of Venkatam hills .On the banks of Swami PushkaraNI , Adhi Varaahan stands even today and we worship Him first before going inside Sri VenkatEsA's temple . ** His svayamvyaktha svarUpam is at Sri MushNam . His divya desam is at Thiruvidaventhai . ** Taittiriya AarNyakam , TaittirIya SamhithA and the TaittirIya BrAhmaNam as well as the Sathapatha BrAhmaNam salute this avathAram . The fifth Vedam , MahA BhAratham ( 2.45, 3.144.1-29 ,12.208) , the VishNu DharmOtthara PurANam (1.3.1-12) , the Padma PurANam (6.264) , Vaayu PurAnam ( chapter 6), Agni PurANam ( Chapter 4 ), Brahma PurANam ( Ch.213 ) , Linga PurANam ( Part 1, Ch. 94) , the Kurma PurAnam (1.6) and VishNu purANam(1.4.26 , 45-50) salute VarAhAvathaaram as well. ** Swami Desikan's DasAvathAra Slokam saluting the Lord's Varaha avathAram is a moving portrayal of the Lord emerging out of the swirling ocean holding His consort firmly on His giant tusk . ** Divya Prabhandham references on this avathAram : 1)ANDAL (Bhumi DEvi Amsam ) saluting Her Lord for the gift of VarAha Charama SlOkam : NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi --11.8. Here , She equates Sri Ranganatha, who took that form of VarAham and blessed us with the Charama slokam . She says that she can not erase that message of Her Lord , even if She wanted to .She implies that the Varaha Sarama slokam has vakthru VailakshaNyam and SrOthru VailakshaNyam . The one who told it (vakthru) was Jn~Anap pirAn and He is the most auspicious ; the One , who listened to it was none other than His divine consort giving it srOthru VailakshaNyam .ANDAL hints that She will hold on to the words given as assurance by this VarahA Moorthy . 2) Thriruvaimozhi: 2.8.7: KezhalAi --. The description of the Lord entering the praLayA waters and bringing up His consort on His tusk as well as His embracing Her with His broad shoulders after reunion is covered here. 3) Thiruvaimozhi: 7.4.3 : NaanRil yEzh maNNUM-- The marvellous feet of the Lord lifting Bhumi dEvi on His tusk without dislocating the saptha parvathams and the saptha dhveepams are saluted here. 4) Thiruvaimozhi 10.10.7 : Neelavarai iraNdu piRai kavvi -- Here NammAhzwAr visualizes the Lord as a Blue Mountain adorned by two crescent moons (tusks) and holding His consort on one Of them and emerging out of the Ocean . This decription is based on the VishNu purANa vaakhyams : samutthithO neela ivAchalO mahAn-- 5) Thiruvaimozhi :7.5.5--Understanding of the VarAhAvathAram as the redeeming one for one's salvation . 6) Periya Thirumozhi :2.6.3 ( Thirukkadanmallai Paasuram ): yEnatthinuruvAhi-- AzhwAr sautes EmperumAn as : " Jn~Anatthin oLi uruvai " as the embodiment of the guiding light of Jn~Anam . 7) Periya Thriumozhi: 4.4.8( Thirut Therriyampalam ) Here Meru mountain is visualized as reaching upto the Gigantic body of VarAha PerumAn as He rose out of the water. 9) Periya Thirumozhi: 7.8.4 ( TherazhundUr Paasuram ) Description of BhUVarAha SvarUpam is saluted here . 10) Periya Thirumozhi : 11.4.3( Celebration of DasAvathArams ) Here AzhwAr salutes VarAha PirAN as " nammai aaLum arasu " . 11) Poygai : Mudal ThiruvanthAdhi :paasuram 91 Salutation to Jn~Anac chudar , VarAha PirAn ** There are many other referenmces found elsewhere in Divya Prabhandham . ** The central message for us is the rich meanings of the VarAha Charama SlOkam as explained by Swami Desikan . ** Mutthuswami Deekshithar"s Sri Lakshmi VarAHam krithi set in AbhOgi raagam is a beautiful one saluting this avathAram as that of Sriman NaarAyaNA . Lakshmi never leaves Him in any avathAram . Sri Deekshithar sang about a LakshmI Varaha sthalam on the banks of TamprabharaNi river . He salutes the Lord as " Sritha jana subha Pratham ". He recognizes Him as " Neela mEgha Jaya ShyAmaLa gAthram , NeeLA BhUdEvi sthuthi paathram ". ** BhU devi's sthuthi and the manthram that She uses to worship Yaj~na VarAha mUrthy are found in Srimadh BhAgavatham ( 5.18.39 and 35 respectively ) . Her prayer takes on this form : pramathya dhaithyam prathivAraNam mrughE yO maam rasayaa JagadhAdhisUkara: I kruthvOgra dhamshtrE niragAdhudanvatha: kreetan nivEpa: praNathAsmi tham vibhum II (Meaning ) : I salute that Yaj~na VarAha Moorthy , who is the cause of this Universe , who took the form of a Boar and lifted me up from the waters of pralayam and placed me on His tusk and came out of the waters like a powerful elephant and killed the offending enemy (HiraNyAkshan ) like destroying an opposing elephant as though it was an effortless sport . To that Omnipotent Lord are my salutations . The Manthram for Yajna VarAha mUrthy used by BhUmi dEvi is : Om Namo BhagavathE manthralingAya yaj~na krathavE mahAdhvarAvayyavAya mahA purushAya nama:karma sukhlAya thriyugAya namasthE (Meaning ) ; To Thee My Lord , who is OmkAra SvarUpi , One who is revealed by the Veda ManthrAs , One who is the form of Yaj~nam and Krathu , One who has all the Yaj~nAs as limbs of Your sareeram , One who is karma suddhar , One who is of the form of the three yugAs , to that ONE who is Bhagavaan , my profound salutations . I will conclude this first posting with the beautiful salutation of Sri NaarayaNa Bhattadhiri to Sri GuruvAyurappan , who gave darsanam to him as Aadhi Varaahan : kimchOttharEshu kurushu priyayA DharaNyA samsEvithO mahitha manthra nuthi prabhEdhai: I dhamshtrAgra grushta ghana prushta garishta varshmA thvam paahi vij~nyanutha Yaj~na VarAha mUrthE II (Meaning ) : Oh GuruvAyUrappa taking the form of Yaj~na varAha mUrthy ! In the Uttarakuru dEsam (Varsham ) , the dear consort of Yours sitting on Your huge tusk of Your gigantic body is saluting You with the most sacred sthuthi and manthram . May Thou with the front part of Your huge tusk hiding the clouds behind it , protect me . Jn~Anap PirAn ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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