Re: Varaha Puranam : part 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Jul 27 1998 - 19:02:26 PDT
Dear Bhakthas : In this final posting on VaraahAvathAram , I will provide a quick overview of Swami Desikan's Rahasya Grantham revered as Rahasya SikhAmaNi . I will cover the deeper intrepretations in future postings in SaraNAgathi Journal . The Scope of Rahasya SikhAmaNi ******************************** Rahasya SikhAmaNi is one of the chillarai Rahasyams created by Swami Sri Desikan . It celebrates and explains the deeper meanings of the two slOkams that constitute the unit known as varaha charama SlOkam . The esoteric meanings for every word of these two slOkams are provided by Swami Sri Desikan in this powerful gantham .I am planning to cover the details of this important grantham in one of the future issues of saraNAgathi Journal . For now , here are some comments that might provide an introduction . Swami Desikan's Tribute to the Lord ************************************ Swami Sri Desikan's salutation to the gigantic form of the VarAha PerumAn in this rahasyam is as follows : kkApi kalpaanthavEsanthE kuradhagnE samruddhathAm vahathE mEdhinimusthAm mahathE POthriNE nama : (Meaning ) : The deep ocean of the ocean during the MahA PraLyam times was equal to the dimension of one hoof of the gigantic Varaha PerumAn , who lifted BhUmi Piraati out of that Ocean like lifting a tuber ( kOraik Kizhangu ) from those waters and placed Her on His immense tusk . I salute that BhUmiVarAhan , the MahA POthrin . The Context of the Varaaha Charama Slokam ****************************************** VarAha Sarama SlOkam arose because of the immense compassion of Our ThAyAr , who is Omniscient and yet asked Her Lord to bless the unfortunate chEthanams ( Her children ) with a Laghu UpAyam to overcome the sufferings of SamsAram and to reach His Lotus feet . She rightfully recognized us as asaktha adhikhAris unable to practise the Guru upAyam ( Difficult to practise means) like Bhakthi Yogam . She felt that route would be the equivalent of tying a panam kaai ( big palmyra Fruit ) around the neck of a sparrow , which surely will ground it forever .She knew that we will not be able to think of the Lord during the last moments of our life on this earth , when we are overpowered by blocked throat and memory loss et al . Our Mind will struggle with every matter other than the thoughts about Lord at that time. She prayed to Her Lord therefore to have mercy on us and begged Him to bless us with a laghu upAyam (simple and unfailing means ) of salvation . She wanted that laghu UpAyam to be free from the burdens of svarUpa parikArams ( structure and limbs /angams ) . BhU VarAhan agreed to His dear consort's request and revealed to Her for our benefit a supreme message of Hope that would remove our fears at the worst time of our suffering as our Jeevan is about to part from the cage of body . The Meaning of the Varaaha Charama Slokam ****************************************** The message contained in these two slOkams is the essence of Jn~Ana Yaj~nam , (viz ), Prapatthi . As elaborated by nammAzhwAr's Thiruvaimozhi 3.7.7 , He revealed the steps that He takes to place the Jeevan at His sacred feet at parama padham after revealing their natural nithyAnandha svarUpam .This He does by descending on this earth in Vibhava avathArams , protecting His adiyArs and then lifting them upto His celestial abode at the end of their dEha yaathrAis . These two slOkams support the pUrva -utthara sections of Dhvayam and charama slOkam of Lord KrishNA and the ahalahillEn paasuram of NammAzhwAr . Thus the VarAha Sarama slOkams are anyOnya UpakArams (mutually supportive of each other in thought )for the latter rahasyams like Dhvayam and Charama SlOkam of ParthasArathy . These two sacred VarAha Sarama SlOkams , the subject matter of the elaborate commentary , Rahasya SikhAmaNi are : sthithE manasi susvasthE sarIrE sathi yO nara: dhAthusAmyE sthithE smarthA visvarUpam cha maamajam (1) tathastham mriyamANam thu kAshtA paashaNa sannibham aham smarAmi madh bhaktham nayAmi paramAm gathim (2) (Meaning ) :Oh Bhumi Devi ! The entire universe is my body (sarIram ) . I do not have births or deaths . When my bhakthAs with mahA visvAsam surrender to me, while they are still in a state of tranquil mind and healthy body and reflect about Me as as SarvAdharan ( root cause of all) , NiyanthA ( one who commands from within ) sarva sEshi ( the ultimate ), aasrayaNeeyan ( one who is fit to be worshipped ) , Sarva VyApthan (all- pervasive ) and Nithya sannihithan ( One who is always near ) , THEN I think of them at their last moments, when they are totally unconscious like a log or a stone and lead them by archirAdhi maargam to My parama padham and bless them to have nithya kaimkarya bhAgyam to Me there . Concluding prayer of Swami Desikan to BhU VarAhan ************************************************** Swami Desikan concludes his elaborate commentary with a moving prayer: kaalE prApthE karaNavilayAth kaashta paashaNa kalpAn Naatha: POthrI nayathu krupayaa naathitha: kam padham na: (meaning ) : When the time of physical death approaches , and when our limbs have lost their power and when we are in a state of unconsciousness equal to that of a stone or a log , then may Lord VarAhan in response to our earlier saraNAgathi have mercy on us and lead us to His Parama Padham . This in essence is Rahasya SikhAMaNi grantham . The Twin significance of the VarAhaavathAram ********************************************* The Deeper significance of the Varaha Avatara / Hiranyaksha story with which we are all familiar is as follos : The deeper significance to this avathAram are two fold in my opinion : (1) The birth of VarAha Charam slOkam and (2) AsahyApachaaram /BhagavathApachAram as revealed by the dwaara paalakAs' ( Jaya-Vijaya"s ) apachAram to the SanathkumAraa and the the other three great sages ,who were prevented by from having the darsanam of Sriman NaaraayaNa at Parama Padham . Our Lord will not put up with BhAgavathApachAram even if it originates from His servants . Jn~anap Piraan ThgiruvdigaLE SaraNam Bhumi Devi ThAyAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan P.S :Please help with the AchArya RaamAnujA CD ROM Project to the best of your ability .Thanks .
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