Sriman Naatha Muni's Thirunakshthram : A Tribute
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Jul 16 1997 - 09:34:45 PDT
Dear Students of NaalAyira Divya Prabhandham : Today is Aani Anusham . It is the DakshiNAyaNa PuNya Kaalam and the transition to the month of Aadi . It is on this day in the year 824 AD , Sri Naatha Muni ( Sri RanganAtha Muni) was born in Kattu MannAr kOvil .He lived for one hundred years( veda PrAyam ) on this earth and set the NaalAyira Divya Prabhandham to music and tALam . He had brought back earlier the NaalAyira Divya Prabhandham that had become extinct ( luptham ) for some time with the blessings of SatakOpan . NammAzhwAr became the AchAryA for Naatha Muni and taught him the Divya Prabhandham of the twelve AzhwArs including himself at AzhwAr Thirunagari . NammAzhwAr was pleased with the tapas of Naatha muni , who recited Madhura Kavi AzhwAr's " KaNNinuN sirutthAmpu " twelve thousand times . SatakOpan appeared before Naatha Muni and blessed him with the knowledge of the Divya Prabhandham . Naatha Muni blessed us with two of his own works known as NyAya TattvA and YogarahasyA . Both these works are no longer available to us . Excerpts from them have been quoted by Swami Desikan in his works . It has been surmised that the NyAya TattvA contained five chapters dealing with the five subjects, (Viz)., J~nanaA ( true knowledge ) , PramEya ( Objects of cognition ) , PramAtru ( the cognizer) , karmA ( action ) and NyAya ( logic ) . The second work known as "Yoga Rahasyam " is considered as a discourse on the subtelities of upAsanA of the Lord through dhyAnam with devotion . Iswara Muni was the son of Naatha Muni ; ALavandhAr or Yaamuna Muni was the son of Isvara Muni ; AlavandhAr's son was Sottai nambi . The line continued with YennAcchAn , PiLLaiappar and Thozhappar . This is the lineage that is revered as chottai kulam. The aarAdhya mUrthy of sottai kulam is Sri KrishNan . The descendants of sottai kulam had the privelege of yogam ( immersion /union ) with the Lord through the power of the method revealed in Acharya Naatha Muni's " Yoga Rahasyam " . As the " administrator " of the temple of Srirangam , Naatha Muni was instrumental in creating the tradition of Arayar sevai as a service to Lord RanganAthA . This kaimkaryam spread to few other divya desams later and survives even today at Srirangam , AzhwAr thirunahari , SrivilliputthUr et al . Naatha Muni is saluted as BharathA by Swami Desikan for this reason . The word Bharatha is made up of Bha +ra+ tha , standing for Bahavam , Raagam and ThaaLam . Natha Muni set the Divya Prabhandham to tune an dtaught it to his two nephews and propagated the Arayar sevai kaimkaryam . Sri Natha Muni's sacred memory is celebrated by us whenever we recite ThiruppallANdu , Thiruvaimozhi and KaNNinuN SirutthAmpu at our homes and temples . He gave us moving taniyans ( Invocatory poems ) on each one of the magnificient prabhandhams , which meant a lot to him in a biogrphical sense . The eight disciples of Nathamuni were UyyakkondAr , Kuruhai kAvalappan , Nambi KaruNAkara Daasan , Yeru thiruvudayAr , ThirukkaNNamangai AndAn , VanamAdevi AndAn , Urupattur AcchAn Pillai , SohatthUr Azhwan . Five disciples took refuge at the sacred feet of UyyakkodAr . prominent among them were MaNakkAl Nambi and ThiruvalliKKENi PaaN perumAL arayar . Most prominent among the five , who sought MaNakkAl nambi's lotus feet was Alavandhar , the grand son of Natha Muni himself . Five among the twelve , who sought refuge under AlavandAr's sacred feet were : Periya nambi , ThirukkOttiyUr nambi , ThirumAlaiAndAN , Thirumalai nambi , AlavandAr azhwAr nambi and MaRanEr nambi . The most prominent disciple of MahA pUrNar or Periya nambi is Sri RamAnujA , who received pancha samskArams from him. Acharya RamAnujA went on to learn rahasyArthams from ThirukkOttiUr nambi , Thiruvaimozhi from ThirumaalayAndAn and AlavandArAzhwAr nambi , sthOthrAs and nal Vaakku from AlavandAzhwAr nambi and Srimadh RaamAyaNam from Thirumalai nambi or Sri Saila PUrNar . AchArya RaamAnuja established the 74 simhAsanAthipathis in AchArya peetams to spread Bhagavadh RaamAnuja siddhAntham and the rest is history . That unbroken chain of AchArya parampara starting from Sriman NaarAyaNA was strengthened by Natha Muni with the blessings of NammAzhwAr and continues even today . Such is the glory of Natha Muni and his cardinal role in nourishing the Sri VaishNava sampradhAyam . Swami Desikan in one of His Sri Rahasya Traya Saara slokams summed up the greatness of Guru ParamparA and paid tribute to that paramparA without which we will be rudderless boats in a stormy ocean : yeenyuir tanthaLitthavarai saraNam pukki yAnadaivE avar gurukkaL nirai vaNangi pinnaruLAl PerumpUthur vantha vaLLal Periya nambi ALavandAr MaNakkAl nambi Nanneriyai avarkkuraittha UyyakkondAr NAATHA MUNI SatakOpan Seani Naathan Innamudha ThirumahaL yenrivarai munnittu EmperumAn ThiruvadigaL adaihinREnE AlavandhAr's reverence for his grandfather was profound . In his sthothra ratnam , AlavandhAr salutes four times the mahAthmyam of his grandfather (Slokams 1,2,3 and 65) . This great sthOthram has 65 slokams . Both at the beginning and at the very end , ALavandAr salutes his grandfather with choice words : Slokam 1 : achinthya adhbhutha aklishta J~nana VairAgya Raasi ( The integrated essence of J~nanam and VaiAgyam , which is rare and which is beyond any specific description ) AghAtha bhagavadh bhakthi sindhu ( The bottomless ocean of Bhagavath bhakthi Slokam 2 : Madhujith angri sarOja tattva j!nana anurAga mahimAtdhisaya antha seemnE ( the boundary of the true feelings an ddesire about the Lord's glorious, lotus feet ) . In this slokam , AlavandAr declares that the saced feet of his grandfather is the refuge for him in this and the other world ( athra parathra cha api nithyam yadheeya charaNou madheeyam SaraNam ) . Slokam 3 : Here he salutes once again his grandfather with the salutation , " YaminAm varAya Naatha munayE bhooya : nama: " ( once again my salutaitons are to the pre-eminent among yogIs , Sri natha Muni ) . He describes the greatness of Natha Muni as an AchaaryA inthe early part of this third slokam with an exquisite choice of words : " aparimitha Achyutha bhakthi tattva J~nana amruthAbdhi parvAha subhai : vachOpi lOkE avatheerNa paramArtha samagra Bhakthi YogAya YameenAm varAya Naatha MunayE nama : " Here, AlavandAr salutes the leader of Yathis , Naatha Muni as the one with limitless Bhagavadh Bhakthi , Tattva J~nanam and the creator of Sri Sookthis with the taste of nectar . He recognizes him as the embodiment of Parama PurushArtham and a perfect teacher of Bhakthi Yogam . SlOkam 65: The last slOkam of SthOthra rathnam is a gem of an example of saraNAgathi imbued with aakinchanyam (powerlessness ) . Here AlavandhAr prays to the Lord to come to his rescue atleast for the sake of His dear ancestor , Naatha Muni . AlavandAr pleads with the Lord to ignore his own unworthiness ( math Vruttham achinthayithvA ) and think of his grandfather , Naatha Muni , the boundary of parama bhakthi at the Lord's lotus feet and a true knower of aathma svarUpam as a reason for saving him . Swami Desikan followed the tradition established by ALavandAr and saluted Natha Muni in his YathirAja Sapthathi : nAthEna muninA tEna bhavEyam nathavAnaham I yasya naigamikam tattvam hasthAmalakathAm gatham II ( Meaning ) : I salute the leader ( Naathan ) of our SampradhAyam , who made it possible for the profound and abstruse meanings of the VedAs to be clearly perceived and understood by us as the nellikkani on the palm ( uLLankai NellikkAi /HasthAmalakam ) . There are two important matter that we have to think of this day, when we think of Achaarya Naatha Muni : ( 1) His devotion to Mathura kavi as the AchArya to access Sri SatakOpa to recover NaalAyira Divya Prabhandhams and (2 ) His and His sishya Paramparai's celebration of the Various divya Prabhandhams thru their taniyans . I will follow up on the AchArya Bhakthi and Bhagavatha Bhakthi aspect exemplified by Mathura Kavi and the Sishya Paramparai's blessings thru taniyans in future postings . Sri Natha MunigaL ThiruvadigalE SaraNam KattumannAr ( Naalayirumum kEttAn ) thiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppilaippan Kovil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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