Re: Aditya as dvadashAtman. Question
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Tue Jul 10 2001 - 19:53:05 PDT
At 10:42 PM 6/28/01 -0000, you wrote: >Pranams, >In Aditya Hrdayam, there is reference to AdityA as dvAdashAtman. What >specifically are these 12 forms? >-Murali Manohar Dear Sri Murali Manohar: In the Vedhic parlance , Vasu-Rudra-AadhithyAs go together. AadhithyAs are 12 in number and are linked to the solar months. They have a complex evolution starting from Rg Vedham to PurANAs of later date. Rg Vedam recognizes 6 AadhithyAs , the Taittiriya BrAmanam accounts for 8 AadhithyAs and Sathapatha BrahmaNam accepts 12 AadhithyAs and links them to the 12 Months of the Year. The Names of the AadhithyAs are: 1. MithrA (Friendship/Solidarity) 2. AryamAn(Chivalry) 3. Bhagaa( the inherited share) 4. Tvashtar (craftsmanship)5. Pooshan(Prosperity) 6. Vivasavth (ancestral Laws) 7. Savitr( Vivifier/the magic power of words)8. Sakraa ( Courage)9. VaruNaa (fate)10.Dakshaa ( ritual skill) 11. Amsaa(the God's given share) and (12) VishNu (Cosmic Law/All pervading Light of Knowledge/The Cosmic Law pervading the three worlds ). Each Aadhithyaa has a special symbolism . For instance , Pooshan is recognized as the Nourisher . AadhithyAs are understood as the sons of Adhithi or primordial vastness or sky. The inclusion of VishNu among the 12 AadhithyAs might be surprising . His role and importance changes from Rg Vedham thru BrahmaNAs to PurANams. His role as all encompassing pervader is however recognized in the Rg Vedham already . Vedhic hierarchies and cosmologies are a special study unto themselves.There are number of ManthrAs relating to Aaadhithyan in the oldest of the Vedham , Rg Vedham . V.Sadagopan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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