Padhuka Sahasram-494

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 10, 2002


SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:

494. rathnAni rangEshvarapAdharakshE 
thvadhAshrithAnyaprathiGhaIrmayUKhaI: AsEdhuShINAm shruthisundharINAm 
vithanvathE varNanichOLalakshmIm

Oh Ranganatha Paaduka! The gems on You cast uninterrupted radiations 
on the Veda-damsels, as a result of which their blouses acquire a 
many-coloured dazzle. 

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes by V.Satakopan (V.S):

Slokam 494:

1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukAs of Lord RanganAthA !
The gems adorning You generate rays that fall on the ladies standing 
close to the Lord's lotus feet.; those ladies are none other than the 
VedAs singing the praise of Your Lord. The rays originating from Your 
many gems   take on the form of multi-colored blouses worn by the 
VedAs sporting as ladies. 

2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: The inner meaning is that the 
paasurams of Swamy NammAzhwAr honor the Vedams and make them 
glorious  just as covering the ladies with new  and beautiful  
garments .

3) The gems decorating the Paadhukais have uninterrupted flow of 
lustre (ThvadhAsrithAni rathnAni aprathigai: mayUkhai:) and glorify 
those near them ( LakshmIm vithanvathE). Who is standing near the 
Thiruvadi of the Lord to receive this benefit ? Vedaas are always 
standing near the sacred feet of the Lord and are eulogizing Him . 
They are like the ladies performing kaimkaryam to their Lord ( 
aasEdhushINAm Sruthi SundarINAm ) and they are covered with the multi-
colored rays of the gems  and that looks like the covering of the 
ladies with a multi-hued upper garment/ravikkai ..(V.S). 

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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