Yadavaprakasha: A Brief Biography
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Wed Jan 10 2001 - 21:09:25 PST
Here is a brief biography of Sri Yadavaprakasha. I have left out the references which can be supplied upon request. The matter below represents only the bare outline of my proposed website on the Acharya. Sincerely, Vishal _________ Yadavaprakasa (11th Cent. C.E.) Life and Age: According to Sri Vaisnava traditions, he was a very renowned scholar of his times and students came to his school at Kancipuram from great distances to be his disciples. He is said to have been a follower of Samkaracarya. The traditional biographies of Sri Ramanujacarya paint him in very dark colors. Sri Ramanuja is said to have disagreed with his teacher over the numerous Advaitic interpretations of the Scriptures. The final break between the two is recorded as a very emotional event. Sri Yadava Prakasa was expounding the meaning of the phrase 'Kapsyasam pundarikam' in Chandogya Upanisad according to Sri Samkaracarya's interpretation (' red like the buttocks of a monkey'), when tears of distress fell from Sri Ramanuja's eyes. When the teacher asked the cause of tears, Sri Ramanuja replied that he was pained at such a frivolous interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, and proposed a new etymological interpretation ('the Lord whose eyes are red like a lotus blossomed by the Sun'). It has also been speculated that he followed Mandana Misra's school of Advaita Vedanta. His philosophy, in reality, is a form of the Bhedabheda-vada. Later in his life, he is said to have accepted Sri Ramanuja as his teacher under the influence of his mother, who was a devotee of Lord Varada. After inititiating him to the Sri Vaisnava order of ascetics, Sri Ramanuja granted him a new title- Govinda Jiyar, and asked him to compose a compendium of rules for Sri Vaisnava ascetics. This compendium was named `Yatidharmasamuccaya.' Works of Yadavaprakasa 1. Commentary on the Brahmasutras: This is refuted by Sri Ramanuja at several places. In his Srutaprakasika, Sri Sudarsana Suri reproduces the gist of his commentary at the end of virtually every `adhikarana' (topic of discussion). 2. Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita: This is referred to by Sudarsanacarya in Srutaprakasika, by Venkatanatha in Tatparyadipika and by Vyasaraja in the Tatparyachandrika. 3. Vaijayantikosa: This is a lexicon and has been published. Of all the famous Sanskrit lexicons available, this is the longest one. 4. Yatidharmasamuccaya: This is a manual on the duties of ascetics, and is the most comprehensive text in its class. It is said to have been written upon the wish of Sri Ramanujacharya, his past disciple turned Guru. 5. Commentary on Pingala's Chhanda Sutras: Again, a very scholarly work and explains the historical evolution of the laukika chhandas from Vedic chhandas 6. Taittiriya Sarvanumkramani Citations from works of Yadavaprakasa: Few verbatim citations from his works are found but his views are alluded to in several places. A. Vadaratnavali of Visnudasacarya: Visnudasacarya is a follower of the Madhva's Dvaita school of Vedanta. In chapter 5 of this work, the following verse of Yadavaprakasa is cited- "The Veda is unreal, the Buddhist scriptures are unreal; The authority of one and the other is unreal; The knower is unreal; intelligence and its fruit are unreal- You and the Buddhists have accomplished the same result." This verse is actually to be found in the Vaijayantikosa of Yadavaprakasa. B. Vedarthasamgraha of Ramanuja: 1. " The third school (of vedantins) assumes that the individual soul and Brahman are different and non different: It follows that Brahman is identical with soul and that in the same way as Saubhari is different from himself, the Lord is different from his incarnations, everyone is different from the Lord." According to Sudarsanasuri's commentary on Vedarthasamgraha called Tatparyadipika, this is the opinion of Yadavaprakasa. C. Sri Bhasya of Ramanuja D. Sarvartha Siddhi of Venkatanatha or Vedantadesika28 1. At I.69, the following view on the theory of Time (kala) is attributed to Yadavaprakasa- "Kala is beginningless and endless, but continuously transforms itself through moments by which the divisions of time as hours, days and nights can be spanned, through which again transformations of all changeable objects can be measured. In this view, the conditions are relative from the point of view of each person, who collects the passing time units and forms his own conception of minutes, hours and days from his own point of calculation according to his needs." E. Tattvamukta-kalapa of Venakatanatha or Vedantadeshika 1. Action removes the obstruction in the way of attaining moksa, while knowledge actually leads to moksa. Thus, he subscribes to a modified jnana-karma smuccayavada. 2. At 2.16, a view is attributed to Yadavaprakasa according to which "the individual souls are parts of Brahman which is a pure being. Just as the atoms in the Universe are many and differ from one another and from Brahman, the individual are also different from one another and from Brahman. in this view, there is no problem in accounting for the difference that exists between the happiness or suffering of different individuals and also their emancipation." 3. Yadavaprakasa defends the theory of Brahmaparinamavada against the objection that the defects inherent in the world would apply to Brahman also by stating that consciousness is present in all things in the Universe. If it is not directly experienced, it is due to the fact that it is latent, in the same way as odour, though present in the gem (being a material object), is not cognized. That consciousness is present everywhere is proved on the strength of the scriptural texts. The Upanishadic text says : Everything is Brahman. Another text points out that Brahman itself is constituted of the three entities- the Lord, Consciousness and the Insentient. In view of the fact that the whole Universe is Brahman, the Upanishad even speaks of fishermen as Brahman. Thus, Brahman which is capable of undergoing manifold modifications is present in everything in the Universe. That is, the Brahman which is constituted of cit, acit and Isvara in an unmanifest form becomes manifest as cit, acit and Isvara. The example given to explain this is a piece of multicolored cloth. The colors present in the three different threads become manifest in the woven cloth. 4. Brahman is the material cause only in an indirect sense and Yadavaprakasa admits the concept of sakti as associated with Brahman. 5. Sarvartha Siddhi I.69: Yadavaprakasa states that kala is beginningless and endless but continuously transforms itself through moments by which the divisions of time as hours, days and nights can be spanned, through which again the transformation of all changeable objects can be measured. In this view, the conditions are relative from the point of view of each person, who collects the passing time units and forms his own conception of minutes, hours and days from his own point of calculation, according to his needs. F. Tatparyacandrika of Vedantadesika: 1. On Gita 2.28: "Avyaktavyaktadisabdanam prakrtyavasthaviseshadiparatvabhramavyudasaya yadavaprakasoktasbrahmadiparatvasya ca prakrtanubyogajnapanayoktam" >From this fragment, it appears that Yadava Prakasa connected the terms `Avyakta' and `Vyakta' with states of Brahman while according to Desika, they are states of Prakrti. This shows that Yadava Prakasa was a pantheist. 2. On Gita 3.10: Here, the reading of Yadava Prakasa is given as `Sahayajnaah' and rejected. 3. On Gita 3.15: "Yadavaprakasadyuktam Brahmasabdasya sphotadiparatvamaksaranam tadvancakatvadikam ca tattprakriyadushanadeva nirastam." From this it appears that Yadavaprakasa accepted Sphotavada. 4. On Gita 3.36: Here. a textual variant in Yadava's commentary is noticed and dismissed. Curiously, this variant reading is identical to the one occurring in the longer recension of Gita comprising of 745 verses. 5. On Gita 11.37: Here, Desika reads 5 additional verses that occur in the commentary of Yadava Prakasa (1 of Arjuna followed by 4 of Krsna followed by 3 more. He then states that an additional verse is also found after 11.39. Desika declares all these verses as spurious. Incidentally, none of these verses is found in the longer version of Gita100 although some are found in the Kasmirian recension of the text commented upon by Abhinavagupta. 6. On Gita 11.53: Here, the commentary on Gita 6.42 is quoted. The comments state that higher and higher yogins respectively become denizens of Svetadvipa or the planet of Narayana, soldier of Visnu, head soldier, sentry, fan wielding servant of Vishnu, a minister of Visnu and finally he becomes co-existent with Visnu." From this citation, it is clear that Yadava was an ardent Vaisnava. 7. On Gita 13.1: Here, the view of Yadava that `the last three chapters of Gita are of the nature of Khilas (Appendices) that discuss several topics' is stated and criticized." 8. On Gita 18.66: Yadava is reported to have commented that by `sarvadharman parityajaya' is meant abandonment of `virodhi dharmas' (evil actions). G. In Srutaparakasika of Sudarsana Suri (Chatuhssutri portion): 1. In the introduction part (pg. 12)103, Sudarsana says that in his Bhasya on Brahmasutra 1.1.1, Yadava raises a doubt regarding the meaning of the word "Brahman" and then concludes that "Knowledge of Brahman alone is enjoined for man- this is the meaning of the sutra. Knowledge of Pradhana and other entities in the systems of Kapila and Sugata etc. are not implied here." Later, Sudarsana (pg. 25) states that according to Yadava, the Brahmasutras were a natural sequel to the Purva Mimamsa Sutras. 2. Pg. 53: Meaning of Avidya in Isopanishad 11: Sudarsana Suri quotes Yadava's interpretation of the word as- "Avidya sabda upeyavirodhinivartakakarmavaciti." i.e. The word 'avidya' denotes those Karmas that are a hindrance in the efforts to attain salvation, i.e., evil actions and the like. This corresponds to his commentary on Gita (citation F.8 above). 3. Pg. 172: Sudarsana Suri states that in his commentary on Brahmasutra 1.1.1, Yadava states that "Dukhatrayabhighatajnanantaram tadupdeshopaye purusapravrtereva hetoh- Brahmaiva jijnasa, na tu pradhanadini." Thus, Yadava interprets Brahmasutra 1.1.1 according to Samkhya Sutra 1.1 but states that the means of removal of threefold afflictions is not knowledge of Pradhana, as stated in the Samkhya Sastra, but rather a knowledge of Brahman- this is the import of the first sutra. Sri Sudarshana Suri actually reproduces the interpretation of Yadavaprakasha on EACH adhikarana of Brahmasutras- we have not dealt with it here. Views of Yadavaprakasa: These can be discerned from the citations above. In short, according to Yadava Prakasa, Brahman is of the nature of pure Universal Being, endowed with 3 distinct powers as consciousness, matter and God, and through these 3 powers it passes through the various phenomenal changes which are held up in it and at the same time, are one with it, just as the one ocean appears in diverse forms as foam, billows and waves. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@eGroups.com Search archives at http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/index.html#SEARCH Manage your subscription at http://www.egroups.com/mygroups
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