Pancha Sthavam postings

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 27, 2000

Dear Bhagavatas
I started the series because of the overwhelming 
demand by numerous Bhagavatas in the list, net 
and the acharya group through phone and e.mail 
messages etc.and definitely not to impose myself 
on unwilling readers. 

If I have given that impresssion, 
I am sorry. I will stop posting in future.

If, however, there is no objection, I will be glad 
to resume not only on this but also on 
"VilakhaNa MokshadhikAri NirNayam" of Erumbiappa, 
on which also I have far too numerous requests. 
Both are rare granthams. Naturally devout bhagavatas 
are interested to know. The latter raises many interesting 
points that would trigger a lively discussion.

Due to the ice storm that swept the area,  
there was no electricity and no phone connections. 
Hence I could not post any messages. 
Another storm is in the offing, we are told.
Hopefully, I can resume after this is also over, 
if the lines are not affected and 
IF the Bhagavatas do not mind.
Thank you

Anbil Ramaswamy