From the Bhakti List Archives
M K Sudarshan • Sat Feb 01 1997 - 00:26:13 PST
srimathE lakshmi-nrsumha parabrahmaNE namaha sri vedanta desika guravE namaha Dear 'bhAgavatOttamA-s', The journey up the "stairway" of 'paramapada' as described by Swami Desikan, we saw, has taken us so far from "vivekam" at the bottom -- (this often reminds me of 'alipiri' at the foot of my native Tirumalai Hills!; for it is only when one has become a 'vivEki' that one would find oneself at the foot of the Seven Hills, isn't it ?)-- from 'vivekam' at the bottom to 'virakthi' at Step # 3 where we presently are perched. At this stage in the journey an aspirant is known to be entirely detached from the clutches of earthly existence. He hankers not for all the delights of this world. He does not even have an appetite for 'kaivalya' -- that rare inner ecstasy experienced by the Self that has thrown off the shackles of worldly dependence . The aspirant's sights are now, instead, firmly set on Lord Narayana alone. But at precisely this stage in life the SriVaishnava aspirant suddenly falls victim to a strange fear-psychosis called "bheethi". Now, dear 'bhAgavatOttamA-s', on the subject of FEAR Swami Desikan was an expert-therapist. A hymn called "a-bheeti-stava" of his can be said to be a most scientific, modern and graphic treatise on the psycho-pathology of FEAR.(A highly abridged essay of mine on this subject appeared in the latest issue of "NA nrsumha-priya"). For a full treatment of "bheethi", as a human failing, Swami Desikan's "abheeti-stavam" is highly recommended reading for everyone -- even non-SriVaishnavas. Also, its constant recitation ('anusandAnam' or 'pArAyaNam') by those of the Faith serves them as an unfailing session of self-administered psycho-therapy whenever needed. (To me, personally, it is what a daily dose of "intravenous insulin" is to a chronic diabetic-patient !) To come back to 'PPS', the 4th step Swami Desikan calls :'bheethi'. In this stage the aspirant is overcome by "holy terror" (to use a phrase by the English philosopher, William James) because while he realizes that earthly existence is NULL he, however, finds nothing from the heavens to fill the VOID. He realizes the presence of Lord Narayana, but is beset by doubt if the Lord, the "Abode of ALL Auspiciousness", would ever deign to accept one as imperfect and infirm as himself. He sees the vast chasm of 'samsAra', and of his own 'karma', that still lies separating him and the Lord; and the very thought of it makes him give up all hope of ever being able to cross it. Instead all he can feel is the disease of temporality gripping him, like fatal gangrene, ever more firmly and inextricably. He doubts if he will ever be able to break loose. Even if he did succeed would the Lord ever consider his incorrigible self "eligible" for redemption ? What then is the value of even such measures like 'gnana', 'karma' or 'bhakti' ? These and other complex feelings of 'bheethi' are sketched by Swami Desikan in the 'abhiti-stavam' a sample of which is given below (Verse #16): anUkshaNa samUthithE durita-vAridhow dUstarE yadi kvachana nishkritirbhavathi sApi dOshAvilA I thadItha-magathow mayi pratividhAna-mAdhIyathAm svabUddhi-parikalpitham kimapi rangadhUrya tvaya II Sri.ParAshara-bhattar, in his "ashta-shlOki" (Verse #7) is also seen to be expressing such "fearful doubts" over the efficacy of scriptural 'upAya-s'. Eventually, however, an aspirant,by the Grace of the Lord, is enabled to leap over Step # 4 viz. the hurdle of 'bheeti', to the next "step" on the stairway called "prasadana parva". We shall discuss how in the next posting. srimathE srivan satagopa sri narayana yathIdnra mahadesikaya namaha sudarshan
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