From the Bhakti List Archives
Parthasarati Dileepan • Sun Feb 26 1995 - 07:28:32 PST
8/12 maadhuryam --------------- In this continuing series of twelve posts, twelve of the many guNaas that are innate to Brahman is discussed with illustrations from aazhvaar paasurams. These twelve guNaas demonstrate God's eternal love for us jeevaathmaas. They are sowseelyam, vaathsalyam, maardhavam, aarjavam, sowhaartham, saamyam, kaaruNyam, maadhuryam, gaambeeryam, owdhaaryam, chaathuryam, and sthairyam. The subject of this post is maadhuryam. maadhuryam: captivating and attractive, (thirumEni azhagu) In ten exquisite paasurams of amalanaadhipiraan ThiruppaaNaazhvaar pays tribute to our Lord's maadhuryam. Starting from the Lotus feet (thiruk kamala paadham) and ending with the Lord's eyes (periyavaaya kaNkaL) aazhvaar describes our Lord's thirumEni azhagu in wonderful detail. After this marvelous sight aazhvaar declares, "en amudhinaik kaNda kaNkaL maRRonRinaik kaaNaavE." (my eyes that have seen my Lord, the nectar of eternal life, will not behold anything else.) periyaazhvaar describes this beauty in twenty paasurams in the third thirumozhi of the first (mudhaR) pathu. In these verses, YesOdhai proudly shows off the beauty of her divine baby to other women in her village, starting from the Lord's lotus feet and ending with the beautiful locks on His head. The first and the twentieth verses are given below. seethak kadaluL Lamuthanna dhEvaki kOthaik kuzhalaa LasOthaikkup pOththandha pEthaik kuzhavi pidiththuch chuvaiththuNNum paadhak kamalangaL kaaNeerE pavaLavaayeer! vandhukaaNeerE. -- periyaazhvaar thiru mozhi (1.3.1) A picture of baby KaNNan chewing on His foot is found in many households. The above paasuram describes this scene. "dEvaki, who is equal in esteem to periya piraatti (amritham) that came forth from the cool ocean of thirup paarkadal, i.e. Laxmi, gave away her young and innocent baby to yesOdhai, the one with beautiful locks. O! women with coral like red lips, come and see the beauty of this divine baby tasting his own lotus feet." Azhvaar describes the facial beauty of young kaNNan in the last six paasurams of this thiru mozhi. The last one describes the beauty of the boy's locks of hair (kuzhal). azhakiya paimponnin kOl angaik koNdu kazhalkaL sathangai kalandhengu maarppa mazhakan RinangaL maRiththuth thirivaan kuzhalkaL_irundhavaa kaaNeerE kuvimulaiyeer! vandhukaaNeerE. -- periyaazhvaar thiru mozhi (1.3.20) O! women with fine breasts, come and look at the beauty of my boy holding a golden staff in his hand. The bracelet (sathangai) in his feet make melodious sound. As he rounds up young cattle look at the locks of hair, so beautiful. Being inspired by devotion it is not surprising that our Lord's maadhuryam was readily apparent to aazhvaars. But the effect of maadhuryam is not confined to such great souls alone. It is not uncommon for us to be awe struck by the sheer beauty of emperumaan when we visit temples. It is with this maadhuryam that Sri Ramanuja transformed piLLai uRangaavalli's devotion to his wife ponnaacchi, into devotion for kuzhalazhagar, vaayazhagar, kaNNazhagar, koppoozhil Ezhukamalp poovazhagar (naacchiyaar thirumozhi 11.2 given below) "the one with beautiful locks, beautiful mouth, beautiful eyes, and lotus like beautiful naabi." ezhiludaiya vammanaimeer! ennarangath thinnamuthar, kuzhalazhagar vaayazhagar kaNNazhagar, koppoozhil ezhukamalap poovazhaga remmaanaar, ennudaiya kazhalvaLaiyaith thaamum kazhalvaLaiyE yaakkinarE. -- naacchiyaar thirumozhi 11.2 Further, our Lord's maadhuryam is irresistible even for those who oppose Him. sisubaalan, the one who dedicated his life for deriding Lord Krishna, attained mOksham because he was captivated by our Lord's maadhuryam in the last moments of his life . Of all the adversaries sisubaalan was the worst. nammaazhvaar describes him as "kEtpaar sevi sudu keezmai vasavukaLE vaiyum, sEtpaaR pazam pagaivan sisubaalan." (See the entire paasuram below.) "Sisubaalan was HiraNyakasipu and raavaNan in his previous lives. Thus sisubaalan is an old enemy. (sEtpaaR pazham pagaivan) His abuses burnt the ears of everyone present." Lord Krishna granted his thiruvadi mOksham to even a scoundrel like sisubaalan. How come? It seems during his abusive spree sisubaalan was looking directly at the Lord. That, finally had its effect. Towards the end, having gazed at the Lord for a long time, sisubaalan simply could not resist the maadhuryam flowing out of our Lord, and was overcome with love. Thus he secured mOksham. kEtpaargaL kEsavan than keerththiyal laalmaRRum kEtparO, kEtpaar sevisudu keezmai vasavuka LEvaiyum, sEtpaaR pazampagaivan sisubaalan, thiruvadi thaatpaal ataindha thanmai yaRivaarai yaRindhumE? -- thiruvaay mozhi 7.5.3 Our Lord's maadhuryam is so lovely that one can go on and on. Let me stop here. .... to be continued ---------- This and other posts to follow in this subject are based on the aruL mozhigaL of the 45th azhagiya singar of sri aHObila madam, sri vaN satakOpa sri naaraayaNa yatheendhra mahaa dEsikan, published in sri nrusimhap priyaa starting with bava varusham, chitthirai maasam, (April 1994), and commentaries of aazhvaar prabhandams published by The Visishtadvaita Pracharini Sabha, 27, Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore, Madras, 600 004.
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