From the Bhakti List Archives
Parthasarati Dileepan • Thu Feb 23 1995 - 07:10:52 PST
saamyam ------- In this continuing series of twelve posts, twelve of the many guNaas that are innate to Brahman is discussed with illustrations from aazhvaar paasurams. These twelve guNaas demonstrate God's eternal love for us jeevaathmaas. They are sowseelyam, vaathsalyam, maardhavam, aarjavam, sowhaartham, saamyam, kaaruNyam, maadhuryam, gaambeeryam, owdhaaryam, chaathuryam, and sthairyam. The subject of this post is saamyam. saamyam: in our Lord's eyes all the devotees are equal For our Lord all His devotees are equal. This is not only true in vaigundam, but here and now as well. Whether it is S.D. Sharma or just another clerk from TN electricity board, inside the sanctum and in front of our Lord they both get the same sataari, upon which resides our Lord's paadhugai. There is no special sataari for the president. Likewise, Sri raaman accepts the offerings of sabari, a hunter woman, with equal affection as that of Barathwaajaa, one of the most revered rishees. This saamyam is described by nammaazhvaar in the following thiruvaay mozhi paasuram. sumanthu maamalar neersudar dheepamkoNdu, amarnthu vaanavar vaanavar kOnodum, namanRe zumthiru vEngadam nangatku, saman_koL veedu tharumthadaNG kunRamE. -- thiruvaaymozhi 3.3.7 "The celestial Gods and their king (indhiraathi dhEvarkaL) attain mOksham upon approaching our Lord of thiruvEngadam with lovely flowers, pure water, fire, sweet incense and praying patiently. Likewise, the Lord of the great hills of thiruvEngadam will grant us the same moksham, equal to the celestial Gods." amarndhu = without hurry, patiently namanRu = worship ezhum = attain mOksham saman kOL veedu = all are made equal by our Lord in mOksham nammaazhvaar further describes saamyam in thiruvaay mozhi onbathaam patthu as follows. "saraNam aakum thana thaaL adaindhaarkku ellaam" (9.10.5) "anban aakum thana thaaL adaindhaarkku ellaam" (9.10.6) "meyyan aakum virumbith thozuvaarkku ellaam" (9.10.7) "aNiyan aakum thana thaaL adaindhaarkku ellaam" (9.10.8) To those surrendering in His lotus feet our Lord will -- confer mOksham (saraNam) -- be a dear one (anban) -- give Himself (meyyan) -- be a near and dear one (aNiyan) All who surrender to Him will enjoy all of the above equally (saamyam). This is denoted by "adaindhaarkku ellaam," and thozuvaarkku ellaam." .... to be continued ---------- This and other posts to follow in this subject are based on the aruL mozhigaL of the 45th azhagiya singar of sri aHObila madam, sri vaN satakOpa sri naaraayaNa yatheendhra mahaa dEsikan, published in sri nrusimhap priyaa starting with bava varusham, chitthirai maasam, (April 1994), and commentaries of aazhvaar prabhandams published by The Visishtadvaita Pracharini Sabha, 27, Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore, Madras, 600 004.
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