Apastamba Grhyasutra
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Feb 08 2001 - 11:30:12 PST
Here is a note on the 'Tatparyadarshana' commentary on the Apastamba Grhyasutra by Sudarsanasuri. I have NOT summarized the text, since such an endeavor is meaningless for such works. Only some random notes for general information Vishal ___ Shastri, A. Mahadeva; Apastamba Grhya Sutra with the Commentary of Sri Sudarsanacarya; Oriental Research Institute Series-160, Oriental Research Institute, Mysore; 1987. Reprint of first edition in 1896 Sudarasana Suri wrote a lucid commentary entitled 'Tatyparyadarshana' on the Apastamba Grhyasutras. The author not only explains the meaning of the words of the sutras, but also introduces topics related to subject under discussion. He often quotes varying interpretations of the sutras (notably those of Haradatta) and refutes them. Suri seems to be following the interpretation of Kapardiswamin, whom he salutes in the introductory verses as a knower of the meaning and a commentator of the Vedas. Kapardiswamin's commentary on the Apastamba Grhyasutra is no longer extant (although his interpretations of the sutra and points not treated in detail in the sutras are available as a collection of verses called the Kapardi Karikas). In fact, at the end of his commentary on Patala IV of the Sutra, Sudarsana Suri indicates that Kapardi Bhashya was rare even in his own days. As in his other works, Sudarsana Suri quotes a number of Vedic and other texts in his commentary- Taittiriya Samhita/Brahmana/Aranyaka, Taittiriya Kandanukramani, Taittiriya Pratisakhya, Aitareya Brahmana, Manusmriti, Yajnavalkya Smriti, Baudhayana Grhyasutra, Gautama Dharmasutra, Vasishtha Dharmasutra, Apastamba Paribhasha, Apastamba Srautasuta, Apastamba Dharmasutra, Hiranyakeshin Grhyasutra, Bharadvaja Grhyasutra, Katyayana Srautrasutra, Asvalayana Grhyasutra, Vishnu Smrit, Daksha Smriti, Brhaspati Smrti, Laugakshi Smriti, Vyasa Smriti, Brihatprachetasa Smrti, Nirukta, Ashtadhyayi, Ganapatha, Purva Mimamsa Sutra, Vishnu Purana, Tantravarttika of Bhatta Kumarila, Smrtyarthasara, Bharuchi's Manubhashya. Kapardi is quoted by name under sutra 1.7 alone and as Bhashykara under 20.5 etc. but it is clear that elsewhere too, Sudarshana Suri is indebted to Guhadeva, especially when reviewing alternate interpretations of the sutras. Sudarsanasuri wrote a bhashya on the Apastambamantrapatha as well. This collection of Mantras is pre-supposed by Apastamba Grhyasutra. According to the Kandanukramani, the Mantrapatha is an integral portion of the Taittiriya Veda (as 'Ekagnikanda') but currently, it forms two Prasnas between the Srautasutra and Grhyasutra of Apastamba. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@yahoogroups.com
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