Re: Life of Kuresan

From the Bhakti List Archives

• February 1, 2000

Dear members:

Sri. Sampathkumar's narrative appears to suggest that kUratthAzhwAn was
younger than rAmanujar.  However, in a taped upanyAsam about kUratthAzhwAn
vaibhavam by Sri. Velukkudi Krishnan Swami (which Sri. Madhavakannan had
also recently written about), Sri. Velukkudi Swami says that kuresan was
10 years older than rAmAnujar.  In fact, he even says that the 1000th.
birth anniversary of kUratthAzhwAn will be celebrated seven years from 
now at the kUram Divya Desam, etc.

What is the consensus on this apparent conflict?

-Srinath Chakravarty