Sri AparyApthAmrutha DhyAna sOpAnam : Part
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Dec 31 1997 - 14:17:17 PST
Dear BhakthAs : In this posting , I will restart the earlier efforts to cover the tribute of Thirukkudanthai Desikan to Sri KomaLavalli SamEtha AarAvamudhan of Thirukkudanthai . The Many Connections and the depths of Meanings ******************************************************** This powerful sOpAnam derived its inspiration from ThiruppANAzhwAr's " AmaalanAthi pirAn " , Swami Desikan"s 'Bhagavadh DhyAna sOpAbnam " and " Muni Vaahana BhOgam " . The depths of meanings are profound and it is easy to get lost in the comparitiive study of the individual slOkAs . I will cover one slOkam at a time of this unique eulogy on the AparyApthAmutha Parabrahmam of Thirukkudanthai . I will be following the commentary of the seventh generation grandson of Thirukkdanthai Desikan , Sri ILayavalli SrinivAsAchArya Swami , my next door neighbor at KumbakONam during my boyhood days . Thanks once again to Sri Sampath Rengarajan of Michigan for providing me with the rare copy of the sthuthi and its vyAkhyAnam to create these postings . SALUTATIONS TO THIRUKKUDANTHAI DESIKAN ****************************************************** SrimathE GopAla MahA DesikAya Nama: Sri munithraya siddhAntha PadminyullAsa BhAskara:I GopaladEsika : SrimAnn jEjeeyath santhatham bhuvi II ( May the glory of Gopala Desikan of auspicious attributes -- --the Sun that makes the lotus of Munithraya sampradhAyam blososm and joyous --be victorious on this earth forever ) Sri KumbhakONapathi SaarnginuthEsccha VaisvadEvAgni nirNayatha Agama mowli sUrE : I nAmnAm sahasrakruthitha: kruthAsadhAbhAgyam GopAladEsikam SaraNam prapadhyE II ( I take refuge at the sacred feet of Sri Gopala Desikan , who created the sahsra nAmams for SwAmi Desikan , composed the eulogy for SaarangapANi of KumbakOnam and who blessed us with the monograph determining the exact Agni to be used for the performance of VaiswadEvam ) KesavAdhi Vandhanams *************************** Chathuscchakram namasyAmi Kesavam kanaka prabham SlOkam 1 : ( Kesava Vandhanam ) ************************************** sathyam jyOthi sruthi parshadhAm apramEyam pramEyam kalyANAnAm avikala gruham pavanam pavanAnAm I AavirbhUtham Kanaka sarithO dakhshiNE theera bhaagE SaarngEsAkhyam vinatha SaraNam bhAthu chitthE sadhA mE II (Anvaya Kramam ) : Sruthi parishadhAm apramEyam pramEyam kalyANAnAmavikala gruham pavanAnAm paavanam Kanaka saritha: dakshiNE theera bhAgE AavirbhUtham vinatha SaraNam SaarngEsAkhyam sathyam JyOthi: mE chitthE sadhA bhAthu Word by Word meaning ************************* Sruthi parishadhAm = to the assembly of the VedAs apramEyam = immeasurable pramEyam = being a target klayANAnAm= for auspiciousness avikala gruham = being a perfect home pavanAnAm = for the most pure pavanam = the most sacred (pure ) Kanaka saritha: = for the river known as the Golden one ( Ponni ) dakshiNE theerabhAgE = being on its southern bank aavirbhUtham = that which manifested vinatha saraNam = for those , who worship Him SaarngEsAkhyam = with the name of SaarangarAjA sathyam jyOthi : = the true and eternal effulgence mE chitthE sadhA bhaathu= may that (effulgence ) shine forever in my mind . The summary Meaning ************************* ( Meaning ) : May the supreme effulgence with the name of SaarangapANi , who is the target (lakshyam ) of countless sruthis , who is the purest among the pure , who manifested on the south bank of the river CauvEri and is the unfailing protector of His devotees , may that eternal jyOthi shine in my mind always ! Interrelationships among the sOpAnams, AmaalnAdhipirAn ****************************************************************** This slOkam is the first of the TWELVE slOkams of this sOpAnam . The thirteenth is the palasruthi . Swami Desikan's Bhagavdh DhyAna sOpanam has 12 slOkams and BhANa Naathan's "Amalanadhi piraan " has 10 paasurams . Both Swami Desikan and his aparAvatharam chose 12 slOkams to praise the Lord as VaasudEvan with His 12 lettered manthram ( Sri DwAdasAkshari ) and with dwAdasa nAmams starting from Kesavan and ending with DaamOdharan . Interestingly enough , the Tamil prabhandham of Swami Desikan ( Panniru ThirunAmam ) has 13 paasurams including pala sruthi just as in the case of AparyApthAmrutha sOpAnam . One can compare the 12 slOkams of the sOpaanam of Thirukkudanthai Desikan to the 12 nAmAs of the Lord saluted in " Panniru ThirunAmam " by Swami Desikan earlier . Observations and comments on selected words of the SlOkam ********************************************************************* 1 . AarAvamudhan ( AparyAptha parabrahmam ) appeared out of His own volition on the south bank of the golden river CauvEri to teach a lesson to the arrogant Sun and to marry Sri KomaLavalli , the daughter of Hema Rishi . He took the form of Gopalan ( Kudanthai Kovalan ) for ANDAL and was eulogized by seven AzhwArs with 53 paasurams including ThiruvEzhukUrririkkai by Thirumangai . This is the reference to " DakshiNE theerabhAgE aavirbhUtham " in this verse . Thirukkdanthai Desikan prays for that SarNyan and Rakshakan to His devotees ( Vinatha SaraNam ) with the name of SaarngapANi ( SaarngEsAkhyam ) to shine as a great beacon of truth and timelessness in his mind forever ( Sathyam JyOthi: mE chitthE sadhA Bhaathu ) . 2 . Sri SaarangapANi is resting on AdisEshA under Vaidhika VimAnam at KumbakONam . His many auspicious attributes are saluted by Thirukkudanthai Desikan with the chosen words : Sathyam JyOthi : sruthi parishadhAm apramEyam pramEyam , kalyANAnAm avikala gruham , pavnAnAm paavanam " . 3 . We will focus on two groups of words that Thirukkudanthai Desikan used here for elaboration . These are : (1) Sathyam JyOthi: (2 ) PavanAnAm paavanam . 3.1 : The references to these words are to be found in the first slokam of Sri Bhagavdh dhyAna sOpAnam of Swami Desikan and the first paasuram of AamalAnAdhi pirAn by BhANa Naathan , which was commented on by Swami Desikan in Muni Vahana BhOgam . Thirukkudanthai Desikan as the aparAvathAram of Swami Desikan at the command of Sri Oppiliappan convincingly chooses the words that he used in his compositions of the earlier avathAram . Let us enjoy these two references : anthar JYOTHI : kimapi yaminAm anjanam yOgadhrushtE : chinthArathnam sulabham iha na : siddhi mOkshAnurUpam I dheenAnAtha vyasana samanam dhaivatham dhaivathAnAm divyam chakshu: SRUTHIPARISHADHAM dhrusyathe RangamadhyE II --- SLOKAM 1 of Sri Bhagavadh DhyAna sOpaanam amalan aadhipirAn ---vimalan -- nimalan ninmalan -- words form the first paasuram of ThiruppANaazhwAr matching " kalyANAnAm avikala gruham , paavanAnAm paavanam " . Sathyam JyOthi : ****************** Sathya Sabdha Vaachya JyOthi is the splendorous effulgence , AarAvamudhan . Sathya Sabdham is the celebrated sabdham in the VedAs , Upanishads and Divya Prabhandhams . Upanishadic Examples referring to Sathyam & JyOthi : ********************************************************** 1 . SATHYAM Jn~Anam anantham BrahmA 2. Na tathra SuryO BHAATHI na Chandra Taarakam nEmA vidhyuthO bhAnti kuthOyamagni : I tamEva bhaantham anubhAthi sarvam tasya BhAsA sarvimatham vibhAthi 3 . atha yathatha: parO dhivO JYOTHIR deepyathE 4. Tacch subrham jyOthishAm JYOTHI : 5. SATHYAM tvEva vijignaasithavyam Divya Prabhandham Examples of Salutations to JyOthi (sOthi) ********************************************************************* 1. SUDAR oLiyAi nenjinuLLE thOnrum yen Nampi 2. Ulahinil thORRamAi ninRa SUDARE 3. SOTHIYAATHA SOTHI 4. paNiyAi yennakku uyyum vahai PARANJYOTHI 5. mudicchOthi , MuhacchOthi , adicchOthi , padicchOthi katicchOthi -- NammAzhwAr 's words on the JyOthi svarUpan 6. paranchudar cchOthi Swami Desikan"s own salutations to JyOthi Brahmam( Maha : ) ********************************************************************* 1. yeedimahi Maha : 2. Svayam vyaktham param Maha : 3. Parama vyOma Bhaskara: 4. Sthira JyOthi: ( On the Natha Sathyan of Thiruvaheendra Puram ) 5. Rangathuryam Maha : 6. Anthar JyOthi: Those are the references to the " sathyam JyOthi: " , the two words used by Thirukkudanthai Desikan , who is the aparAvathAram of Swami Desikan . The words PavanAnAm Paavanam ************************************** The references to SaarngapAni of Thirukkudanthai as the parama paavanan are as follows : 1. pallaNdenRu PAVITHIRANAI paramEttiyai Saarngamennum villANdAnRannai " -- PeriyAzhwAr 2. PaalAlilayil thyuil konda PARAMAN -- ANDAL 3. parunthAL kaLLiRRukku aruL seytha PARAMAN --ANDAL 4. selvam malhu thenn Thirukkudanthai , anthaNar manthira mozhiyudan vaNanga , aadaravamaLiyil aRithyuilamarntha PARAMA " 5. AparyApthAmurtham smruthvA sathyas SUDDHA : bhavanthi -- KumbakONa Sthala PurANam 6. anya kshEthrE krutham paapam puNya KshEthrE vinasyathi puNya kshEhtrE krutham paapam VaraNAsyAm vinasyathi VaraNAsyAm krutham paapam KumbakONE vinasyathi KumbakONE krutham paapam KumbakONE Vinasyathi --- SEsha Dharmam about the parama Paavanan . Such are the abundant references to the chosen words of Thirukkudanthai Desikan ( PavanAnAm Paavanam ) . Thirukkudathai Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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