Colorado Conference

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Dec 31 1997 - 13:47:09 PST

Dear Bhakthi members:

The last few days have been totally unbelievable in many ways.  Starting
from the Thiruvaradhanai performed by Sri Vijyaraghavan on Thursday morning
at Sri. Satyan's house and the late night discussion on Advaitham by Sri
Krishna Kalale on Sunday, the total experience was quite unique.  The
moving Thiruvaradhanais of Sri Vijayaraghavan is something that I can never
forget.  The enthusiasm with which the youngsters such as Anand, Vijay
Triplicane, Varadhan, Ramesh, and Mani Varadarajan led the Prabhandham
recitation is to be seen to be believed.  From the incisive questions by
grown-up kids it is clear that Sri Vaishnavam engages their interest.
Further it is clear that they will be satisfied only with thoughtful
answers and not with canned ones.

With only three coils of the cooking range in working order, it is amazing
that the women prepared prasadhams for the hundreds of people attending the
conference in a timely manner.

All praise must go to Sri and Smt. Satyan and Sri and Smt. Mohan Sagar for
organizing this most interesting and enjoyable conference.  The conference
went so smoothly that it is easy to not realize the amount of work by them
that went in.  Special thanks must go to Sri Krishna Satyan for keeping the
kids engaged with activities such as skiing, while also participating in
sessions that are of interest to them, such as the "Question and Answer"

Several interesting topics came up during private discussions amongst the
members of "Bhakthi" attending the conference.  I would like to initiate a
discussion of these topics here in the list, one by one.  Hopefully the
discussion will produce more light than heat.

Thank you.

-- adiyEn