Bhakti tradition across India : an emotional Integration
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Tue Dec 30 1997 - 19:09:06 PST
Dear Friends : Few days ago , there was a comment about the Bhakthi traditions of South and North . I wish to add to Sri Mani's observation that there is no big chasm between the two traditions and there is only one tradition that permeates the Indian thought on this important subject . The Bhakthi tradition is deep and interconnected across every corner of India . Tradition is society's memory as Dr.S. RadhAkrishNan has pointed out and the Bhakthi tradition in the four corners of Bharatha Varsham brings forth a rich memory of integrative history of many saints , achAryAs and BhakthAs , who have contributed to Sri VaishNavism and other religions . Let me share a few thoughts with you to illustrate the rich concept referred to by GeethAchAryan as " suthrE maNigaNA iva " . To quote (late ) Dr. V.Raghavan , " There appeared all over the country a succession of men (and women ) of divine grace and realization , who mediated between the hoary heritage and future generations , and who translated and intrepreted the ancient heritage from the learned levels to the people at large , using for the mission the local languages and the art ofmusic ( nAma sankeerthan) ---these saint-singers in the Indian languages had to appear to make the heritage live again , gaining in the process fresh dimensions and widening participation . " They blossomed forth and influenced each other across India during the past thousand plus years . A two fold renaissance , one adopting Sanskrit and the other adopting the medium of the local language ( Tamil , KannadA , Telugu and MalayALam in the South and Hindi , Bengali , Gujarathi , Maratti in the east , west and the north ) arose . These two streams are complimentary to each other over time. >From 700 to 900 AD , a mighty tide of Bhakthi swept across India and the waves arising from it continues even today . The NaalAyira divya Prabhandham ( 4000 divine verses on the Supreme being , Sriman NaarAyaNA ) arose during this period and took its inspiration from the VedAs and Bahgavatha PurANam . A series of AchAryAs starting from Naathamuni , AlavandhAr , Periya nampi , RaamAnujA and the many that followed this great AchAryA spread the gospel of Bhakthi to the four corners of India . The Daasa -kUtA of KarnaatakA ( Purandara , kanaka , Vijaya , Jaganaatha and Gopala dAsA ) , the fifty plus maharAshtrA saints ( Jn~ana EvA , Namdeva , BopadEva , TukArAm , EknAth and Samartha Raamdaas ) , two major Gujarathi/ RajasthAni saints ( Narasimha MehtA of Junagadh and MeerAbai of MewAr ) , BengAli Saints ( RaamAnandA and his 12 disciples including Tulasi Daas and Kabir , Chaithanya MahA Prabhu ) , VallabhAchAryA and GoraknAth from the central part of India , JayadEvA in OrissA , VidhyApathi and Sankara dEvA of Assam ( great KrishNa bhakthAs ) , Telegu saints ( AnnamAchAryA and BhadrAchala Ramdas ) , Tamil Naadu Saints ( AzhwArs , Saint ThyagarAjA , OothukAdu Venkatasubba Iyer , a great devotee of KrishNA ) , KeralA saints ( NaarayaNa Bhattadhiri and other devotees of GuruvAyUrappan ) are some of the Bhaktha SirOnmaNis representing the four corners of India . At the end of this PradakshiNa pAda-yAthrA of Bhaaratha Desam , one recalls the insightful observation of Sri Aurobindo: " As the Sanskrit literature begins with the vedAs and Upanishads , these later literatures begin with inspired poetry of the saints and parama Bhagavathas & BhakthAs -- it was always the poetry of this type that was nearest ( dearest ) to the heart and mind of the people -- the same (integrative ) culture reigns and many variations of form in all this work of the regional people , but each creates on the lines of its own peculiar character and temperament and this gives a different stamp , the sources of a rich variety in the UNITY , to each of these beautiful and vigorous ( Bhakthi ) literature " . ANDAL and MeerA Bai as brides of KrishNA , the lyrical love cycle of RadhA and KrishNA as portrayed by JayadEvA in his Ashtapathis , the Vedanthic spirituality expressed by the MaharAshtrA saints , the devotional outpourings of Saint ThyagarAja , AnnamAchArya and Purandara DaasA have all one theme in common , (Viz)., Bhakthi to Sriman NaarAyaNA . Their voices are heard even today and will continue to be heard across the next millenium and onwards . NamO NaarAyaNAya Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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