Changing of Sharadus during Pongal
From the Bhakti List Archives
Bharadwaj, Jaganath • Tue Dec 30 1997 - 12:08:13 PST
Just as men are required to change their yagnopavitams during Avani avittam and some other times, women are also required to change their Saradus periodically. One of the times this is done is during Pongal. At the Lakshmi Hayagrivar sannidhi in Nangalnallur this is an annual festival that draws a large crowd. Wearing this pavitra Saradu sanctified by Lord Hayagrivar Himself, brings spiritual and material prosperity on the wife and her husband. Sri Ahobila Muth in conjunction with Lakshmi Hayagriva Perumal Koil in Nanganallur Chennai, has made arrangements to bring this Saradus to anyone in the US who is interested in obtaining Sri Hayagriva's blessings in this fashion. Interested Asthikas may please send a check for $20.00 to Sri Ahobila Muth, 1908 Preswood Drive, Hixson, TN 37343. Srimate Srivan Satakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namah: Srimate Sri Lakshmi Nrsimha Divya Paduka Sevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namah: Lakshmi Hayagriva Dasan, jaganath.
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