Thondaradipodi Thirunakshthram -- Part 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Dec 28 1997 - 19:10:26 PST
Dear BhakthAs : I will post some reflections on Thondaradipodi AzhwAr's Thirumaalai in this posting On his birthday . This divya prabhandham is considered the essence of VishNu Dharmam , a work in Sanskrit . ThondaradipodiAzhwAr is recognized as the amsam of the VanamAlai ( Vaijayanthi ) that the Lord wears . This Maalai of the Lord is considered as a potent VaishNavi - asthram that destroys the mahA paapams and sets one on the course to Sri Vaikuntam . Therefore , it is the most sacred maalai ( ThirumAlai ) and assures us freedom from fear of death and helps us attain immortality and enjoy the bliss of paramAnandham at Sri Vaikuntam through Nithya Kainkaryam to Sriman NaarAyaNA . With all these symbolism in mind , Thondaradipodi , who was engaged in Maalai Kainkaryam for the Lord of Srirangam named his prabhandham as ThirumAlai . For Sri VaishNavAs , an understanding and practise of the following great doctrines are considered essntial to gain the boon of Moksham : The prabhAvam of the Lord's NaamAs , the glory of those who are engaged in Naama-Sankeerthanam , the supermacy of Bhagavathas and the redeeming sanctity of the dust ( rENus ) of the feet of those BahgavathAs . ThirumAlai focusses on these most important doctrines for our benefit . Regarding the Naama MahimA and particularly its importance in Kali Yigam is indicated by the following slOkam : " HarEr nAmaiva nAmaiva nAmaiva mama bhEshajam I kalou nAsthyEva nAsthyEva gathiranyathA II " This statement with its triple emphasis on the greatness of the nAmAs of Hari , as the sure medicine for the disease of SamsAram , is very emphatic . The sacredness of the dust of the BhagavathA's feet led Thondaradipodi to choose that name . The uniqueness of the angri rENU of the BhagavathAs has been emphasized in mahA BharathA , PurANAs , and SamhithAs repeatedly . The act of driving away one's paapAs by wearing the Sripaadha Theetham containing the dust of the BhagavathA''s feet is known as Bhagavadh-Bhaktha paadOdaka nisEvanam . This act is described by the SaasthrAs to be the equivalent of MahA PrAyascchittham and is prescribed as being far more powerful than bath in the waters of holy Ganga originating from the Lord's sacred feet . The relationship of Thondardipodi with the Lord of Srirangam was a special one . He was a devout BrahmachAri deeply involved in the Garland Kainkaryam for the Lord of Srirangam like PeriyAzhwAr before him . He " fell from virtue and was redeemed " by the most merciful Lord of Srirangam . He was forever grateful for that intervention by the Lord. He refers these autobiographical incidents and his near spirtual death as a result of his disastrous encounter with DevadEvi in paasuram 16 of ThirumAlai : SoothanAi kaLvanAhi dhUrtharOdu isaintha kaalam matharAr kayark kaNN yennum valayuL pattu azhundhuvEnai pOtharEyenru sollip punthiyil puhumdhu tann paal Atharam peruha vaittha AzhahanUr arangamanrE ? ( Meaning ) : At the time , When I spent my hours as a gambler and as a thief and was trapped in the net of a woman's fish-like eyes , I was hopelessly lost . At that time of spiritual disaster , was it not the beautiful Lord of Srirangam , who called me to His side and entered into my mind and made my love for Him grow many fold and thus rescued me ? In the 25th verse of ThirumAlai ( KuLitthu mUnRanalaiyOmpum ---) , he makes another indirect reference to what happened to him and appeals movingly for the SaraNyan's dayA . The meaning of this verse is as follows : O Lord of Srirangam ! I have lost my qualifications to be a Brahmin ( VarNAsrama Dharmam ) that required me to take thrikAla SnAnams and offer worship to the three Agnis in a faultless manner( without manthra lObham ) . I do not possess the aathma J~nAnam . With respect to Thee , I have become devoid of love for You . Which way can I ( without compassion and virtue ) regain my lost status ? O Lord of anantha KalyANa GuNAs ! O Lord of Srirangam with the hue of the ocean ! I am imploring You with my loud appeals to make me the object of Your DayA and thus save me from this pitiable state . In the thirty third verse , once again the AzhwAr recalls with a shudder the disaster that happened to him and his prayer that was answered by the Lord of Srirangam ( MeyyallAm pohavittu virikuzhalAril pattu---) . Here , the AzhwAr movingly describes himself as a false one three times in the last line of the paasuram : " PoyyanEn vanthu ninrEn poyannEn poyannEnE " The triple mention of his falsity ( duplicity ) refers to the mental , vocal and physical falsity . He describes himself as a " pOzhkkan " ( one who has transgressed and lost his way ) . Kaayika , Vaachika and Manaseeka aparadhams are covered here . The meaning of the entire slOkam is as follows : O Supreme Lord of Srirangam ! I am a pathetic one. I have let go of all that is true and worthy of preservation and got myself caught in the snares of women ( DevadEvi ) . Fie me! Out of desire to receive Thy grace , I am standing now before You shamelessly . Alas ! False am I ! False am I ! False am I ! AzhwAr's prArabdha KarmAs got him ensnarled in the trap set by DevadEvi , who made a wager with her companion to attract the devout VipranArayaNA performing ThirumAlai kainkaryam to the Lord of Srirangam . She won in her wager and the AzhwAr lost his spiritual footing and wandered away from the Lord . He was saved from this disaster by the most compassionate Lord Himself at the prompting of His concerned Consort , Sri RanganAyaki . Elsewhere in ThirumAlai , Thondaradipodi cries out to us in the role of a compassionate AchAryA and appeals to us to become the object of love of the most compassionate Lord and perform kainkaryam to Him and His BhagavathAs . He condemns false devotion , avaidhika mathams and declares his ananya bhakthi in many of the ThirumAlai paasurams . I will cover some of them and relate them to the experience of another parama VaishNavA , Saint ThyagarAja in the concluding post on Thondardipodi AzhwAr . Sri RanganAyaki SamEtha Sri RanganAyaka SwaminE Nama: AzhwAr AchAryAL THiruvadigalE SarNam Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadgOpan
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