Thondaradipodi Thirunakshatram : Part 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Dec 28 1997 - 19:11:24 PST
Dear BhakthAs : Thondaradipodi AzhwAr was not a prolific composer of Paasurams like Thirumangai and NammAzhwAr . He left us with only 45 verses in the divya Prabhandham revered as ThirumAlai . Inspite of the small number of Paasurams , the AzhwAr packed them with rasAnubhavam of a BhakthA climbing the ladder of SadhanA and sOdhanA . For instance , we come across his VairAghyam , Nitya-Anithya vivEkam , bhagavatha prasamsA ( praising of Bhagavathas and their dharmam ) , Kama garhaNA ( condemnation of sensual pleasures ) , artha garhaNaa ( Condemnation of material pursuits ) , bhakthi mahima prasamsA ( Praising of the supermacy of Bhakthi ) , Naama MahAthmya ( exaltation of the Lord's names ) , asadh bhakthi garhaNA ( Condemnation of pOli BhagavathAs and rituals , bare learning without devotion to the Lord ) , ananya Bhakthi (exclusive devotion to Sri RanganathA ), rupa -svarUpa , GuNa prasamsA of the Lord of Srirangam and other moods of a devout bhakthA of the Lord such as NirvEdam ( sorrow over lost time chasing worldly pursuits at the expense of devoting time to the worship of the Lord ) , NaicchAnusandhAnam (self-depreceation ) , vitarkA ( cogitation over what is going to happen if the Lord does not come to his rescue ) , DhainyOkthi ( plaintive pleading for Lord's grace ) and mahA viswasam . In the very first Paasuram , the AzhwAr is in an ebullient mood of fearlessness arising from his success in his SadhAnA of reciting the names of the Lord and restraining his sensory organs from distractions . He confidently declares that he has placed his feet over the head of Yama ( the Lord of Death) and his servants and is roaming fearlessly around fortified by the power of the Lord's nAmAs . The power of the NaamA of the Lord and utter trust in the naamAs of the Lord reminds one of the experience and declaration of Saint ThyagarAjA in the charaNam of his KedAra rAga krithi , " Raama ! neepai thanaku prEma bhOdhu " : jananee janakApthulanyulu dhanakanaka Guru vElpulu dinamu neevE yanumAtalu anaga nivi naa bhUshaNamulu ( Meaning ) : The words ( naama Japam ) that I utter daily that You alone are my father , mother , friend , wealth , gold , Guru and dEvAs constitute my ornaments (and armour ) . In his second paasuram ( pacchai maamalai pOl mEni ) , AzhwAr declares that the anubhavam of Sri RanganAthA' s soundharyam leaves him fully satisfied and makes him totally disinterested in other blessings(boons ) such as becoming the king of dEvAs and ruling Indra lOkam . One hears the echos of this vivEkam in one of the CharaNams of Saint ThyagarAjA's SavEri Krithi ( 12th AND 13 th CharaNam of krithi , Sri Raama RaamAsrithalamu gAmA nEramA bhrOva BhaaramA ? ) The particular charaNam is as follows : nEmamuga tOli nOmuna dorakina Raamuni JithakAmuni seeluni sadhguNasAlini juchDE chAlunu ANYAMELANU ? ( Meaning ) : It is enough if I have darsanam of Sri RamA , whom I have obtained as a result of my worship in previous birth . He is the conqueror of desires , the model of rectitude and the embodiment of all virtues . WHY NEED ANYTHING ELSE ? One can find many similar pasaages in Saint ThyagarAjA's krithis that are echos of Thondaradipodi's paasura vAkhyams. It is a wonderful treat to compare the experiences of thesetwo parama ViashNavAs across centuries . Thondaradipodi AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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