thirup pAvai - part 14- "pOthuminO nErizhiayeer - perumAL's thiru uLLam as invitation for eternal wedlock"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Rengarajan • Thu Dec 25 1997 - 06:16:19 PST
ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam part 14 - "pothuminO nErizhaiyeer" - a marriage invitation ie., Without Lord Sri Krishna's desire nothing happens. He chooses those who must surrender in this birth. HE HIMself gives them the "pakkuvam" (mArgazhi thingaL). HE sets the stage HIMself (mathi niRaintha nan nAL). HE comes to our mind and invite us to do this nOnbu or "little effort" known as prapatti or self surrender. jIvAtma has nothing in its control. Everything is done by HIM and this is symbolised here by Sri ANDAL, by going herself to each jiVAtmA's (agam) house and awaken them (AWAKEN THE SOUL) and bring them to the main stream to perform the "nOnbu" (prapatti). The word "nEridaiyAR", here can mean the chOsen one's. ie., She is inviting those who are the chOsen ones with some specific charecteristic and mindset. Such are also rich in their realisation of the nature of their jiVatma swaroopam. The word "nEr" means straight but here it is the short form of "nErththiyAna" ie.,, "vilai uyarntha" ie., "athika mathippuLLa" ie., very extraordinary and precious priceless and the word "izhai" is addressed for their "anikalan" known as jewellery. ie., This pAsuram has several different concepts (*). The main few of them are [1] pakkuvam of jivatma (knowledge on swaroopam) and [2] Emperuman's parApOkAram ie., the *FOREWORD* that HE HIMself initiates all these into the minds of chEthanan by using the word "pOthuminO". It is an invitation to all the jivAtmAs to surrender and such invitation is presented by none other than pirAtti HERself. [3] acharyathathuvam, [4] manthra upadEsam, and the [5] prAbhAvam(upAyam) and [6] prabyam (upEyam) and The sequence itself clearly states the ladder that the jivAtma will climb in its ascendance to path for seeking eternal union with Lord. (gOthai) pirAtti not only invites but also demonstrates HERself as to how one may surrender observing this nOnbu known as prapatti. It is customary also to invite "suRRam" or friends and realtives to one's nOnbu (here the nOnbu is itself the marriage or eternal union through "saranAgathi"). Speaking of invitation, it is to be noted that, this pAsuram itself is also resembling a traditional marriage invitation. In Tamil the follwing "format" is somewhat a replica of a marriage invitation ie., "nigazhum mArgazhith thingaL powrnami nAL, seer izhai aayar sirmiyarrukkum erArntha iLam kanni maRRum koorvEl kodunthizhilan nantha gOpan thiruk kumArAN kANNan (Sri Krishnan) engiRa narAyananukkum avan thiruvaruLaLE nichchaiyikkappattu, nArAyanana avnAlEyE saranAgathi ennum thiruk kalyANa nONnbu (saranagathi or surrender or prapatti termed here as paRai tharuvaan) nammOdu nadaththtap padukiRathu. pArRor anaivarum pugazhnthuEl or empAvAi". ie., We welcome you the folks of this earth, to "JOIN" the (marriage) nOnbu (paRai) of (the most beautiful) aaychchiyars of aayarpAdi and the son (koor vEl kulaththOn) of Sri Nanda gopan and Smt yasodha, Sri Krishnan alias Sri nArAyanan On the coming mArgazhi month,powrnami day. saraNagathi performed as "baranyAsam" is also considered as an eternal wedlock with the Lord and jivAtma. Certain aspects of baranyAsam symbolise this. These are only to be told by the achAryAL at the time of baranyAsam and hence it is refrained here from discussing such. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan (*) Though Several refernces can be written for this, only some brief and core concepts are presented to help understand the fundamental and follow the flow of the article.
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