Subhashita Nivi-7

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sun Dec 21 1997 - 13:44:34 PST

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Dear Friends,

In this post, I shall continue the summary of Swami Desikan's Subhashita Nivi. In this set of twelve verses, Swami Desikan describes the path of  the equanimous ones. Although 
the Subhashita Nivi  was intended to be a non-philosophical non religious exercise meant for discussion between a king and his courtiers, Swami Desikan  introduces a gem of a 
thought, a capsule of profound wisdom or a rare flash of insight from Bhagavad Ramanuja Darshanam in each set of twelve verses. This set of twelve verses seems to be motivated 
by Lord Krishna's teachings in Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The relevant verses from the Bhagavad Gita are: 

Dhukeshu AnudvignamanA: Sukheshu Vihataspruhaha I
Veetaragha Bhaya Krodha: Stithadheermuniruchyate II  

Samam SarvEshu Bhooteshu Tishtantam Parameshvaram 
Vinashyatsva Vinashyanti Yah Pashyati Sa Pashyati

PrasAdE Sarva DukhAnAm HAnirasyOpajAyatE I
Prasanna ChetasOhyashu Buddhi: ParyavatishtatE II

1.  The hallmark of a true Brahmin is impartiality in debates among scholars, and acceptance of truth from whichever source it may come.

2.  The Sun is quite impartial to all. It neither favors the ruddy geese (which revel during the day) nor disfavors the partridges (which rejoice at night).

3.  Impartial men are like the interval between day and night and which is a regular feature throughout the world, though at some places and during some times the days and nights themselves are longer or shorter. 

4.  Neither drinking of water by the Sun nor returning it by clouds through rains affect the vast ocean, which keeps to its own level. 

5.  Gems of purest kind  bring fortune whether or not holes are drilled in them. 

6.  He who retains his goodness towards good and bad men alike is fit to be worshipped like a God. He is not a mere human being, deserving only human praise.

7.  A true gem shines steadfastly by itself and is not affected by external factors, unlike a lamp which needs oil to burn and can be snuffed out by wind and which is discarded during day time, as unnecessary. So are the good men unaffected by prosperity or adversity.

8.  The trees in a hermitage become holy due to association with sages and are not affected by forest fires or torrential rains. Persons with equanimity are like such trees.

9.  He who conquers himself conquers all. He wears equanimity as a coat of arms, proof against thieves and enemies.

10.  Even when extremely thirsty, the Chataka bird will not deign to look at a shallow pond or at the salty sea. It will wait for pure rain water from the clouds above.

11.  God has created dark nights to show up the usefulness of sun-lit daylight. He seems to have created common men to accent the brightness of good and virtuous men. Whoever reviles the virtuous ones takes over the burden of their sins and makes the accused purer still.

12.  It is in the nature of God to dwell in the hearts of the good and bad. When assuming lowly forms, He loses not his glory, remains blemishless with infinite bliss. He views impartially even the weak-minded deviates from the path of virtue.

Namo Narayana,

Muralidhar Rangaswamy
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