Manthra /Maanasa/ Mukhya/GowNa SnAnams
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sun Dec 21 1997 - 07:04:25 PST
Iswara Samvathsaram , Maargazhi 6 KrishNa paksham , Sapthami Poora Nakshthram PuLLum Silambina KaaNN Thiruppavai day December 21 , 1997 Dear BhakthAs of Sriman NaarAyaNA : I will translate the manthrams of Maanasa SnAnam as per the request of Sri Gopalaswamy in this posting . As a part of sadAchAram and anushtAnam , Sri VaishNavAs have prescribed rules for performing their daily abolutions ( snAnams ) to prepare themselves properly for the daily AarAdhanams for their Lord , Sriman NaarAyaNA . Vangipuram Nampi , who was a direct disciple of AchArya RaamAnujA received instructions from his guru on Sri ViashNava DiancharyA and elaborated on his AchAryA's Nithya Grantham in his kArikai . Swami Desikan covered many of these topics related to SnAnam mainly in his PaancharAthra RakshA , Saccharithra RakshA and briefly in Srimadh Rahasya Traya Saaram ( SaadhyOpAya SodhanAdhikAram and PrabhAva vyavasthAthikAram chapters ) . In Sri Sannidhi ( AhObila Matam sampradhAyam ) , the 26th Jeeyar ( SrivaNN SatakOpa Sri RanganAtha SatakOPa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan ) blessed us with a grantham revered as " VaishNava SadAchAra NirNayam " to enhance Jn~Anam , AnushtAnam and Athma GuNams . The 42nd Jeeeyar ( Injimettu Azhagiya Singar ) edited the original text and corrected the mistakes that had crept in and rereleased this grantham of Sri Sannidhi . The current Jeeyar ( SrivaNN SatakOpa Sri NaaRAyaNa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan ) released a magnificiently rich edition of the Ahnika Grantham of the 26 th and 42nd Jeeyar for our benefit in 1990 . Those who wish to obtain additional information are referred to these mula granthams. I will summarize briefly the different types of SnAnams and the meaning of the manthrams of Maanasa SnAnam here . The Major categories of SnAnams are of two kinds ; Mukhya SanAnam and GowNa SnAnam . There are subcategories under them , which we will not cover here . Manthra SnAnam precedes Maanasa SnAnam . The Manthra SnAnam starts with " Om ApOhishTA mayO bhuva: an dends with " Om ApO janayathA cha na: " There are 9 manthrams here and appropriate sprinkling of water ( PrOkshaNams ) here on the head , heart and foot regions . The Maanasa SnAnam starts thereafter . Manasa SnAnam is the most sacred of all snAnams according to our AchAryAs . Swami Desikan states with authority, " Maanasam VishNu chinthanam " . For those , who is unable to perform VaaruNa SnAnam ( Taking a bath by immersion in water ) due to illness or other inconveniences , Manasa SnAnam is vital . It is also performed before wearing Urdhva Pundrams and PrAtha: SandhyA Vandhanam . One should meditate upon AkAsa GangA that flowed from the scred feet of Trivikraman falling on our head and entering our body through Brahma Randhram ( a sacred cavity in our head ) and permeate all through our inside and then flow outside and cleanse us of all dirts and blemishes . At that time , we should meditate on the glorious subhAsrayam ( ThirumEni ) of Sriman NaarAyaNA from His lotus feet to the sacred Thirumudi . Then the Maanasa SnAna Slokams are recited . First SlOkam : khasthitham ----- Khasthitham = One who resides in Sri Vaikuntam PundareekAksham = One who has the eyes similar to the Red lotus in its beauty and softness ( SenthAmaraik - KaNNan ManthramUrthim = One who is the embodiment of PanchOpanishad manthrams Harim SmarEth= One should reflect on Hari of these attributes . AnanthAdhithya SankAsam VaasudEvam Chathur Bhujam = ( We should meditate on Him ) , who has the lustre of limitless AdhithyAs ( Suns ) and who is the VaasudEva Murthy with four arms . SlOkam 2 : Sankha Chakra gadhA dhAriNam vanamAlinam I syAmalam Saantha Hrudhayam divya PeethambharAvrutham II He is the One fit for meditation with Paanchajanyam , Sudarsanam , divine mace and a beautiful red lotus in His four hands. He is wearing a fragrant garland known as VanamAlai ( Garland made of wild flowers of the forest ) . He has the hue of a dark green mountain ( Pacchai maamalai pOl mEni ) . He has the most compassionate and tranquil disposition ( Hrudhayam ) . He wears the divine golden yellow garment in His waist ( PeethAmbharam ) . ( That is how we should meditate on Him ) SlOkam 3 : divya Chandhana lipthAngam ChaaruhAsam subhEkshaNam I anEka rathna samchannam spuran makara Kundalam II He has divine sandal paste smeared on His limbs ; He has the most captivating smile ; He has the benovolent glances that banish all inauspiciousness ; His body is hidden under the many pieces of divine jewelery adorning Him ; His ears are resplendent with shining Makara kundalams . SlOkam 4 : NaaradhAdhibhirAsEvyam bhAsvadhvimala kankaNam I SakinkiNaeeka kEyUradhAiNam makuTojvalam II He is surrounded by Sages like NaaradhA who are eulogizing Him .He is wearing the resplendent bracelets ( KankaNams ) on His wrists. He is further adorned by KinkiNee ( silampu with bells as ankle ornaments ) and upeer arm jewelery ( KEyUrams) and looks beautiful . On His head rests the splendidly radiant crown . SlOkam 5 : Dhvaja vajrAnkusa lakshya Paadha padmam sunirmalam I tath paadhapadmajAm GangAm nipathantheem svamUrdhani II As the supreme Lord , the soles of His lotus feet carry the insignia of Flag , Vajram ( Ayudham , the back bone of sage Marichee) , and Goad ; those sacred feet are pristinely pure and destroy every kind of inauspiciousness . From those lotus feet flows the sacred GangA and that pravAham falls on my head . SlOkam 6 : cinthayEdh brahmarandhrENa pravisantheem svikAm thanum I tayA samkshAlitham dhyAyEdh bhAyamAbhayantharam malam II That sacred Ganga should be meditated upon as entering one's body through the brahma randhram ( cavity in the head ) , flowing through out the inside and outside of the body and removing all malams ( sins and blemishes) . Ithyuktham Maanasam SnAnam sarva snAnAdhikam param I Ithi Maanasa SnAnam KuryAth II This is the Maanasa SnAnaanam prescribed by the sacred ones ( Sages ) as the best among all kinds of abolutions to prepare oneself for Bhagavdh ArAdhanam and Kaimkaryam . Subhamasthu , Saanthirasthu Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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