thirup pAvai - part 12 - "neerAda pOthuveer"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Thu Dec 18 1997 - 12:50:06 PST
Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam This *early* bath in this season is also advised to be a good practise in keeping one's health in a good condition for the rest of the year. ie., if one can observe these nOnbu after taking their bath in the early morning in "mArgazhi", it is said then that such person will remain healthy for a long time. The word "neerAda Pothuveer" ie., "we shall bathe", symbolise the "bagwath experience" known as bagwath guna anubavam. For some it may even be experience of bagwath kAmA. The pond itself is referred to perumaL in many places in ilakkiyam. nammAzwAr has expressed the Lord as "Lotus dwelling pond". ie., "thAmaRai pooththa thadAgamO". In Sri Kamba Ramayanam, Sri Seetha, tells Hanuman, that when ever she sees the pond nearby she is seeing Lord Rama. Same way it was also quoted earlier by Sri Nammalwar that "HE is like an emarald pond born to DasarathA", ie., thayarathan peRRa maragatha maNith thadam". In the first line the word "thingaL" can also mean woman or the pAvai or maiden (jivAtmA in its antharyamin) who has attained the pakkuvam (mArgazhi). "mathi niRaintha" also means the (mathi) "knowledge" that is filled with (niRaintha) Sri Krishna Consciousness (bagwath Vishayam). "nan nAL am" means (nalla naal aana inRu) such is the auspicious day when the matured maiden (jivAtmA) is filled with bagwath vishayam or supreme knowledge (in their siddham), on Sri Krishna. Thus for the line "mArgazhi thingAL, mathi niRaintha naNNalaam" the overall inner meaning, is such that, the day when a matured soul [a soul tha has the pakkuvam or have realised their self] (ie., the purpose of jivAtmA is to serve the paramapurushan Sri Krishnan eternally) is filled with bagwath vishayam or bagwath knowledge and is desiring for "Sri KrishnA anubhavam (bagwath anubavam)", (Sri Krishna sthAyee, ie., "[1] Santham, [2] thAsyam [3] sAkkiyam [4] vAthsalyam [5] mAthuryam), such day is an auspicious day. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sri Boomi devith thAyAr samEtha Sri Oppiliappan thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sri Boomi devith thAyAr samEtha Sri Oppiliappan thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan
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