thirup pAvai - part 11 - mathi niRaintha nan nAL
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Thu Dec 18 1997 - 12:41:30 PST
Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam "mArgazhi thingaL" means the margazhi month, ie., in Tamizh the word thingaL is also addressed for month. "mathi niRaintha nannAlAm - the main meaning is that "mathi" the moon is full (niRaintha) and blooming. Such days is a good day. For those who are in love and are seeking the company of their beloved one's (eternally) nilA or moon comes to one's mind. Many times the nila or moon becomes their companion in their solitude, longing for the union with their beloved. Among nila or moon, niRaintha mathi or (ie., niRaintha means the mean that is full) full moon is an auspicious sign for lovers. It is said that when the moon is full certain qualities are brought in the minds of lovers due to the kiranangaL (the beam or rays of full moon) and their longing for each other reaches a peak that night. This is the role of the full moon in lover's game. Perhaps, Sri ANDAL indirectly states here that just as similar to her (jiVatmnA's) pakkuvam to enjoy the Krishna prEmai, Sri Krishna is as well ready and is filled with such desrie to be in HER company and such is indicated by this "niRaintha mathi" ie., full moon. ie., Sri ANDAL is perhaps reminded of the night in full moon when "Sri Ras Leela" took place and Sri Krishna entertained in multiple forms all the aaychiyars in Gokul. This is a Sri KrishnA anubavam (Bagwath kAma thaththuvam) said to be unique for Sri Krishna, ("mAthuryam"). May be that is the reason She is seeking the company of other aaycchiyars as well, symobolising the bAgwatha ghOsti and sathsangam of all bAgwathAs in seeking to enjoy Sri Krishna premai. Pournami is genarlly a good day. In every Tamil calender year One of the Powrnami is also the most auspicious day. Such day is celebrated as the second largest attended festival in Tamil Nadu in the city of Madurai. And it is very auspicous because of ANDAL's sambandham (ANDAL's connectivity). On the day of chithrA powrnami, Sri ANDAL's maalai (garland) from srivillip puthtur reaches Sri Kallazhagar at the banks of the river Vaigai. HE accepts the garland and steps into the river symbolising HIS union with ANDAL. Incidentally this is also the first day (night) the illaRam (married life) starts for newly married couple in these area. Many newly married couple are even made to wait to celebrate their nuptial, ceremonially on this day. ie., even if they are married a few months ago in the same year they wait for the most auspicous moment of Sri Azhagar accepting ANDAL's maalai or garland and stepping into the river bed. (*) Talking of "Love" between newly married, the role of Lord Manmathan was discussed earlier as mentioned in AzwAr pAsurams. There was also an ancient custom, when maiden women take early morning bath and worship to the Lord of Love (kAMA) known as Lord Manmathan, and seek his blessisngs for a getting married to a husaband of their choice. In srimad bAgwatham also there is a mention about this on Sri KAthyAyini nOnbu. (10 Skandam). This practice is also found widely in South India (kerala) and is reported in tamil sanga ilakkiyams as well. Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sri Boomi devith thAyAr samEtha Sri Oppiliappan thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan (*) some more details may be found in articles on thiru maal irum sOlai.
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