Re: MESSAGE bhakti.v002.n405.6
From the Bhakti List Archives
Shree • Thu Dec 18 1997 - 06:07:18 PST
namaskaara, > --------------- MESSAGE bhakti.v002.n405.6 --------------- > > From: R Dhindhwal> Subject: Introduction > > I am a new member of this mailing list, and am unfamilar with Sri > Vaisnavism. If someone would be so kind as to send me or post an > introduction to Sri Vaisnavism, I would be very grateful. I am sure the knowledegeable members of the group would have sent you the information. > > I noticed that many messages have references to Tamil. I am from > Hariyana, and am totally ignorant of the Tamil language. Yes, the list mostly focusses on Tamil, sometimes sanskrit writings of SV aachaaryas. However, usually the translation is given so you can follow the discussions. You will not find many/any references to bhakti literature from North India - that discussion is considered outside the 'scope of this list'. > Could this/ > Will this be an impediment to any accumulation of spiritual knowledge > that I could receive? Join the list with the 'right spirit' - like the 'haMsa' take the good, leave the rest :-) You can also see the archives to get an idea of the discussions on the list. the URL is Regards, Shree -- email: website:
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