fwd: Efficacy of the method of surrender
From the Bhakti List Archives
Shree • Thu Dec 18 1997 - 05:56:02 PST
Efficacy of the method of surrender Date: 18-12-1997 :: Pg: 24 :: Col: c Cl: Religion CHENNAI, Dec. 18. Among the different methods recommended in the scriptures for realising God, the path of Self-surrender (Saranagati, Prapatti) is given the pride of place in the Srivaishnava tradition. The doctrine of Prapatti has been hailed at once as the most easy one to adopt and also difficult because the Prapanna must repose absolute faith in the Lord. The Acharyas of the tradition have established this doctrine on the authority of the scriptures and the epics. One of the paradigmatic instances of Prapatti oft-quoted in the traditional works is the Vibhishana saranagati from the Ramayana. In Lanka the trail of destruction that Hanuman left after his visit there instilled fear in the hearts of the citizens. Ravana was rather ashamed but was also afraid of the havoc caused by a mere monkey and summoned his council of ministers and brothers to decide on the course of action. In his discourse on the Ramayana Sri S. R. Raghottamachar said, Ravana's ministers praised his strength and valour counselling him that he should face Rama in the battlefield. Vibhishana instead advised his brother that he was in the wrong for having abducted Rama's wife, which was against Dharma. Further he pointed out that he had a formidable enemy in the person of Rama, for, even the envoy He had sent had caused so much destruction single-handedly. -- email: shree@usa.net website: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8891/
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