Denver Meeting related translations : part 5 : ThirukkurunthAndakam --15& 16
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Dec 17 1997 - 05:26:56 PST
In these two pasurams , Thirumangai performs maanaseeka thirumanjanam and decorates the Lord with beautiful garlands through mAnasa Vaachikams . In paasuram 15 , AzhwAr celebrates RaamAvathAram and performs SnAnAsanam to the Lord . In paasuram 16 , he enjoys the other avathArams of the Lord and performs alankArAsanam to them . The various Incarnations of the Lord saluted here are : Rama , KrishNa , Thrivikrama and KurmAvathArams . ThirukkurunthAndakam : Paasuram 15 ( munpolArAvaNan --) In the distant TrEthA Yugam , the valiant HanumAn went as Your messenger to the court of the evil RavaNA and taught latter a lesson by setting fire to his capitol City of LankhA with its crenellated ramparts and returned safely to Your side at Risyamukha mountain to prostrate before You and to share with You the good news of locating Your consort at AsOkha Vanam . You were thrilled to receive that news and stood in wonderment about the matchless service performed by HanumAn . When I think of that moving occasion , all my bones melt and even in that state of formlessness , my mind filled with my affectionate devotion for You becomes ripe with Jn~nam and transforms itself into the perfumed , sacred water ( parimaLa theertham ) to perform Thirumanjanm for You . ThirukkurnthAndakam : Paasuram 16 ( maya mAn maayaccheythu ---) O valiant Lord who killed the mayAvi Maarichan , when he took the form of the golden deer to distract Your consort , O Lord who entered between the pair of maruthA trees to redeem the two YakshAs from their curse , O my Master , who expanded skyward to measure the universe as ThrivikramA , O the mighty one , who supported the MandhrA mountain on Your back as a giant tortoise and lifted it up from the bottom of the milky ocean to serve as a churning rod to bring the nectar out , I am utterly grateful to You for Your anugrahams . I , Your devoted servant will show my thankfulness to You for Your mahOpakaarams by decorating You with sacred garlands strung together from the words of my paasurams ( Naama KusumAnjali ) . Kaliyan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam V.Sadagopan
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