
From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Dec 16 1997 - 22:22:27 PST

Dear Bhaagavathaas,

Thiruppaavai has 4 major vyakhyaanms written on it -
moovayirappadi (3000ppadi) by periyavachchaan piLLai
aaraayirappadi (6000ppadi ) by azhagiya maNavaaLap perumaaL naayanaar
eeraayirappadi and nalaayirappadi (2000ppadi, 4000ppadi) by aay

In addition to that, numerous aachaaryaas have written svaapadEsha
vyaakhyaanams on thiruppaavai.
(aay jananyaachaariaar - 4000ppadi svaapadEsa vyaakhyaanam, the first
vaanamaamalai jeeyar's svaapadEsha vyaakhyaanam etc..)

We will quote directly *some* salient portions of the above vyaakhyanams.
We do not plan to write about all the 30 paasurams in detail, or in summary.
All we are trying to do, (even though we are in no way qualified to do these
things) is to bring out the SV sampradaayam to those who are not lucky enough
to have the vyaakhyaams.

In addition to the vyaakhyaaams, we are going to quote directly from the
thiruppaavai upanyaasams of the current aachaaryaas. If all we do in the
next few weeks is to quote from those upanyaasams, then that in itself will
be a worthwhile endeavour.

We hope that you all will bear with our going beyond our limitations and
our being unqualified to even touch these vyaakhyaanams. Our only goal is
to bring out these vyaakhyaanams and upanyaasams to the bhakti group so
that bhaagavathaas that are not fortunate enough to have them will get an
opportunity to experience them. We hope that this will prompt all of us into
going back to our aachaaryaas for more upanyaasams. Ultimately, we hope
that our primary mode of learning will be directly listening to copies of the
upanyaasams of our aachaaryaas.

Aazhvaar emperumaanaar jeeyar thiruvadgaLE saranam,

Thirumalai Anandanpillai Varadhan