Translations of Paasurams of interest for the Denver SammElanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Dec 13 1997 - 09:35:54 PST
Dear Srimahti Nagu Satyan and other devotees of Sri RanganaathA : Since I could not be at Denver , let me offer my kaimkaryam to the conference participants thru an assembly of translation of AzhwAr Paasurams of interest to the group . I will use the translation of by experts , wherever available for the sake of speed and translate the rest on my own and send it to you this weekend to reach you in time for assembling them for use by the congregation of BhakthAs . On this ThiruppANAzhwAr's birth day , I will start with the translation of AmalanAdhipirAn first . The translation is by the Sri VaishNavite Savant & Parama Desika BhakthA , Late Sri Dindukkal Ramaswami IyengAr with very small modifications by me . AMALANAADHIPIRAAN OF THIRUPPAANAAZHWAAR ********************************************************** Paasuram 1: AmalanAdhipirAN --- He , (1) the ever pure , (2) the primordial being , (3) the great benefactor , (4) the ever-blemishless One consigning me to the service of the devoted , (5) the Lord of the Celestials, (6) the resident of VenKatam with fragrant groves , (7) the One who has no faults , (8) the One remaining unaffected by the faults (of His devotees ) , (9) the One residing in righteous Paramapadham , (10 ) my Lord and Leige of Arangam with long ramparts --His radiant lotus FEET appear as if they have come into , and are , in my eyes . Paasuram 2 : UvandhavuLLatthinAi --- The Lord of Arangam , with tall and erect head-ornament which pierced (once ) the higher worlds , when with great delectation to His heart , He measured the worlds (as TrivikramA ) ; He is the scion of the race of Kakut ( an early king of the Surya vamsam ) , whose sharp and stinging arrows destroyed the raakshasAs , who confronted Him (then ) at the battle field . My mind has gone towards the reddish PEETHAAMBHARAM worn by Him in His waist region . Paasuram 3 : Mandhi paayi -- The Lord reclining on the serpent couch in Srirangam is the Lord , who stands on top of the great Venkatam mountain in the north , where monkeys run hither and thither . He stands there so that the celestials (and humans ) may meet Him there . My mind's sweet soul rests on the twilight - coloured garment of that Lord ( RanganAthA ) and His shining NAVEL above it , which created the (four-faced ) BrahmA . Paasuram 4 : ChathuramAmathiL --- That ocean-hued Lord ( Sri RamA ) , who after driving RavaNA once , later aimed a specially powered , sharp arrow and made the ten heads of the ruler of LankhA ( surrounded by square and immense ramparts ) drop on earth . That Lord resting at Srirangam , where bees sing sweetly and the big peacocks dance beautifully , is now my sole relation and protector . The WAIST BAND around Lord RanganAthA's lovely stomach plesantly strolls about within my mind . Paasuram 5 : Paaramaaya pazha vinai -- Having cut asunder the firm hold of ancient and heavy load of sins on me , He ( the Lord ) has made me His (exclusive servant ); not only that , but He has entered into me. (For achieving this blessing ) , what great penance has been performed by me (or by Him ) , I do not know . ( But this I see ) , it is the CHEST of my Lord of Srirangam beautified by MahA Lakshmi and the garland (Vyjayanthi) has captured my mind and captivated me . Paasuram 6: TundaveNNp pirayAn --- He who dispelled the grief of ParamasivA adorning the white crescent moon ( on His head ) is my Lord , who has come to the city of Srirangam surrounded by groves in which live (swarms of ) bees with charming wings . His throat , which (once upon a time ) completely swallowed the worlds inhabited by a class of people known as ANdar and the worlds beyond that world , and this unique big earth , and also the seven great KulAchalAs --that THROAT is the one that has saved me - Behold ! Paasuram 7 : kaiyinAr --- He holds in His hands the conch with winding rekhAs and the fiery wheel ( Sudarsana chakram ) . He has a huge body like an elongated hill . He with long kireetA redolent with the fragrance of sacred Tulasi is our Father and Saviour . His CORAL LIPS and RED MOUTH alas ! has enticed and carried away my mind . Paasuram 8: PariyanAhi vantha ---- That primordial Benefactor , who tore into shreds , the asurA ( HiraNyakasipu ) , who came ( to assault Him ) with his massive body . He is not easily accessible or available to the DevAs ( like BrahmA , SivA , Indra et al ) . This Lord's ( RanganAthA's ) big EYES , which are dark and spread out on all sides , always moving ,and with red streaks running (across them ) and very long --they have simply made a fool of me ( witH unmattham ) ! Paasuram 9 : alamAmaratthinilai mEl -- He who is now reclining on the serpent couch at Srirangam , (once upon atime ) was (seen as ) a non pareil ( Comparisonless ) Baby resting on the leaf of a banyan tree as Vatapathra Saayee , after consuming (devouring ) the whole worlds . That blue-tinted THIRUMENI of endless dazzle of that Lord adorned by a beautiful garland studded with big and priceless gems , and an equally grand and glorious pearl garland , has , alas , destroyed the feeling of fullness and satisfaction in my mind (AzhwAr wants more of that experience . He has no satiety in enjoying the sarvaanga soundharyam of this aparyApthAmurathan ) . Paasuram 10 : Kondal VaNNanai -- My (mortal ) eyes which (now ) have seen my nectar in the form of Sri RanganAthA with the color of the blue clouds , whose mouth ate butter , when He incarnated as a cowherd , who stole my heart, who is the (undisputed ) ruler of all the worlds and their residents --these eyes of mine ---WILL NOT SEE ANY THING ELSE . THIRUPPAANAAZHWAAR THIRUVADIGALE SARANAM
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