thirup pAvai - ANDAL - part 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mudumbi, Ramagopal • Fri Dec 12 1997 - 15:14:01 PST
> -----Original Message----- > From: Sampath Rengarajan [] > Sent: Friday, December 12, 1997 8:09 AM > To: > Subject: thirup pAvai - ANDAL - part 3 > > Dear bAgwathALs, > > Sri ANDAL thiruvadikaLE saraNam > > While the azwArs delivered so many pAsurams and enjoyed the > immense beauty of the lord it is said sometimes in some > perspective that they also did so, for themselves. But it is said > by some vyAkyAana karthAs that periyAzwar who saw the Lord in kali > didn't want the lord to get the bad omen from the eyes of many of > the kali folks. Hence he delivered pallANdu for the Lord, wishing > the Lord many thousands of years of life. HE is ever present > i.e., present beyond the measure of the time. However the notion > to wish someone is spontaneous in good people's mind and that > makes them tens of thousands of time superior to others. i.e., > pala muRai periya azwar anAr ivar. But his daughter ANDAL, sang > pallANdu for the thoNdars and bAgwathALs by delivering the essence > (Sri Varadhan will touch on this important aspect of Srivaishnavam) > of the upAyam that she undertook for the benefit of the kaliyuga > vAsis. Thus she stands as "pala kOdi periyavaL and thus she not > only rules the ithayam or heart of the Lord (She is living there, > ie.,"thiru mArbinan", but also rules over all of our hearts and > hence known as "ANDAL" or "the one who rules our hearts". thirup > pAvaiyum thirup palliezhuchchiyum seyalAl peyar peRRavai. ie., > The whole of thiru pAvai is itself considered as Nonbu ie., > undertaking "saranAgathi or surrender at the feet of the Lord" and > it is considered that one who is chanting these 30 verses and > surrender to the Lord, the Lord accept it as a paripoorana > saraNAgathi. > > May Lord Narayana and Bhakti List Members pardon my Azwar and > Bhagavatha Apacharam! Longtime ago I read an article mentioning that > PeriAzwar wrote ThiruppAvai in the pseudoname of ANDAL. I would > appreciate if any learned Bhakthi List members comment on this. > > Ramanuja Dasan > > Ramagopal Mudumbi > >
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