From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale
• Fri Dec 12 1997 - 15:07:21 PST
At 02:25 PM 12/12/97 -0500, Ram Gopalaswamy wrote:
>Curious about Gostipuram Sri Sowmya Naaraayanaacarya Svaami's
>background & guru parampara.
>Could knowledgeable members help ?
> HarE KrshhNa!
Goshtipuram Sri Sowmya Narayanaacharya Svaami is the Guru of SM
Srinivasachari, the author of 5 or 6 standard books on Vaishnavism,
Introduction to Visistadvaita - astudy based on Tattvamuktakalapa,
Visistadvaita & Advaita - based on Satadushani of Sri Vedanta Desika,
Mysticism and pHilosophy of Alwars etc.
Goshtipuram swamy, as he is known was a great scholar who was a grihasta
who taught many acharyas! He was a classic chatus-shastrajna. Most
scholars of Srivaishnavism know this person and respect him for his class
as a teacher in philosophy and a rigid shrotriya who lived the orthodox way.
Please let me know how you came across this person's name.
Adiyen Krishna Kalale