Bhakti- Yoga
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Dec 11 1997 - 05:58:29 PST
Dear Prapatti Group Members: Krishna Susarla raised some interesting questions about Bhakti Yoga. Today the term Bhakti has become all encompassing. Any thing that touches the affective or emotional side of our personality is termed as Bhakti. I have seen it translated as 'Love', 'Devotion', 'Yearning for the Divine presence', 'as the fifth Purushartha' etc.. All these are true. Bhakti according to Ramanujacharya involves as its first step the training of both the intellect and the will. This is classified under the 'Sadhana Saptaka' or the seven-fold moral and spiritual discipline. The advaitins have what is called 'Sadhana-Chatushtaya'. The seven sadhanas to upasana or bhakti (taken from Bodhayana Vritti by our Acharya) are: Viveka, Vimoka, Abhyasa, Kriya, Kalyana, AnavasAda, and Anuddharsa. These seven steps encompass the essential elements of Karma and Jnana Yoga whose main purpose is to discipline the will and the intellect and for the self to realise that it is the sesha of Bhagavan. The seven terms are explained (by no means elaborate) as - Viveka: Purification of the body through Sattvic food and cleaniness; Vimoka: Freedom from Kama and Krodha; Abhyasa: Continuous practice of the presence of the Antharyamin; Kriya: Five-fold duty and it includes Vedic recitation, sacrifice, benevolence and tapas, also duty towards guru, the forefathers; Kalyana: Consists of the practice of truth, integrity, daya and ahimsa; Anavasada: Freedom from despair due to disappointment and being cheerful; and finally Anuddharsa: Absence of exaltation (i.e. avoiding extremes). Equipped with these prerequisites the sadhaka enters on the life of meditation and cultivates the love of Bhaghavan. Upasana or Bhakti is the ceaseless remembrance of God, which is likened to the uninterrupted flow of oil. (tailadhArAvad avicchinna-smriti-samtAna-rUpa). As already pointed out by Kalale these are further elaborated in the Bhaghavat Gita and other scriptures. Vijayaraghavan
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