GeethA Jayanthi/Kaisika EkAdasi : Announcement of the Web page for SaraNAgathi
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Dec 10 1997 - 15:24:06 PST
Dear Members Of the Bhakthi Group : Today is a day very dear to the hearts of all mumukshus and Prapannaas . Today is the day when the most merciful Lord sitting in the front of PaarthA's chariot as Sarathy in the middle of the battle field of KurukshEthrA revealed the doctrine of SaraNAgathi to a downcast ArjunA , who was stricken with sorrow over the realization of his incompetency to practise Bhakthi YogA . He understood the insurmountable obstacles to him as a practioner of Bhakthi YogA to attain the goal of Moksham . The DayA Saagaran , PaarthasArathy was moved by the sincere sorrow of his friend and disciple and taught him the doctrine of SaraNAgathi or the doctrine of Self-Surrender . Our Compassionate Lord gave us the Carama Sloka in the context of instructing His dear disciple . Many AchAryAs have dwelled on the various aspects of SaraNAgathi , its auxillaries , methods of performance and fruits of such a performance . SaraNAgathi is declared by SasthrAs as an alternative to Bhakthi Yoga in attaining the supreme fruit of Moksham . Other AchAryAs have interpreted that SaraNAgathi can give Bhakthi YogA itself and through it MokshA . Swami Desikan is one of the most prolific writers on SaraNAgathi Taattvam as a student of the student of Vaatsya VaradAchAr ( NadAthUr AmmAL ), who gave us the authoritative grantham on SaraNAgathi revered as Prapanna Paarijaatham . To understand and appreciate the many works of Swami Desikan on the most important doctrine of SaraNAgathi taught by the Lord Himself through His charama SlOkA , we started a journal nine weeks back . Sriman Anbil Ramaswamy , Sri Sampath Rengarajan and myself have accepted responsibilities to publish this electronic journal , which is released every Saturday . It appears that there are some two hundred members , number of whom happen to be members of the Bhakthi group itself , who receive this journal via internet . I have posted a note earlier in the Bhakthi list about the reasons for a special journal on saraNAgathi and the scope of such a publication . After releasing a few issues , It was our desire to archive the issues for ease of access to current and future readers . Sriman Venakatesh Elayavalli , the owner of the home page on Sri VaishNava AchAryALs generously volunteered his expertise and time to create the archives and a home page for SaraNAgathi journal . IT IS MY GREAT PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THE URL FOR THIS WEB SITE ON THIS GEETHA JAYANTHI DAY : URL -- Please look it up . It is beautifully put together by Sriman VenkatEsh Elayavalli . Today , it has two issues (7& 9) there . The rest of the issues are being formatted to add to the web page to bring it upto speed and to add weekly issues thereafter. YOU ARE WELCOME TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS JOURNAL DEVOTED TO SARANAGATHI BY SENDING E-MAIL TO SRI RENGARAJAN AT SRENGARA@HOTMAIL.COM I conclude this posting on announcement with a slOkam from Swami Desikan"s Rahasya traya Saaram ( UpAya VibhAga AdhikAram ) : karam-jnAnam upAsanam ca saraNa-vrajyeti ca avasthitAn san-margaan apavarga-sAdhana-vidhou sadvaarka-advarkAn , eka-dvyaakrti -yoga-sambharutha-prathag- bhaavAnubhAvAn imAn samyak prekshya saraNya-Sarathi-girAm anthE ramanthE budhA : ( Meaning ) : The four auspicious routes precribed for Moksham are : Karma Yogam, JnAna Yogam , Bhakthi( UpaasanA ) yogam and SaraNAgathi . Of these , the Karma and JnAna yogams are indirect means to attain Moksham , whereas Bhakthi and saranaagathi(Prapatti ) yogams are direct means . Wise men know well that two of these four means have a single nature and the other two have a twofolfd nature derive delight from the last words (Carama SlOkam ) of the divine charioteer , who is the SAVUIOUR OF ALL . AlavandhAr summarizes the meaning of the 18th chapter housing the charama SlOkam this way : IsvarE karthruthA buddhi: satthvOpAdhEyathAnthimE I savkarma pariNaamasccha SAASTHRA SAARAARTHA UchyathE II May the GeethAchAryan's Charama SlOkam be the beacon of light to illuminate our path , Sri RukmiNee Sametha Sri ParthasArayE Nama: Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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