Mr.K.Susarla's question

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Dec 10 1997 - 13:59:04 PST

Dear Mr.Susarla : 
In answer to your question , Professor A.Srinivasa Raghavan 
(Pudukotai A.S.Raghavan ) is one of the greatest scholars in
Sri Vaishnavism with fluency in Sanskrit , Tamil and Source
granthams on Sri Vaishnavism . The monograph that you are
referrign to published by T.T.DevasthAnam ( sries no.277 ) .
He is also the author of the English translation of the commentary of
 Sri Vishnu SahasranAmam by Parasara Bhattar , which our 
Sri Krishnamachari refers to frequently in his postings . 
Professor Raghavan is a rare gem among Sri VaishNavite Scholars .
This work on Parasara Bhattar's commentary was done in 1983. 
Two years later , he completed the work on the monograph .
Others like Sri Alwar of Melkote might know more about him . 