AchArya Vandanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Mon Dec 08 1997 - 13:47:00 PST
Dear Members of the Bhakthi Group : Sriman Dileepan posted a moving article on prakrutham Azhagiya Singar , who is celebrating his 72 nd birth day in service to Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan today at Bombay . I would like to add my tribute to Srimadh VEdamArgEdhyAthi JnAna VairAgyAnushtAna ParipUrNa paramahamsa parivrAjakAchArya Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha PaadhukhA sevaka Sri AdhiVaNN SatakOpa Sri NaarAyaNa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan . Swami Desikan has pointed out that it is impossible to pay back in any manner to The AchAryA , who lights the lamp of knowledge in our minds and banishes the nescience and vipareetha JnAnam that occupied our mind before . The only service that we can do is to praise His kalyANa guNAs and reflect on them and to spread the message of the great help that he gave us ( AchAryam prakAsayEth ) : yERRi manatthu yezhil jnAna viLakkai iruL anaitthum mARRinavarkku oru kaimmAru Maayanum kANahillAn pORRi uhapathum punthiyil koLvathum pongu puhazh sARRI vaLarpathum saRRallavO munnam peRRathaRkE Swami Desikan states authoritatively that even the Lord can not find a proper way to return the gratitude for the AchAryan who lit the JnAna deepam in our minds and chased away the darkness of ajnAnam . To demonstrate this principle of the most exalted status of the AchAryan , The Lord Himself has taken the role of a disciple at Thirukkurungudi as VaishNava Nambi and learnt rahasyArthams from Acharya RaamAnujA ; Lord RanganathA listened to the eedu pravachanam from MaNavALa maamuni at Srirangam and blessed that AcharyA with the " Sri SailEsa dayApathram " taniyan . Sri Sampath Rengarajan discusses in a forthcoming article in saraNAgathi Journal other instances where the Lord has taken the role of SishyA to celebrate the AchAryA and to point ot us the greatnes of AchArya mahAthmyam . Sathyaki Tantram gives us the same message , when it says : " GurO: Gurutaram naasthi " ( There is nothing more sacred than one's AchAryA ) . Upanishad asserts : " AchArya dEvO Bahva " . Our reverence for the AchArya paramparai and particularly to the present AchAryA , who rendered yeoman service by the opening our spiritual eye is worthy of the most serious celebration every day in general and particularly on his avathAra day . Today is such a day for the sishyALs of Ahobila Mutt (Sri Matam ) paramparai . Swami Desiakn has started appropriately Sri NyAsa Tilakam with the salutations to his AchAryAs and the prAchAryAs : Gurubhyastadhgurubhyuasccha namOvAkamadheemahE I vruNeemahE cha tathrAdhyou Dampathi JagathAm pathee II ( Meaning ) : We salute our AchAryA many times for instructing us on the true meanings of sAsthrAs and for nourishing us with the milk of true JnAnam . Afterwards , we salute their AchAryAs and the AchArya paramparai ending with the Divya Dampathis . We salute the Divya Dampathis as our prathamAchAryAs and elect them as our means and fruits for our prapatthi . In the second slOkam of Sri NyAsa Vimsathi , Sri NigamAntha Mahaa Desikan gives us the reasons for worshipping the AchAryan as equivalent to SarvEsvaran . He also states emphatically in the spirit of Saathyaki Tanthram that no one can ever pay back the debt of gratitude to one's AchAryA for their mahOpakAram . It is for this reason that , Swami Desikan says that we have to worship our AchAryAs as the Lord Himself ( AchArya : sadhbhi: aprathyupakaraNa dhiyA dEvavath upasya: syAth ) . In this slOkam of Sri NyAsa Vimsathi , Swami enlists the reasons for worshipping one's AchArya as SaraNyan Himself . Swami adduces the reasons for the saamyathvam (equivalence ) between the Lord and the AchAryA in terms of the help they provide to us : (1) The Lord destroys the ajnAnam of the chEthanAs ; The Achaaryan through appropriate and precious instructions removes the darkness of nescience residing in the minds of the sishyAs (AjnAna dhvAntharodhAdh ) (2) The Lord banishes the sins of chEthanAs ; AchAryan also removes the sins of even MahA Paapis through upadEsams and frees them from the accumulated sins (Agha HaraNAdh ) (3) The Lord through the upAyam of Prapatthi leads the chEthanAs to His abode and gives them the opportunity to enjoy the bliss there in a manner equal to Himself ; AchAryA also makes his disciples equal to him through initiation in to AnushtAnam and instructions on JnAnam and GuNam (AthmasAmyAvahathvAth) (4) The Lord blesses prapannAs with Moksham and makes them muktha jeevans and thus gives them new life; the AchAryan blesses the sishyAs with Tatthva JnAnam and changes their birth from that of a human and gives them JnAnap piRavi , which destroys the cycles of births and deaths ( Janma pradhvamsi janma pradha garimatayA ) (5) The Lord with His divine and benovolent glances enhances the satthva guNam of the chEthanAs and makes them ardent pursuers of MOksahm ; The AchAryan out of his depth of compassion overlooks the dhurguNams of any magnitude in those , who approach him and through his good instructions lifts them up to reach the supreme goal in life ( Divya dhrushti prabhAvaath ) (6) The Lord's dayA flows without interruption independent of the lowliness of the aparAdhi ; Similarly , the AchAryA's compassion flows in a limitless manner towards his sishyAs ( Nish- prathyUha aanrusamsyAth ) independent of their pUrva samskArams . (7) The Lord stays as Insatiable nectar always ( aparyApthAmrutha AarAvamudhan ) ; The AchAryan also stays as the nectar in this piRavi , in Sri VaikuNtam and in any place and any time ( niyatha rasathayA ) (8) The Lord stays in a state of relationship with the chEthanAs in an indissoluble manner ( uRavu Ozhikka OzhiyAthu ) ; AchArya also has a similar realtionship with his sishyAs because of his supreme role in opening the spiritual eye of the sishyA (nithya sEshithva yOgaath ) . Thus , Swami Desikan gives 8 reasons for us to worship our AchAryA as the Lord Himself . Swami is known for compling the logical statements in the hundreds as ThArkika Simham ( satha dhUshaNi , PradhAna Sathakam ) . In prAdhana sathakam , he gives hundred examples for our upliftment . Here Swami Desikan focuses on the items that one , who is desirous of achieving Moksham should know without doubt . These subcategories adding upto hundred upadEsams are :(1) The PramANams that relate to the Lord (2) the special meanings of the Three rahasyAs (3) the svarUpam of saraNAgathi (4) the code of conduct for PrapannAs -- the things to do and the things to avoid (5) the ways to prevent apachArams from creeping in (6) the ways to compensate for apachArams , if they happen (7) The methods to engage in Bhagavadh-Bhaagavatha- AchArya Kaimkaryams (8) Moksha Sukham . Here again , the 100 upadEsams are grouped in an octad fashion . A clear understanding of the essence of PradhAna sathakam will give all of us , what we need to carry our heads high , while steeped in Kaimkarya Sree and to qualify for the AchAryA's ( the Lord"s ) paramAnugraham . In pradhAna Sathakam , Swami Desikan adopts the technique of listing three items and then helps us to pick the supermacy among the three he lists asthe most essential to know or perform . In the section devoted to Bhagavadh-Bhagavatha - AchArya Kaimkaryams ( items 64-69 ) , Swami Desikan celebrates the importance of AchAryAs . I will summarize these five items related to the uttama sthAnam of one's AchAryA and other items associated with the significance of one's AchAryA below : Item 64 : One should perform kaimkaryam to BhagavathAs . The PramANams aver that there is no one superior to one's AchAryA . Therefore , the kaimkaryam performed for one's AchAryA in the role of a BhagavathA is far superior to the kaimkaryams done to mere BhagavathAs . Item 65: Kaimkaryam is of three kinds : The first is Bhagavdh Kaimkaryam , the middle one is the Bhagavatha Kaimkaryam and the last is AchArya Kaimkaryam . Among the three kaimkaryams , AchArya kaimkaryam is the most superior . If AchArya kaimkaryam mingles with Bhagavatha kaimkaryam , then it goes to the front . Item 66: If the first ( Bhagavath ) , the middle ( Bhagavatha) kaimkaryam joins with the last (AchArya ) kaimkaryam, it rises to the top of all Kaimkaryams . Item 67: The types of kaimkaryams prescribed for BhagavAn , His BhagavathAs and one"s AchArya are innumerable . It is not possible to do all the three kinds of Kaimkaryam . Therefore , one has to follow the sAsthrEic injunctions and select those kaimkaryams that are within one's limits . The most important aspect of performing kaimkaryam is to engage in kaimkaryams that suit the intersts of the receiver of that kaimkaryam . Item 68: When one performs these kaimkaryams , the performer has to have a pure heart free from ego . The kaimkaryam has to be done with deep affection and conviction and not in a superficial manner or for impressing others . Item 69 : The worldly wisdom is that the kaimkaryams exceuted by a chEthanA is for gaining a result (palan ) . When one performs kaimkaryam with this awareness , one gains mental satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment . In reality , this joy born out of performing kaimkaryam is embedded in the joy of the Lord . The vivEki , who understands the significance of this truth will be very dear to the Lord . Item 83 : Among the apachArams to the Lord , His BhagavathAs and one's AchAryA , the worst is the apachAram to the AchAryA . One can seek remedies for the apachArams to the Lord and His BhagavathAs , but the Lord does not forgive those , who committ AchAryApachAram . Item 84: One of the worst apachArams to one's AchAryaa is to forget the mahOpakAram that he did to open one's spirtual eye and thus become ungrateful . Item 87 : One accumulates sins through following acts not prescribed by sAshtrAs . One has to perform prAyascchittham to ward those sins . Failure to do so would land us in the worst state. One's AcharyA out of his infinite mercy intervenes and saves us from running such a serious risk and puts us back on the royal road to moksham . Item 89 : One's parents , teachers belong to the class of Gurus. Among them , the one , who revealed the VedAntha saasthrAs to us is the supreme Guru . Item 90 : There may be many AchAryAs , who taught us VedAntha SaasthrArthams . But , the one, who instructed us in the thre rahasyAs for Moksham or initiated Prapatthi is the supreme among this class of VedAnthAchAryAs . He is VedAnthAchArya Varya: Item 92: The kaimkaryam started with the permission and blessing of the AchAryan in Bhagavadh SannidhAnam is the supreme most kaimkaryam . It heads the list . Item 97 : Among the approaches to develop superior JnAnam is to offer our salutations to those , who have enduring spiritual maturity and understanding of the true knowledge taught by AchAryAs . It is with these ennobling thoughts of Swami Desikan , I conclude my salutations to my AchAryan , AdivaNN SatakOpa , Sri LakshmI Nrusimha PaadhukhA sevaka Sri NaarAyaNa yatheendhra MahA Desikan on his day of avathAram . DasOham , Oppiliappan Koil VaradaachAri Sadagopan
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