Re: Prabanda Parayanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Mon Dec 08 1997 - 11:46:42 PST
Satish wrote: > On a different note, I am this question for quite some time: > Almost all aazhwaars have ignored varadaraja perumal for some reason. > I can recall only boothathaazhwaar (aththiyUraan..) singing in > praise of varadar. What was the reason for this? Please excuse me if > this question has been already answered earlier. Sri Sadagopan has already posted about some other alvars who have mentioned Varadaraja PerumaaL. But you are right to notice the relative omission, compared to Srirangam and Tirupati (vengadam), and particularly compared to how much later acharyas such as Kurattalvan and Desika were enamored by this God. I can surmise a reason, based on my reading and talking to some Kanchipuram locals. It seems that at the time of the alvars, the Varadaraja PerumaaL kOvil was not nearly as grand or important as some of the other shrines. In fact, thiru vehka (yathokta kAri svAmi, sonna vaNNam seyda perumaaL) nearby in Kanchi seemed to be much more important to the first alvars (mudhal alvargaL). Maybe our own Bhashyam Nallappa, who hails from thiru vehka, can clarify this. Anyway, perhaps due to the association of great people Tirukkacci Nambi, Ramanuja, and others, more and more people became attached to Varadaraja PerumaaL, compared to other local shrines in Kanchi (there are so many temples there!), eventually leading to the situation we have today where the Varadaraja Swami shrine is simply known to Sri Vaishnavas as "perumaaL kOvil". There are also those Kanchipuram natives who lovingly and zealously believe that any mention in the Prabandham to "Lord of the Devas", (as in amarargaL adhipathi, tvm 1.1.1) refers specifically to Kanchi Varadaraja Swami (dheyvap perumaaL)! Mani
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