AzhvArs on PeraruLALan

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Dec 08 1997 - 09:25:22 PST

                                  Sri :
             Srimate  Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Para Brahmane Namaha
             Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka - 
         Srivan  Sadagopa  Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha      
                  Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha 
                  Srimate  Bhagavad   RAmAnujAya  Namaha      
                    Sriyai Namaha ; SridharAya  Namaha

     Dear  Satish and other BhagavathALs,
     Namo NArAyanA . kindly accept adiyens pranAmams. 

     Adiyen feels  that Swami Desikan has answered this
question in his VaradarAja PanchAsat .

  "Oh VaradA ! Doyens among sages , of unfailing wisdom , found themselves
unequal to the task of capturing , in words, Your splendor and stood
merely dazed ! And on such a subject , namely Yourself , now I take a deep
dive , - a daring venture indeed ! - to compose a hymn. May I be forgiven
for this adventurous act ! "  ( sloka 2 )

  Swami Desikan  says that AzhvArs were at loss of words , because
of Lord Varadans splendor and thats why they didn't  specifically name Him
and sing Varadans praise ! One certainly needs to go the bhAvA of AzhvArs
and Desikan to understand these intimate relationships between Varadan and
His dear devotees.PeraruLALan is mystics of all mystics ( AzhvArs are
mystic saints) ; the leelAs of both these type of mystics cannot be
understood by mortals ( if they are keen in applying materialistic
logic);but the same mortals can understand these things with great ease if 
they faithfully follow the AchAryAs (spiritual logic).  

     The pAsurams referred by Sri Sadagopan  on PeraruLALan , doesn't
explicitly has the name of varadan in it , because of the above mentioned
reason (according to adiyens understanding). 

   Namo NArAyanA


   Anantha PadmanAbha dAsan  

                      Sarvam  Sri KrishnArpanamastu  

  *                KARALAPAKKAM ANAND K.  (K.K.ANAND)                * 
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  *                    U-200 , BOX #173 , UCONN ,                    *    
  *                    445 - WHITNEY ROAD  EXTN ,                    *  
  *                      STORRS ,  CT 06269                          * 
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   Namo NArAyanA


   Anantha PadmanAbha dAsan  

                      Sarvam  Sri KrishnArpanamastu  

  *                KARALAPAKKAM ANAND K.  (K.K.ANAND)                * 
  *                                                                  *
  *                    U-200 , BOX #173 , UCONN ,                    *    
  *                    445 - WHITNEY ROAD  EXTN ,                    *  
  *                      STORRS ,  CT 06269                          * 
  *                                                                  *   
  *                     TEL :(860) 427-6579 (RES)                    *   